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The Censorship Of Facebook And The
Denial Of First Amendment Rights
The Spiritual Meaning Of The Scriptures
The Folly Of Bishop Fulton Sheen
Achieving Wholeness, Completion And
Master Who Sinned, This Man Or His
Parents That He Was Born Gay?
Celebrating And Preaching The Gospel Of
Constantine While Rejecting Christ
The Second Coming Of Christ Is Here And
Baptism -- The Required Wedding Garment
That Christians Reject and Lack
The Teacher Within That Is The Being Of
The Necessity And Reality Of Faith
Was Jesus God Incarnate?
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Of
Constitutional God-Given Rights
Trump - The Law Of Karma -- The Fate Of
The Jury And The People
The Atheists Who Shackle Science To
Jesus Was A Man Who Fulfiled The Law And
Became At-One With The Divine
Mind/Word/Logos/Son Of God
Developing The Eyes To See And Ears To
Hear The Truth And Light Of Spirit
Prayer For The People Of New York -
Despotic Regime Prison
The Emergence Of Modern
The Second Coming Has Already Transpired
Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves -
Spiritual Cathedral
Woman As The Spiritual Catalyst To
Escape Plato's Cave
Our Metaphysical Reality
They Are Looking In The Wrong Place For
The Kingdom
Achieving The Subsequent Stages Of Birth
- Receiving Christ
The One Teacher You Must Seek And Learn
The Correctors Of Constantine
Fulfilling The Law - Spiritual Sabbath
Is Heaven A Myth
Heaven Or Not - The Great Lie Of The
Intended Legal Action Against Facebook
Using The Key Of Knowledge To Enter The
The Corruption Of The Words That God
Spoke To Mankind
The Facts That Atheists And Christians
Fear And Choose To Ignore
The Source Of Confusion Among Mankind
The Spiritual Source Of All Religions
That Can Be Rediscovered
Self-Knowledge -- The Wall Of Separation
Dividing All People And Groups
Bible Corruption - Does It matter?
The Purpose Of The Natural Laws And The
God's Words To Mankind Was Corrupted By
The Church
Seeing Through The Eyes Of Your Soul's
Previous Lives
The True Purpose Of Sex Between A Man
And Woman That Few People Understand
You Are A Unique Personality Of Your
Soul That Evolves Over Many Lives - You
Do Not Reincarnate
Duality - Birth - The Divine Marriage
Does the Bible Promote Slavery?
Who Can Cast The First Stone
The Law And The Slave
Prove It! Are you Blind to God and
The Alchemical Transformation Of The
Spiritual Marriage
The Church Got It All In Reverse And
Did God Give Us Reason And Not Religion
as Deist's State?
Is Deism The New Body Of Blind
The Cosmology Of The Divine Mind
Who Is Without? And Who Is The House
With The Lord?
The Esoteric Sermon On The Mount
True But False -- Prof. Dr. Bart Ehrmann
St. Teresa Of Avila - The Law - And
Seeing God
You Are Living All Your Soul-Lives
Wholeness And Our Unknown True-Self
Can We Recall Our Pre-Birth Memories?
Blinded By Our Own Beliefs -- The
Walking Dead
The Teachings Of Jesus On Entering The
The Illegitimacy Of Modern Christianity
Spiritual Vs Man Made Religions
The Enigma Of Christian Spiritual
Deception And Lies That Must Be Resolved
The Spiritual Death Of The Bible Student
and The Shackles Of Bad Beliefs About
Jesus Rejected Christianity
Man/Woman And The Reunification Of Adam
And Eve Into One
Library Of Alexandria And Higher
Knowledge And Consciousness
The Great Lie Of The Church and the
Great Commission
You See God In Accord With The Frequency
and Vibration Of Your Own Mind
The Eyewitness Account - The Suppression
Of The Teachings Of Jesus
Is Gnosis Heresay?
The Ignorance of Martin Luther and The
Satanic Detriment to the Church
Are Christians Really Christian?
Can The Gospels Be Read
The Lie Of Atheism
The Suicide And Death Of The Dominating
Omnism And The Role Of Women In Marriage
The Restoration And Rebirth Of the
Original Gospel Teachings
Self-Imposed Gayness
You Can't Come To Christ Worshiping The
Anti-Christ Of The Church
The Death Of Spiritual Christianity
Christians Reject The Truth And The
Original Gospel Teachings
Who Really Wrote The Bible?
The Allegory Of The Biblical Slave
The Self-Imposed Blindness Of Science
The Enigma Of The Scriptures -- The
Inconvenient Truth of the Scriptures
The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On
Does God Ignore The Plight Of Mankind?
Belief In The Faux-Doctrines Of Pagan
What Is A Wife? Marriage? The
Transformed Wife
Was Jesus Physically Crucified ?
What Constitutes Proof?
The Whole Truth That Is Ignored By The
The Law And The Gospels
The Choices You Must Make
The Lost Gospel "Q"
The Allegory Of Jacob's Ladder
The Circus Prostitute Who Ruled Over
Church Teachings
Dwelling In The Mind Of God
The Sufi Prodigal Son - Journey Back To
The True Prophet Within You
One Nation Under God -- Who's God --
Christians In Denial Of The Facts
The Einstein Rule And The Paradoxical
Waiting For The Return Of Jesus
The God Gene
Spiritual Censorship By FaceBook
Achieving Wholeness Of Mind In Accord
With The Gospel Teachings
When Man Meets Woman
Your True-Self - Being Of Light
Reply To Freedom From Religion
The Truth Of Man's Holy Books And
The Limitation Of Atheism And Science
Did Jesus Have Freewill?
Melinate People - Original People?
The Shadow-Realm Inwhich We Dwell
Edgar Cayce And The Law Of Octaves
The Re-Imagined Jesus Of Pagan Rome
Your Corrupted Bible
The Big Lie - That The
Rejection Of Conflicting Religious
Tenets Constitutes Hatred
The Causal Factors Of Life
Intelligence & Jacob's Ladder
Age Regression To View Your Soul's
Previous Lives
Are The After-Life Documentaries
Crackpot Nonsense?
The Universal Language Of The Soul And
the Virgin Birth
The Persecution Of The Jews
Religious Facts
The Heritage Of Jesus
Surviving Death
Has Pseudo-Science, Faux-Academia and
Secularized-Religion Chained and
Enslaved You?
Gnosis -- The Only Source Of Genuine
Truth And Knowledge
Blaspheme -- The Laws of Nature And
Nature's God
The Fall From Eden Was Forced Upon
Mankind By The Laws of God
The Folly Of The Closed-Minded Person
What Kind Of Future Are You Creating?
The Coming Earth Shifts And the New
Spiritual Beginning
God Is Consciousness
The Eternal Light - The Trinity
Entering The Consecrated Temple
The Light Of The Trinity As The Divine
Pattern Of Creation
Enter In At The Narrow Gate To The
Paul - Apostle Or Apostate?
Exoteric vs Esoteric
The Blindness Of Academia
Jesus Taught The Kingdom Wihin You
Trump - Gift From God
Does One Religion Copy From Another?
Inner Journey Through A
Does Hell Exist
The Original Sin Of The Church
Continued Ignorance Is A Choice
The Trinity Of Error - New Age And
The Church -- Is It The Spawn Of The
Historical Facade And The Spiritual
Meaning of the Scriptures
Spiritual Rebirth And Regeneration
3/24/20 |
The Restored Gospel And The Ebionite
3/7/20 |
How Previous Sexual Partners Affect
1/4/20 |
The Esoteric Reality of the Races
12/28/19 |
Speaking in Tongues
12/3/19 |
Genuine Believers Fulfill the Works and
Miracles of Jesus
11/18/19 |
What Happened To Zacharias
11/6/19 |
In answer to the article How can I have
assurance of my salvation
10/5/19 |
The Importance Of Faith In The Unknown
8/20/19 |
The Spiritual Transformation Of Africa
6/27/19 |
Questions From A Sincere Baptist Seeker
6/22/19 |
Reply To: The Bible Is Fiction by Daniel
6/21/19 |
Did Jesus Love The Woman At The Well?
6/16/19 |
The Teacher Of Righteousness
5/30/19 |
Can You Come To Jesus?
5/15/19 |
Who Is God?
4/18/19 |
Is Pete Buttigieg Another Victim Of The
3/27/19 |
Was Jesus God?
3/23/19 |
Achieving Soul-Completion and Wholeness
3/22/19 |
Dy |
Continued Censorship Of Original Gospel
3/9/19 |
How Important Is The Spiritual Wisdom Of
Giordano Bruno To Modern Man
2/25/19 |
When You Look Into The Scriptures
2/17/19 |
FaceBook's Raging Atheist Censors
Declare War On The Word Of God
2/9/19 |
The Folly Of Literal/Historical
Interpretations Of The Gospels
1/30/19 |
The Cosmology Of The Gospels
1/16/19 |
Reincarnation - The Key To Christianity
1/11/19 |
The Christian Rejection Of The New
12/30/18 |
At-Onement With The Logos/Son Of God
12/20/18 |
The Universal Journey In TheWay
12/14/18 |
Do Jews Believe in Heaven or
Reincarnation (or Both)?
11/30 |
Jesus Born Of A Physical Virgin?
11/21/18 |
Paul The Apostate
11/17/18 |
Judgment Of Other Rligious Paths
10/10/18 |
Why Don't You Remember Your Soul's
Previous Lives?
9/28/18 |
The Paradoxical Enigma Of The Senate
Conformation Hearings
9/24/18 |
A Reply To Rapture Ready - Armageddon
9/13/18 |
The UnForgivable Spiritual Blasphemy Of
The Church
9/2/18 |
The Inner War Of Racial Activists
8/26/18 |
The Restored New Covenant And Path of
8/21/18 |
The Old Testament As the Letter That
8/15/18 |
Are Christians Under The Law of Grace?
8/8/18 |
The New Emerging Body Of Science Proves
Spiritual Religion
7/11/18 |
Is The Scriptures Just Myth?
6/11/18 |
The Folly Of Trump Haters -- Academia's
War On The Feminine
6/5/18 |
Beasts Who Walk In The Form Of Man
5/30/18 |
The Science Delusion
5/24/18 |
Is Pres. Trump Wrong? Is MS-13 Animals?
5/20/18 |
The Spiritual Sabbath
5/11/18 |
The Pre-Existent Soul As The True Gospel
5/9/18 |
Cause of Evil & Ignorance - Three Causes
of Human Spiritual Blindness
4/25/18 |
Reply To: When Does Believing Become
4/5/18 |
Are You Ready For A Spiritual
3/2/18 |
What Did Billy Graham Say?
2/23/18 |
The Wisdom Of Billy Graham
2/16/18 |
The Folly Of Borrowed (Pagan) Beliefs
2/3/18 |
Nourished By The Fruit Of The Tree Of
1/13/18 |
Natural Healing -- Lessening Sexual Aka
Chord Connections.
11/27 |
Why Christians Must Vote For Roy Moore
11/13 |
The Unknown Truth About The Gospels
11/4/17 |
Science Proves Spirituality
10/4/17 |
Linear vs Intuitive Development Of The
9/1/17 |
Why Does Scripture Utilize Mystical
Symbols and Allegory?
8/26/17 |
Will Amazon Solve Climate Change -
Cancer & Heart Disease - Spiritual
7/19/17 |
Are You A True Spiritual Christian? Or
One Of This World?
7/1/17 |
Do Christians Hear The Holy Spirit?
6/8/17 |
Why Were The Disciples of Jesus Strict
5/15/17 |
The fruits of the spirit - ADULTERY
4/14/17 |
Answering The Questions Of Life
4/1/17 |
The Original Gospel vs the quasi-Gnostic
Teachings of the Iranian Prophet Mani
and the Church
2/5/17 |
Using The Scriptures As The Key Of
1/27/17 |
Has Donald Trump Become A Savior?
1/24/17 |
Has Mankind Been Stricken With Spiritual
12/26 |
Cluelessness At The Huffington Post
12/15 |
A Message To An Atheist - Are The
Scriptures Out-Dated?
11/13 |
Innate Knowledge Of The Truth Of All
Truths - Anamnesis
11/9/16 |
What Would Thomas Paine Say? The
Election of Donald Trump over the
Socialism of the Radical Left
10/30 |
Are There Spiritual Ramifications Voting
For Hillary?
10/22 |
Revealed Deism vs Revealed Christianity
S |
9/10/16 |
The Labyrinth Of Laws and the Outer
Darkness Of Mind And Being
8/31/16 |
Religious Dogmatic Milk vs The Divine
Manna (Gnosis) |
Triangulation - The Laws - The
Spiritually Mature Mind
7/29/16 |
Should Islam Have Constitutional Rights? |
7/25/16 |
The Gift - The Higher Spiritual Truth
Taught By Jesus To His Disciples |
6/22/16 |
Christians Ask To Be Deceived By Blind
Charlatan Guides |
6/12/16 |
The Truth About Animal Sacrifice |
5/28/16 |
A Message From Jesus Unto The Churches |
5/25/16 |
Science Confirms Original Spiritual
Christianity: |
5/24/16 |
Synchronicity And Man's In-Ability To Break Out Of The
Time-Continuum Box
5/1/16 |
The Faux-Baptism Of The Church
4/23/16 |
Jesus The (Law) Professor
1/14/16 |
The Abominable Sin Of Lying About God - WWJD? Is Trump
Right? |
11/4/15 |
Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned In The Bible |
9/13/15 |
Will Pope Francis Come To TheCall - Time For A Spiritual
Reformation |
8/22/15 |
Black Christians Vs White Christians |
8/18/15 |
Jesus The University Professor |
8/6/15 |
Low Information Christians Who Worship The Anti-Christ |
7/14/15 |
Essential Christian Teachings Suppressed By The
Church Of Constantine |
7/5/15 |
Reply: Melbourne Mum Infuriated By
Church's Sex Advice In School |
6/28/15 |
Should Christians Embrace Genuine Spiritual Marriage? Civil
Union vs Marriage
6/19/15 |
Pope Francis - Talk The Talk Without Walking The Walk? |
4/19/15 |
Why Are Some People Born Homosexual? Why Is Homosexuality
Rejected In The Bible? |
3/30/15 |
Has North Carolina Outlawed The Original Teachings Of Jesus? |
1/18/15 |
Tucker Carlson - Pope Francis - The UnAnswerable Question? |
10/4/14 |
The Tree Of Life And The Divine Marriage |
10/6/14 |
The Tree Of Life And The Divine Marriage Part II |
6/27/14 |
The Thinking Housewife - Pythagoras And The Esoteric
Feminine Mystique |
4/9/14 |
Larry Stone - The Folly Of Your Noah Article And The Dogma
Of The Church |
3/24/14 |
John 4:18-24 - The Divine Role Of Woman - The Woman At The
Well |
3/17/14 |
Cosmos - Giordano Bruno - The Great Lie Of The TV Series |
1/28/14 |
Barack Obama - Social Equality And Justice - Ineqality |
12/24/13 |
O'Reilly vs Duck Dynasty |
8/11/13 |
Opening The Eyes Of the Heart |
7/28/13 |
Conversations About Race - A Letter To Crystal Wright @
Conservative Black Chick |
6/20/13 |
Ignorance - Interracial Soul-Attachments
5/22/13 |
Reply To: Christians, It's Not A
Sin To
Change Your Beliefs
5/18/13 |
In Reply To: Sexual Violence And
The Church - The Folly Of Sojourners Mag.
4/19/13 |
Who Wrote The Bible And Why It Matters?
3/5/13 |
China Copies Church & Roman Emperor
- Bans Reincarnation |
12/25/12 |
Church Of The Roman Emperors vs Jesus - Christmas?
12/19/12 |
Update - Why Are There School Shootings?
12/16/12 |
Are There School Shootings?
12/13/12 |
Rick Snyder Saves The People Of Michigan
11.25/12 |
Can't I Remember My Past Lives?
10/19/12 |
Did Jesus Have A Wife?
9/26/12 |
Born Congenital Liars - Is This True of Obama
9/13/12 |
Obama's Chickens Have Come Home To
Roost!!! |
9/7/12 |
Democrats Reject God - The American
Downfall - Thomas Paine & The American Crisis Redux |
8/25/12 |
Freedom Of Opinion - Not Facts
8/5/12 |
The Chicken War - Gay Marriage -
Choices Have Consequences!
7/22/12 |
Kaitlyn Fonzi & Intuitive
7/16/12 |
Jesus A Pharisee? Is Spiritual Israel Synonymous With
Judaism? |
7/5/12 |
Do We
Need The Book Of Mormon? The Torah? The Gospels? The Qur'an? Or
Any Scriptures? |
6/16/12 |
Christian Pagan
Superstition vs Intellectual Folly |
6/1/12 |
The Key Of Knowledge
5/26/12 |
The Esoteric Reality Of
Virginity And Sex |
5/1/12 |
Bob Beckel - The light Of
The Typical Naive & Misinformed Liberal |
4/10/12 |
Are Mormons Christian?
4/9/12 |
Jefferson's Bible And Our
Constitutional Foundation |
4/5/12 |
The Outer Darkness Of Mind
And Being |
4/4/12 |
An American Tragedy
Perpetuated |
3/10/12 |
Justice Scalia - Should We
Abandon The Intellect? |
2/22/12 |
The Devil & Maxine Waters -
A Story Of Satanic Seduction
2/20/12 |
Losing Our Religion - will
Bishop Dolan Restore The Church? |
2/03/12 |
The Abomination Of Obama's
Prayer - The Folly Of Social Justice |
1/29/12 |
Real Trinity
1/02/12 |
Is The Government Of
Australia Legitimate? |
1/02/12 |
Constitutional Questions -
the Cross And the Seat Belt |
11/27/11 |
The Cross And The Seat Belt |
10/18/11 |
Jesus And The
Political/Religious Environment Of Truth |
10/10/11 |
Is Mormonism A Cult? Or Is
One Cult Condemning Another Cult? |
9/13/11 |
Is North Carolina
Constitutionally Immoral? |
8/19/11 |
Perry Heckled -- But Why? |
6/29/11 |
Why Does Man Ignore The
Most Important Facts Of Reality? |
6/08/11 |
Reply: Is Marriage Lost? Or
Was It Thrown Away By The Church |
5/17/11 |
Unconstitutional Government
Intrusion - Spiritual Intuitive - Raw Milk |
5/16/11 |
Doomsday Prophets -
Insanity - Servants Of The AntiChrist |
4/12/11 |
Triangle Free Thought
Billboards Serve Will Of God |
3/09/11 |
Do Conservatives Desire
Truth? Historical Facts? |
1/4/11 |
Letter To An Atheist - The
Truth Interrupted |
12/30/10 |
Letter To WallBuilders -
The Constitution From A Deist Perspective |
12/18/10 |
The Truth About Paul
12/17/19 |
An Inconvenient Truth |
11/28/10 |
The Folly Of The Atheists
-- Myth? Or Allegory? What Is The Difference? |
11/28/10 |
A Spiritual Encounter With
The One Teacher And True Prophet |
11/06/10 |
Another Gay Clergy? Why? |
10/31/10 |
Your Vote = Your Own
Future!!! |
10/23/10 |
The Folly Of Social Justice
- The Counterfeit Dogma Of Jim Wallis And The Marxist Left |
10/22/10 |
The Myth Of The Moderate
Muslim |
10/6/10 |
Reply: Mr. President, Learn
From Ceausescu - The Folly Of Marxist Social Justice |
9/20/10 |
If You Continue To Repeat A
Lie -- Does It Become The Truth? |
9/8/10 |
A Perfect Ideological Storm
- Obama And The Burning Qur'an |
8/30/10 |
Reply: What Glenn Beck
Could Learn From "Winter Bone' - The Reality Of The Laws Ignored
8/25/10 |
Reply To Sojourners - Rev.
Jim Wallis & Rev. Jennifer Kottler - The WTC Mosque |
8/04/10 |
Atheism - Intellectually
Informed? Or Intellectually Bankrupt? You Decide?
7/26/10 |
Lutheran Clergy - Cultural
Or Spiritual Leaders? You Decide!!! |
7/14/10 |
Gov. Bev Perdue And The
Sins Of The NC Police & Their Exposure |
7/8/10 |
John 9:1 And The Cause Of
Blindness |
7/3/10 |
Glenn Beck And The
Pharisaic Christian Council |
6/28/10 |
Rolling Stone Invokes
Judgment Against Left & |
6/21/10 |
Reply - Iranian Fatwa
Against Dogs |
6/2/10 |
Palestinian Conflict With
Israel - The Abomination Of The World Council Of Churches |
5/23/10 |
The Christian Satanic
Prayer Of Profound Ignorance |
5/22/10 |
The Gospel Of Paul |
5/12/10 |
Keeping The Law - A Reply
To Richard Rives |
5/09/10 |
An Esoteric Reality Of
Marriage - Reply: Why Mom's Cheat On Mother's Day |
5/04/10 |
Reply: Public Schoolers -
How's That Indoctrination Working Out For You? |
4/20/10 |
Does Casual Sex Matter?
4/12/10 |
Ten Minutes To Truth - Can
You Afford To Remain Spiritually Complacent? |
4/1/10 |
The 7 Laws Of Noah
3/28/10 |
The Logos - Is It Jesus?
3/27/10 |
The Lie Of Christianity -
That Yeshua/Jesus Was God |
3/23/10 |
Separation Of Church &
State - School Choice - The Practice Of Religion |
3/17/10 |
Reply: Peter Heck - The
South Is Rising Again |
2/28/10 |
Why Is There Evil? The
Plight Of Dominic Johansson - The Persecution Of HomeSchoolers |
2/26/10 |
If You Bear His Name, But
Not Possess His Power |
2/22/10 |
The Truth And TheWay |
2/14/10 |
Shouldn't The Truth Be
Told? |
2/9/10 |
Reply: Same Sex Acts
Unnatural For Heterosexuals |
2/7/10 |
The Apostate Church And The
Rejection Of God |
2/4/10 |
A Clarification On A Recent
Health-Care Action Alert - The United Methodist Church |
1/7/10 |
Ann Coulter -
The Fine Print
- If You Can Find A Better Deal, Take It |
12/29/09 |
Was Jesus God? |
12/24/09 |
Was America Founded With
The Seeds Of The Occult? |
12/19/09 |
Church Of Judas
Opposes Sen. Ben Nelson On Abortion-Health Care |
11/25/09 |
The Manhattan
Declaration And The Spiritual Black Plague |
11/9/09 |
Reply: Open Letter &
The Great Lie - Sarah vs Opra |
8/28/09 |
Obama - The Church's
New Simon Magus |
6/17/09 |
Why Are Women Unhappy - An
Esoteric Reality |
3/26/09 |
The Coming Spiritual Conflict
- Obama's Red Spiritual Adviser |
3/12/09 |
God's Indictment Of The Church |
3/1/09 |
Black Wisdom And The Messiah
From Hell |
1/26/09 |
The Lost Prodigal Son, And
The Christian Diaspora |
1/17/09 |
Bible Expert Proclaims:
Jesus Is Not God! |
10/29/08 |
Election Day Holocaust -
The Fate That Awaits You |
09/08/08 |
Reply: The God Who Wasn't
There |
09/05/08 |
Jim Wallis - Has This Man
Sold Your Soul To The Devil |
08/16/08 |
Fidelity To The Teachings
Of TheWay - Reply To NeW |
08/12/08 |
Network Of Enlightened
Women (NeW) - The Time Has Come |
07/18/08 |
A Reply To Jim Wallis &
Brian McLaren |
06/24/08 |
Are Homeschool Children
Being Represented? |
06/23/08 |
Global Warming And The
Changing Times |
06/18/08 |
The Folly Of Evangelist
Bill Keller |
05/05/08 |
Bill O'Reilly, The Cult,
And The Absurdity Of Ultimate Irrationality |
04/30/08 |
A Letter Of Reason To Larry
Elder |
04/30/08 |
A Letter To Bill Moyers And
Alan Colmes |
04/25/08 |
Has The Chickens Come Home
To Roost For African-Americans? |
04/17/08 |
Pope Benedict XVI And The
Dictatorship Of Relativism |
04/10/08 |
Jim Wallis Calls For
Christians To Worship Caesar! |
04/06/08 |
Martin Luther King Jr.'s
Niece Says Abortion Is The New Civil Rights Cause |
03/30/08 |
Will Islam Save
Christianity From The Dung-Heap? |
03/24/08 |
Anti-Islamic Dutch Film |
03/20/08 |
The Enslavement Of Black
Liberation Theology |
03/16/08 |
Geraldo Rivera And The Laws
We Live Under |
03/12/08 |
California Bans First
Amendment |
03/08/08 |
Spiritual Christianity
Outlawed! |
02/15/08 |
The Bible Curse - A Letter
To Bill O'Reilly |
01/10/08 |
Children Of Caesar
12/26/07 |
The Outer Darkness Of Mind
And Being |
12/23/07 |
The Church Of Spiritual
Complacency |
12/21/07 |
Another Victim Of Christian
Complacency |
12/19/07 |
Letter To The Free Muslims |
12/13/07 |
Are Jesus And Satan
Brothers? |
11/10/07 |
Best Friends -- Helping
Others To Do Right |
10/25/07 |
The True Source Of Global
Warming |
10/20/07 |
Why Does Quanell X And The
Nation Of Islam Adhere To The Doctrines Of Martin Luther? |
09/27/07 |
Spiritual Impotence And
Self-Imposed Destruction |
08/19/07 |
Save Canada From
Self-Destruction |
08/03/07 |
Epistle Of Light To Pope
John Paul II |
07/31/07 |
Constitutional Apostasy And
The Rights of Man |
07/26/07 |
Simplicity - Over True
Spirituality? You Decide |
07/03/07 |
Scooter Libby - A Catalyst
For Judgment Of The American People |
05/26/07 |
Is The Christian Right
Really The Bogeyman? Or Are Both The Left And Right Equally At Fault? |
05/19/07 |
Christianity - The Church
Of The AntiChrist |
05/17/07 |
Another Spiritually
Disenfranchised Muslim |
04/02/07 |
Why Can't Man Comprehend
His Own Higher Reality? |
03/29/07 |
Is Gnosis Concealed? |
03/15/07 |
Abject Jewish Ignorance --
Are Jews Seekers Of Truth? |
03/02/07 |
Do Jews Desire To Know
Truth? |
02/19/07 |
Reply To Rev. Dr. Tony
Campolo - Misguided Letters |
01/08/07 |
Reply To Dr. Tony Campolo -
The Failure Of Liberal Christianity |
01/05/07 |
Tony Campolo's Misguided
Letters To A Young Evangelical Christian |
12/23/06 |
Christian Apostasy And The
Rejection Of The Kingdom |
11/25/06 |
Our Own Divine Counterpart
And True Soul-Self |
10/28/06 |
Change The World -- Tell
The Truth About Islam |
9/20/06 |
Reply To Islam Not The
Problem |
9/18/06 |
Should Pope Have Spoken -
Denial Of Truth Messiah/Christ |
8/18/06 |
The Law Of Octaves And The Failure Of All
Manmade Institutions |
8/12/06 |
A Response To The Book
Published By The Presbyterian Church |
8/9/09 |
The Devil And Joe Lieberman - Selling One's Soul |
7/29/06 |
Prove The Truth --
Where's The Beef? |
7/25/06 |
U.S. Muslim Leader Blames Bush For War - The Quagmire Of Evil And
7/22/06 |
The Source Of World
Violence - A Letter To Pope Benedict XVI |
7/21/06 |
Spiritual Submission - The
Failing Of The Three Religions |
7/14/06 |
Reply To Free Muslim
Coalition - Israeli And Palestinian Violence |
7/8/06 |
Jews For Jesus Come To New York |
7/3/06 |
Jesus Taught In Parables To
Conceal The Mysteries Of God |
7/2/06 |
Evil vs Evil - The Clash Of
Ideologies |
6/25/06 |
The Brother Of Jesus And
The Lost Teachings Of Christianity |
6/25/06 |
The Folly Of The World's
Religions |
6/24/06 |
Christians Bound To Forever
Wander Lost And In Error! |
6/22/06 |
One Teacher - Why Do I Write? |
6/19/06 |
Imprisonment Through
Complacency - Terace Bundy |
6/17/06 |
Stupid In America -- School
Choice |
6/14/06 |
Iraq - Democracy - School
Choice And Constitutional Apostasy
6/13/06 |
The Inconceivable Truth
Believers Close Their Eyes To |
6/12/06 |
Why The Right Gets It Wrong,
And The Left Doesn't Get It At All |
Master Index image
Blog Articles
Direct Hyperlinks To Subheadings
Glossery Of Terms/Words
Post/Reply From: The Soul who lived as
Ya'akov/Jacob who they mistakenly call
James, the Brother of Yeshua who they
ignorantly call Jesus -- who is now living
as Allan Cronshaw
While there was an historical man
Yeshua/Joshua/Jesus, the scriptures are not
historical -- and you must understand the purpose of
the scriptures to use them to bring about their true
objective -- which is to restore you as the lost
prodigal son to the Edenic Kingdom. So what are the
the scriptures?
The scriptures
are a non-historical series of allegorical symbols
that present a blueprint of mind that is used by
seekers who are striving to intellectually connect
to their Higher Soul-Self and ultimately the Divine
Mind of God at the Core of their Consciousness. What
this means with respect to the scriptures, is that
both the portrayal of Israel, and the Jews, are
employed to allegorically present aspects of mind
and levels of Consciousness that is presented in a
quasi-historical-façade that is equally universal to
all of mankind -- and has nothing to do with actual
historical people. Thus, when the allegorical
symbolism is understood, the scriptures are as
relevant to people from all cultures and religions.
All of mankind are equally the prodigal sons and the
Chosen Children or Offspring of the Divine Mind that
is portrayed as God.
------------------------------------------------- Reply From: The Soul who lived as
Ya'akov/Jacob who they
mistakenly call James, the Brother of Yeshua who they
ignorantly call
Jesus -- who is now living as Allan Cronshaw,
If you draw your beliefs from modern religion or
academia, then you have no understanding of the
original Gospel teachings which were totally
rejected by the fourth century Church. The Ebionite
followers of Jesus were “…rejected from one religion
as apostates, and from the other as heretics”
(Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, v.1,
p.416). In the words of Giordano Bruno who was
burnt at the stake: "The Divine Light is always in
man, presenting itself to the senses and to the
comprehension, but man rejects it". The most
important teachings of Jesus were either corrupted,
or totally removed from your Bibles. The
Message of the Restored Teachings confirms the fact
that when developed, you have the ability tap into
the Divine Mind within you -- and you therefore do
not need a teacher to know the Truth and TheWay.
Therefore, I am not a judge of anyone -- or your
faith or your progress. In my writings I restore the
knowledge of TheWay that was suppressed. Each person
sees and understands in accord with their own level
of spiritual attainment. Since each person
understands differently, how can I make any
judgments? I do my best to assist seekers to
understand from the level they are at -- nothing
Brother Of Jesus -- The Restored Gospel --
Restored Gospel Teachings --
You were bone to achieve the subsequent stages of
birth -- The Divine Marriage Christian
Bible Corruption: The Corruption Of The Gospel
You embrace the religion of
Constantine and pagan Rome -- ignoring the
corruption of the scriptures -- and you reject the
guide sent to you who supplies you with the facts
that the Church suppressed -- and you reject the
eyewitness account from the first leader of the
Gospel Church. Which means that when you get to the
hereafter, you will have no one to blame but
yourself. Why? As a first century witness and guide
sent to the modern believer, I have provided Facts
that have been suppressed -- documentation of
scriptures that were corrupted -- as I bear witness
of the events that transpired -- thereby, restoring
the original Gospel teachings at The Law Of The
Gospels All of which
means that you have no excuse for your sin of
propagating the religion of Constantine. From
Brother Of Jesus --
Now that the
facts and the truth have been received by you, you
are responsible for what has been presented.
Therefore, it can once again be stated that "If I
had not come and spoken to them, they would have no
sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin"
(John 15:22). It is within your ability to prove the
facts and the truth if you make the effort
I am
today known and incarnated as Allan Cronshaw --
My personal journey is at
Author Of Original Gospel composed in Hebrew
When Facebook fails to make a link active, highlight
the link, right click on Open Link In New Window
=============================================== Within The Kingdom Website:
Going Within With Allan Cronshaw
Jordan Peterson - Johah
---------------------------------- Coverture Marriage Legal Representation --
scriptures are not historical accounts. They are
accounts of the mind and spirit that must be brought
about within the consciousness of the person, in
order to connect to the Divine Mind at the core of
their Consciousness. This factual reality is neither
understood by the Christians who promote them as
historical, or the atheists who fail to understand
them. You can learn about the nature and purpose of
scriptures at The Purpose Of The Scriptures
If you want to learn about my
own soul's previous life as Jacob who they call
James, the brother of Yeshua who they call Jesus,
you can read a farely accurate bood at - James The
Brother Of Jesus
James/Jesus - Brothers Of The Same Mother And
Intro To Original Gospel By Brother Of Jesus
All I can do is present to you the Facts.
It is my position that all of mankind innately
possess the ability to prove the Ultimate Truth of
their own HIgher Soul-Reality. All I can do is
convey to those who want to know, what they must do
to begin the inner journey to their Source of
Consciousness. When your present life is
finished, you will be confronted with all the truths
you rejected because of your unproven adopted
beliefs that immersed you in spiritual complacency.
Then you will be able to evaluate your progress in
this life.
Brother Of Jesus
Brother Of Jesus
Brother Of Jesus Index
Who Am I
Book - James The Brother Of Jesus
James/Jesus - Brothers Of The Same Mother And Father
Intro To Original Gospel By Brother Of Jesus
The Unforgivable Sin Of The Church
The Great Lie About The Scriptures Why Would God Permit The Gospels To Be Corrupted
The Spiritual
Holistic Lifestyle
The Importance Of The Corrupted Gospels
The Natural Laws - Spiritual Maturity The Corruption Of The Words Of God
Jesus The Anti-Christ The Removal Of The Crucial
Teachings On the Pre-Existent Soul The Legacy Of The Circus Prostitute Who Ruled Over
The Church
At-Onement With The Logos/Son Of God
Acts 3:19
Coverture-Marriage - Was Jesus God?
The Foundation Of A Coverture-Marriage
Study On DNA Exchange The Coverture-Marriage And The Tree Of Life
The foundation of the New Covenant
Divine Manna - The Gospels - The foundation of the
New Covenant
The One Teacher
"But you are not to be
called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are
all brothers" (Matth 23:8)
"Not many of you should
become teachers, my brothers, because you know that
we who teach will be judged more severely than
others" (James 3:1)
“Preach the gospel at all times, and when
necessary, use words” -- St. Francis of Assisi
In the
Homilies of Clement, Peter conveys how
"the garment of baptism is
fatally polluted" when the believer seeks
out any teacher other than the True Prophet within
them -- as seen in the words:
the ways in which this garment may be spotted are
these: If any one withdraw from God the Father and
Creator of all, receiving another teacher besides
Christ". Reading The Law Of God
The Condemnation Of Sects And Divisions The Purpose Of The Scriptures
The Folly Of Liner-Derived Knowledge
Re-Engineered Myths
Alleged Text-Errors, Discordances And
Inconsistencies Fulfilling the Works and Miracles Of Jesus
Did Jesus Become The Anointed
The Gospel Restoration The Folly Of Collective Salvation
The Kingdom Within And The Cosmology Of Mind And
The Universal Truth Spanning Judaism, Christianity
And Islam
The Universal Path Of TheWay
The Universal Corruption Of All Religions
Jesus replied, “Anyone who
loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love
them, and we will come to them and make our home
with them" (John 14:23).
Amplified: Jesus answered, “If anyone [really] loves Me, he
will keep My word (teaching); and My Father will
love him, and We will come to him and make Our
dwelling place with him".
"Even the Spirit of
truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it
seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him;
for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you"
(John 14:17).
Logos/Word/Son of God COMES TO THE PERFECT
“…which appearing is manifested to each one of those
who are perfect, and which enlightens the reason in
the true knowledge of things” (Origen
Against Celsus, bk. Ill, ch. Ixi.). How Did Jesus Become The Son Of God
Reply To Bishop Spong
The Cosmology Of The Gospels
The Cosmology Of The Gospels
The Four Gates Of The Mind
The Octave And The Rainbow
Symbols Of Esoteric Knowledge
The One Teacher
The Purpose Of The Scriptures
The Crucifixion
The The Words of the Devil
The Spiritual Castration Of The Gospels
The Creation Of The Jesus God
The Corruption Of The Words God Spoke To Mankind
Turn About And Become As a Child
Stages Of Birth
The Folly Of Literal/Historical Interpretations
The Bottom Line On The Scriptures
Original Gospel The Reality Of The Original Gospels
Plain Text Original Gospels
The True (Unknown) Nature And Reality Of The
You No Longer Have An Excuse
The Flawed Foundation Of The Church
Is The Scriptures Just Myth?
The Process of Re-Engineering Beliefs, Myths &
Old Vs New Covenants
The True Miracle of the Gospels
Soul-Evolution - Reincarnation And Soul-Development
The Three Causes Of Human Blindness
The Cause Of Organic Human Blindness
Spiritual DNA And The Allotment Of Talents To The
Invited Guests
Spiritual DNA And The Sower And The Seed
Jesus Fulfilled The Law
The Original Design And Purpose Of The Gospels
The Original Spiritual Language Of The Gospels
The Essene Foundation Of Judaism And Christianity
The Books With The Power To Deceive
The Folly Of Bad Beliefs About God
Can I Get An Original Pure Copy Of The Scriptures
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Original Gospel Teachings Have Nothing In Common
With Modern Church Dogma
The Essenes And The Dead Sea Scrolls
Christ Before Jesus
The Christian Name Source
The Original Sin Of The
The Ebionite Nazirenes
A Purely Spiritual Kingdom
Plain Text
Plain Text Index
The Causal Factors OF Life The Causal Factors Of Life
Are There
Religious Exemptions From The Royal Law
Why You Don't Understand The Causal-Factors of Life
The Intellectual Red Line In The Sand Of Human
The Sin Of The Parents And Organic Blindness
Jacob's Ladder
The Union Of Science And Spirituality
The Empty And Full Mind Paradigms Of Life
The Disconnected World Of Scientism
The Emergence Of Science Against Scientism
The Trinitarian Cosmology Of Mind
The Causal Factors And The Original Gospel
The Laws From A Deist Perspective
Go Out No More The Three Causes Of Human Blindness
Jesus Teaches The Causal Factors Of Life
The Purpose Of The Natural Laws And The Prison
Secondary Karma, The Prison, And The Chickens That
Come Home To Roost
The Causal Factors And The Corrupted Teaching On
The Causal Factors And The Talents
The Return To Eden And Dorothy's Ruby Slippers
Understanding The Intelligent Universe
- The Clock Maker vs Jalopy Universe
The Deist Bottom Line
The Cosmology Of The Mind Of God
Fulfilling And Overcoming The Natural Law
The Emergence Of Mithraic Christianity
The Original Sin Of The Church
Index of Causal Factor
Devil's Spawn Christianity - The Devil's Spawn
Christianity - The Modern Spawn Of The Devil
Faith-Based Christians Barred From Teaching
The Death Of The Gospels
The Spiritual Castration Of The Gospels
The Four Stages Of Birth
The Allegorical Genealogy Of Jesus
The Folly Of Original Sin
A Church Divided - Carnal vs Spiritual
The Logos/Son Of God
The Dogmatic Belief In Jesus
The Inner Spiritual Path
The Scriptures As The Key Of Knowledge:
The Ebionite Heresy
Entering Eden's Gate Within
The Modern Franken-Culture
The Return Of The Prodigal Son To The Edenic Kingdom
When The Door To The Kingdom Closes - Master Of The
The Astral Realm Hell
The Enigma Of Concrete Matter
The Hell of Time
"Make a tree good and its
fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit
will be bad; for a tree is known by its fruit. You
brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say
anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart,
the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things
out of his good store of treasure, and the evil man
brings evil things out of his evil store of
treasure" (Matt 12:33-35).
Vulgar Gospel
"You snakes, you offspring
of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of
hell?" (Matt 23:33)
“You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from
the coming wrath? (Matt 3:7)
“"But woe to you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of
heaven in people’s faces. For you neither enter
yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in"
(Matt 23:13) “Woe to you, blind guides!" (Matt 23:16) "You blind fools!" (Matt 23:17)
"have neglected
the weightier provisions of the Law: justice and
mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you
should have done without neglecting the others"
(Matt 23:33)
The Lie The Lie Of The Church
The Fallacy Of Salvation By Faith Alone
Minister Of Sin
Christians Worse Off Than Unbelievers
Cast Out Of The Bosom Of Christ
Judgment Of Those Who Drink From The Cup Of The Lord
Pre-Nicene Christianity
God Uses The Modern Church Even Though It Remains
Spiritually Disenfranchised Soul Self
Our Divine Counterpart
Soul - Thomas Paine's Rights Of Man And Emerson's
Esoteric Feminine Mystique
The Heightening And Expansion Of Mind
The Intuitive Mind vs Linear-Rational
The Opening And Unlocking Of The Mind
Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature
Animal Sacrifice And The Living
Woman As Man's Help-Meet And Savior
Out Of The Time Continuum Box
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image
The Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of Man
Soul-Symphony - Time -
Soul-Octaves - Spiritual Cathedral
Transcending Time
Evolving Soul
The Source Of Soul-Light
The Source Of Soul-Light
Pt2 - The Vertical Slice Of Creation:
Thought Animated Symbols
The Scriptures And The Light Of Spiritually
Advanced Souls
The Matrix And Soul-Mind
The Way Of The Monk
Why There Is No Reincarnation
The True Self
Time is an illusion - Past Present and Future Exist
at the Same Time
A New Theory
On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist
Time May Not Exist
IT'S NOT REAL! Physicists PROVE Time Does NOT Exist
Why now doesn’t exist, and other strange facts about
Time Might Not Exist, According to Physicists
An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
A Confrontation With A Long Ignored Reality
The Long Ignored Facts
The Dilemma
The Answer To The Dilemma
Written By An Original Author
The UnForgivable Spiritual Blasphemy Of The Church
Spiritual Amnesia
Ignorance Of
The Causal Factors Of Life http
Arrested Mental Development
Anamnesis -
Innate Knowledge Of The Truth Of All Truths:
Great Question
Is The Mind Of An Infant Empty? Animal-Soul
Animals That Walk In The
Form Of Man
Sacrifice And The Living Temple
The True (Unknown) Nature And Reality Of The
Original Design Of
The Gospels
The Original
Spiritual Language
The Essene Foundation
Of Judaism And Christianity
The Books With The
Power To Deceive
The Folly Of Bad Beliefs About God
Can I Get An Original
Pure Copy Of The Gospels
Historical Dilemma:
The Fatal
Error Of The Church
The Great Human Dilemma
The Nature Of The Scriptures
The Original Intent Of The Scriptures
Scriptures Written By Mystics Who Were Hunted Down
As Heritics
Condition of Mind
In The House - Taught In Parables - Inner Kingdom &
Key Of Knowledge
What Jesus Do You See
The Parabolic Bottom Line
Flawed Human Reasoning
The Gospels And The Pre-Existent Soul
The Bible As A Trojan Horse
The Books With The Power To Deceive
The Folly Of Bad Beliefs About God
The Hidden Reality Of The Old Testament
The Folly Of Original Sin:
The Spiritual Void That Created Original Sin
In The
What Jesus
Do You Perceive
Flawed Human Reasoning
The Gospels And The PreExistent Soul That Evolves To
Perfection In Many Lifetimes
Outer Darkness Outer Darkness
The Truth
The True Facts And Realities Of Life
The Parable
Of The Prodigal Son Why Can't Truth Exist In This World Science Proves Religion
The Folly Of Atheists
The Great Allegory Of Mind And Matter
- What Do We See?
The Good Ground The Counterfeit Church Foundation
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Laws Of Creation
List Of Below
Subheadings That Are Part Of The Laws Of Creation
And The Laws That Control Our Lives Presentation
The Laws of the Two Creation Accounts
and how they intimately effect all of mankind.
The Allegorical Fall of Man
The Spiritual Sabbath
Received The Law From Angels - The Two Creation
The Princes or Powers Of The Left And Right Hands Of
The Natural Laws - The Nature Of Evil - Simon Magus
Clockmaker Vs Jalopy Universe
The Laws That Control Our
The Labyrinth Of The Laws And The Outer Darkness Of
Mind And Being
Entering The Kingdom Of Man
Living Bio-Feedback Organism
Everyday Is Judgment Day
Judgment Day - Evolving To Maturity Of Mind And
The Laws That Control Our Lives
Mental Womb
The Kingdom Of Man
The Living
Bio-Feedback Organism
Labyrinth Of Laws and the Outer Darkness Of Mind And Being:
Our Evolving Self - The Being Of Light
Everyday Is
Judgment Day
Day - Evolving To Maturity Of Mind And Being
The Enigma
Of The Segmented Mind
Triangulation - Overcoming The Tower Of Babel Syndrome - The Secret To
Mental/Spiritual Growth, Expansion and Soul-Birth
Triangulation - The Laws - The Spiritually Mature Mind Of Man
The Outer
Darkness Of Mind And Being
The Dead
Know Nothing
The Prison
The True
The One Who Was Sent - Who Is The True Prophet (
The Escape
From Plato's Cave
The Call To The
Wedding Banquette
TheCall To The Wedding Banquette
The Original Teachings Have Nothing In Common With
Church Dogma
The Essenes
The Ebionites
Spiritual Apostasy
Baptism - The Required Wedding Garment
The Faux-Baptism Of The Church
The Sin Of The Defiled Wedding Garment
Faux-Christians Who Are Not Christian
The Allotment Of Talents
The Talents And A Person's Spiritual DNA
Sacraments Of The New Covenant
Sacraments Of The New Covenant
The Doctrine Of Faith Apart From Actions
The Spiritual Abuse Of The Gospel Sacraments
What About The Law Of Grace? Are You Saved? Gospel
Of Thomas Saying 44
The Parable Of TheCall
Baptism - The Required Wedding Garment
What About The Sinner's Prayer
The Eucharist -- The Wedding Feast
Receiving The Spiritual Eucharist - Who Can Receive
Baptism As A Divine Marriage
The Celebration Of Baptism As A Divine Marriage
Grace And Redemption From The Sins Of Ignorance
The True Christian Knows The Truth
The Sacrament Of Baptism
The Eucharist As The Wedding Feast
Receiving The Spiritual Eucharist - Who Can Receive
Sacrament Of Marriage
The Living Temple And Man's Lower Animal Nature
the Homilies of Clement, Peter conveys to the
believer that it is a sin to seek out any other
teacher than the True Prophet -- as seen in the
words: "But the ways in
which this garment may be spotted are these: If any
one withdraw from God the Father and Creator of all,
receiving another teacher besides Christ".
"The Spirit gives life; the
flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to
you--they are full of the Spirit and life"
(John 6:63).
The Sacrament Of Marriage
The Living Temple And Man's Animal Nature
The Law Of Grace
The Ten Words
The Great Lie: Are You Going To Heaven Or Not
The Ebionite Nazirene Witness
The Greatest Hoax Perpetrated Upon Mankind
The Missing Gospel Essence The Earliest Of Christian Documents The Trinity Christ Before Jesus The Pre-Nicene Gentile Witness
Bible Corruption
Most Important Gospels Never Given To The Gentiles
Original Scriptures Written In Hebrew Characters
Codex Bezae
The Insertion Of The Trinity
Interpolations To Support Government
The Great Commission
Interpolations Alleged To Be Ebionite And Gnostic
Gathered In The Bosom Of Christ
The Creation Of The Jesus-god
The Spiritual Kingdom
The Removal Of The Mystery Of The Children
The Corruption Of Commentary Of Origen
The Virgin Birth
Rev 14:4 These are those who did not defile
themselves with women, for they remained virgins.
They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were
purchased from among mankind and offered as
firstfruits to God and the Lamb.
Abysmal Pursuit Of God By
The Letter That Killeth
Things Christians Never Tell Jews About The New
Groups A Seeker Can Join
FaceBook Groups
Original Spiritual Christianity
Ebionite Nazirenes Of TheWay
Christian Reincarnation
Christian Tree Of Life
Lilith - The Denomic Reality Of The Modern Feminist
Thomas Paine Redux
South African Ebionites Of TheWay
Atheist and Theist Portal for self-knowledge and
communicating with God
A Safe Space For Spiritual Seekers
Spiritual Friends & Spiritual Topics Group
Deism For The World
Spiritual Praying Deists
Non-FaceBook Groups/Forums Essene Ebionite Nazirene Group
Christian Reincarnation
The Nazirene Library
FaceBook Friends:
If you have friended me on FaceBook, I am neither
interested nor have the time for small talk. My
Bio is found at . My Soul incarnated
into this life at this time in order to restore the
Orignal Gospel teachings (see ).
People seek me out as a spiriutal guide. If you are a woman, I
am not interested in a pretty face or the size of
your breasts. I have been married to the same
Soul (woman) over the course of thousands of years
going all the way back to Atlantis (see
The Heritage Of
) -- and we have spiritually evolved together over
the course of many lives together. If you have
a spiritual question or subject you want to discuss
and know more about, then I have the time to assist
you in your own journey. You can also join the
FaceBook group at
Shalom, Those who walked and talked with Jesus daily,
witnessed to the fact that the man Jesus became the
Anointed (Messiah/Christ), by fulfilling the Law
within his own mind and being (see The Law Of The
Gospels )--
and that he taught his followers to do the same, and
themselves become the Anointed (see Jesus Taught To
Become The Christ
. These words that you are reading, are
written by the original author of the Gospels who
witnessed the above accounts. And in
clarification from the trabal god of the Jews, the
only punishment that a person is subject to, is in
the words: "Do not be
deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man
sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7).
Which means that as you do unto others, the same
will be returned back to you -- and by confronting
self, you will fulfill the words:
"You, must be perfect, as
your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt
5:48). What this means is that if you love your
brothers and sisters, then you will receive love and
goodness in return -- and you will be able to
spiritually advance. In the words of the pre-Nicene
Church Father Origen: "The
soul has neither beginning nor end... Every soul...
comes into this world strengthened by the victories
or weakened by the defeats of its previous life. Its
place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor
or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or
demerits. Its work in this world determines its
place in the world which is to follow this..."
Shalom, and GodSpeed in TheWay
OTHER The mind of organic man is embryonic, and must be
developed beyond natural human levels of
comprehension in order to begin to understand man's
own higher Soul-Realty. My Soul lived as Jacob
who they call James, the Brother of Yeshua who they
call Jesus -- and in that life I authored the core
original Gospel written in Hebrew Characters.
Unless you have transformed the mind beyond organic
human levels of comprehension by TRAVAILIING in
TheWay, then it will be impossible for you to
comprehend the spiritual meaning of the scriptures,
or your own higher Soul-Reality.
Thus, how can I argue with my untransformed brothers
and sisters who have not learned directly from the
Source as I have -- regardless of the fact that
their ego-self believes they
know more than I do as the Original Author of
the Gospels?
Therefore, you cannot force someone to comprehend
what they are not yet ready to receive. Still, you
must never underestimate the power of Planting A
Planting A Seed
Divine Strategery
Divine Strategery Old Index
Shepherd Of Hermas Shepherd Of Hermas
Widows And Orphans
The Books Of Enoch
The Lost Books Of Enoch
The Essene Gospel Of Peace
The Epistle Of Christ To The Churches
What Is The Meaning And Purpose of the Gospels from
the Perspective of the Original First-Century
Author? @
The Sower And The Seed
The Perfect Seed
The Children The
Removal Of The Children
The Removed Verses On The Children
Importance Of The Children
The Missing Verse Removed From The Gospels
"For there are some children, which were so born
from their mother's womb; And there are some who God
returned, and were made the children of men; And
there be children, who have made themselves children
for the kingdom of heaven's sake."
Divine Manna
Open The Eyes Of The Heart Original Gospel Teachings Have Nothing In Common
With Modern Dogma:
Cosmology Of Mind And Being:
Christians Can't Receive The Divine Manna
The Two Princes Of The Left And Right Hands Of God
The Consecrated Life The Consecrated Life
Those Who Eat Flesh Cannot Know the Sacred Knowledge
The Living Consecrated Temple
Charles Fillmore & Unity Church Cleansing The Temple - Ellen G. White
The Final Temple
The Truth About Animal Sacrifice
The Enlightened Jewish Perspective
The Nazirene Vow
The Church Of The AntiChrist
The Plight
Of The Church As The Unfaithrul Spouse
The Adoption Of The Trinity
Seat Belt Science Proves Religion
The Scientific Refutation Of Darwin
Expert Destroys Darwin’s Theory in 5 Minutes
Mystery Of The Gospel Mystery Of The Gospel
Can You Just Read The Scriptures
Inoculations - A Christian Biblical Perspective
Ebionite Nazirene Restoration Community Of North
The Law Of The Gospels The Law Of The Gospels
Index The Law Of The Gospels
Who Am I -- Allan Cronshaw
The Restoration Of The Gospel Teachings
The Purpose Of The Gospel Teachings And The Prison
The Original Ebionite Followers of Jesus Rejected
The Old Testament And The Carnal Interpretation Of
the Law
Censorship Of The Truth And The Facts
Jesus Fulfilled And
Taught The Natural Fulfillment Of The Laws Of God:
Soul Evolution And The Law Of Return/Karma
Original Sin Rejects Gospel Teachings
The Adoption Of Mithraic Original Sin And the
Rejection Of The Gospel Teachings
The Esoteric Gospel Teachings
Modern Science Confirms Man's Spiritual Esoteric
Metaphysic Source
The Witness Of Those Who Jesus
Personally Taught The Original Followers
Spiritual Meaning And Fulfillment Of The Law
The Spiritual Holistic Lifestyle
The Natual Path Vs Taking The Kingdom By Force Jesus Taught To Become The Christ
The Spiritual Law Of The Gospels
The Law Of Jacob's Ladder And Mental
Jesus Knew The People's Thoughts
The Law And The New Covenant
The New Covenant Mindset
The Mental Check-Points Embedded In The Scriptures
The Blueprint Of Your Own Mind
The Verse Removed From The Gospels
The Mental Pardigm Or Mindset Of The Gospels
The Devil's Offspring
Jesus - The Pattern For All Mankind
The Consecrated Life
A Purely Spiritual Kingdom
The Corruption Of The Gospel Texts
The Enigma Of The Segmented Mind
The Solution To The Enigma
Triangulation - Overcoming The Tower Of Babel
Triangulation - The Laws - The Spiritually Mature
Forgotten Christians: Who Were The Ebionites?
Entering The Kingdom
Teachings Of Jesus On Entering The Kingdom
Important Articles On Entering The Kingdom
The Kingdom is entered
through the development of mind -- the leading of a
spiritual holistic lifestyle -- through the raising
of consciousness -- through the acquisition of
knowledge -- through the exploration of their souls
previous lives -- by bringing those who develop the
ability to enter the Realm of Souls and come into
the Presence of their Soul-Self. To name a few
Being Tested:
"Count it all joy, my
brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for
you know that the testing of your faith produces
steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full
effect, that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking in nothing" (James 1:2-4)
"Blessed is the man who
remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood
the test he will receive the crown of life, which
God has promised to those who love him"
James 1:12
"For just as the
body without the spirit is dead, so faith without
actions is also dead" (James 2:26
International Standards Version).
The Narrow Gate:
Too narrow for Christians.
Since the Gospel according to Constantine is a
falsehood, a lie and a rejection of the Law of God
that Jesus taught (see
Meaning And Fulfillment Of The Law
), Christians remain locked outside the Gate to the
Kingdom -- i.e., "Blessed
are those who wash their robes, so that they may
have the right to the tree of life and may enter the
city by its gates. But outside are the dogs, the
sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the
idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices
falsehood" (Rev 22:14-15).
The Law of Octaves With
The Enigma Of The Law Of Octaves
The Checksum Of The Law
Law Of Octaves Index
Tesla - The Bridge Between Religion And Science
Tesla - Frequency And Vibration Of Mind
Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow Gate
The Divine Pattern Of Mind And Creation
LoveAnd The Narrow Gate
The Law Of Karma
Original Sin
And Spiritual Osmosis
Jesus when
he said: "They that are
whole have no need of the physician, but they that
are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but
sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). What
Jesus was stating was that those people who he
portrayed as "righteous",
did not need him as a physician who came to heal the
sick, because they had on their own taken advantage
of the Original Opportunity to bringing about
Wholeness, Perfection and Completion. Which raises
the question: What, then, is stopping you, the
reader, from achieving the Wholeness that Jesus
himself confirmed you have the innate power to bring
about in your life without any need of him (Jesus)
or any other physician? The correct translation of
the words: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at
hand which is preached in our Churches, is more
accurately translated: "Open and unloose the mind" -- meaning,
that you must release your thinking from the
shackles of the Manichean doctrine of Original Sin,
and embrace the Gospel teaching of Original
The meaning of the original Greek conveys a message
of great depth that is not apparent in our English
translations today. To phrase the thought that is
being expressed, the true meaning is to
“Open and unloose
the mind, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”.
The Amplified Bible which presents the essence of
the biblical text, states:
“Repent [change your inner
self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins,
live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek
God’s purpose for your life], for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand.”
This is truly important for the person of faith to
come to terms with -- for it is the beginning of The
The Coming Of The
Accessing The Universal Source Of Knowledge
The Limitations Of Science
In an article Things
That Science Can't Explain by Dr. Claude
Swanson, he writes: "There
are many things modern science cannot explain, and
yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in
the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal.
These effects are now being proven in the
laboratory, even though they defy present scientific
theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a
new, deeper science, a science which no longer
denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges
and embraces them. In the past three decades
scientific evidence has accumulated showing that the
present scientific paradigm is broken."
The Scientific Revolution
The Grave Error Of Human
Organic Interpretation Of The Scriptures
Energy Consciousness
The Plight Of The Prodigal Son
The Process Of Fulfilling The Law
The Seduction Of The Prodigal Son
The Narrow Gate And The Enigma Of The Law Of Octaves
Breaking The Organic Intellectual Barrier
The Eyes Only See At The Level Of Comprehension
The Test Of The Law Of Octaves
The Cosmology Of Mind - The Law Of Octaves And The
Narrow Gate
The Formula For Wholeness And The Octaves
The Law Of Octaves And The Cross
The Cross You Must Bear To Your Own
The Sixteen Crucified Saviors
The Universal Symbol Of The Cross
Wholeness And The Cross
The Four Gates Of The Mind
Wholeness And Same-Sex Unions
Edgar Cayce And The Law of Octaves
The Essence Of A Coverture-Union Marriage
Balanced Wholeness
The War On Women
The Foundation Of A Coverture-Marriage
Cosmic Ovum And Sperm
The Coverture-Marriage And The Tree Of Life
Man And Woman And The Four Gates Of The Mind
The Simple Explanation
The Laws Of Nature And The Law of Octaves
Limits Of The Organic Mind - Linear Thought And
The Octaves And The Fulfilling Of The Law
The Application Of The Law Of Octaves And The Real
The Twisting of Law at the Third Interval
Satan - The Gravity Of Mind And Spirit
The Corruption Of All Man-Made Institutions
The Law of Octaves corrupts every institution that
man creates. Which means that the Truth must be
sought and found in each persons life, in the
timeframe they are living. Historical knowledge is
in the words of Origen "worthless" -- i.e.,
“Scripture contains an
unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in
order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive
us to seek the spiritual meaning”
(Origen quoted under Origen Adamntius; The
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics). You must
therefore seek, find, and manifest all Truth and
Knowledge in your life, drawn from the Inner Source
within you at present, or what you think you know
will be rendered "worthless". See
The Laws Of Nature And The Twisting of
The Gate Of Eden
The Gate Of Eden
The Divine Marriage
The Divine Marriage
The Law Of Birth
Marriage With The Divine Mind Of God
Breaking The Shackles Of Plato's Cave
Escaping Plato's Cave And Birth
Church Rejection Of Gospel Teachings
Ignorance Of Birth Process
Mankinds True Purpose And Potential
Mental Sperm/Ovum Join To Become Mental Embryo
Male/Female Development Through Wholeness
Birth Development Of Mind Using Scriptures
Mystical Development
Failure Of Birth
Through Spiritual Miscarriage
Spiritual Miscarriage
Fate Of Those Who
Fail To Achieve Birth
Astral Realm Hell
The Hell Of Time
Real Facts Of LIfe You Were Never Told About
The Real Facts Of Life You Were Never Told
The Great Question - Sex & Offspring
As Man Does To Woman
Male and Female Reality
The Law Of Birth
Duality - Birth - And The Divine Marriage
Nicodemus - The Subsequent Stage Of Birth
Mental Sperm/Ovum Join To Become Mental Embryo:
Birth Development Using Scriptur4es
The Process Of Mental Birth
Man And Woman's Highest Calling And Purpose
The Intuitive Perception
When Man Meets Woman
The Power Of The Breasts Of Women
The Manipulated Man
Spousal Choice - Your Most Important Choice In Life
The Duality Of Adam And Eve
The Perversion Of Adam And Eve
The Spiritual Sacrament Of Sex And Achieving
Can You Take It With You
Did Jesus Reject Marriage
In Heaven
The Suppression Of The Feminine Intuitive
The Development Of A Mental Embryo
The Development Of The Feminine Intuitive
Can The Physically Transformed Wife Embrace Total
Spiritual Transformation
Equal Is Not The Same
The Womb Of Mother Earth
The Process Of Mental Expansion
Quoting from Sexual Intimacy and Its Connection with
Aural Energy at
. The article states: "But there is nothing such
as casual or meaningless sex. When we get intimate
with anybody we tend to receive their positivity or
negativity and unknowingly incorporate it in our
everyday lives. Even if we do not meet the other
person ever again, or if we do have a continuous
physical intimacy with our partner, each time we get
into the act, we receive a part of their energy into
our aura and leave a part of ours into theirs. So
each time we have sex, we create an energy cord with
our partner. Their thoughts, feelings, desires,
etc., are left as impressions in our aura, which
unless cleansed, stays with us. If the same is done
under the influence of alcohol, we lower our natural
protective field, which further exposes us to
negative & discordant energies. If we have sex with
a positive person, we are bound to receive her/his
positivity and vice-a-versa with a negative person.
Jeffery Armstrong in his article, The Ancient Art
and Science of Sexual Healing says, '..what could be
accomplished by bringing the male and the female
body together. The answer to this question is
physical, biological, vital, mental, emotional, and
spiritual. And since our bodies share
characteristics with the animal realm, it is
obviously possible for us to be pulled in both an
upward and downward direction through our endowment
of energies.'”
“While I was still
searching but not finding — I found one upright man
among a thousand, but not one upright woman among
them" (Ecclesiastes 7:28)
Soul Symphony - Spiritual Cathedral
Six Hundred Series
Being Of Light
Being Of Light
The Real Trinity
The Cosmology Of The Divine Mind
FaceBook Censorship
Light and Sound Mind Machines
Become Your True-Self
Self-Identify As A Trans-Human Being Of Light
Escape the Human Closet of
Man Or Woman
Transcend All Sexism,
Racism And Elitism
Your Real Self is a Being Of Light
Heavenly Forces:
"For we do
not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts
of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Eph
6:12) Amplified:
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood
[contending only with physical opponents], but
against the rulers, against the powers, against the
world forces of this [present] darkness, against the
spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly
(supernatural) places".
What do I know? Who Am I? Quoting from . Those
followers and disciples who walked and talked with
Jesus daily -- the very people who he personally
taught -- those followers who could ask Jesus any
question -- all witnessed to the fact that Jesus was
a true holy man who became the Anointed
(Messiah/Christ) by fulfilling the Law of God within
his own mind and being -- i.e., they affirmed that
he (Jesus) "...was
justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ
(Anointed) of God, since not one of the rest of
mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one
else fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would
have been the Christ, for they assert that our Lord
Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity" (see
Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).
The later Church suppressed the core teaching on how
each person must fulfill the Law within their own
mind and being as Jesus taught (see The Law Of The
Gospels ). In the
Epistle of Peter to James it is stated that if the
teachings on the fulfillment of the Law becomes
lost, that " will
remain even for those who really seek the truth,
always to wander in error" -- and my
Soul re-entered this realm to correct this grave
loss. As the original author of the core
Gospels composed in the original language of Hebrew
Characters (see ), I was sent back into this
world to restore the important teachings that the
Church suppressed and removed from the Gospels (see
The Restored Original Gospel Teachings ).
I was sent to convey to seekers how to enter into
the Narrow Gate (see Spiritual Osmosis And The
Narrow Gate ). To
prepare for the Inward Journey, it is necessary to
understand the Cosmology of Mind set forth in the
Tree Of Life .
I have no followers.
No one is asked for any donations on any of my
articles on my websites or blogs. There is no
conversion to anything. I have no church. I don't
encourage anyone to join a church. Everything that I
have written, is given to others free of charge.
Neither do I peddle any books.
The Folly
Of Original Sin: When rightly understood, the Roman
Empire was not converted to the religion of Jesus --
but rather, the personage and image of Jesus was
converted to a quasi form of Mithraism -- and it is
easy to prove and demonstrate that even the name
Christian which was rejected by the original
followers of Jesus, is drawn directly from
Mithraism. Therefore, the foundational
framework of the modern Church is based upon the
teachings of the Iranian prophet Mani, and not at
all based upon the teachings of the Gospels.
And in total opposition to the Manichaean and
Mithraic dogma of the doctrine of Original Sin, when
rightly understood from a Gospel perspective, what
is personified as Original Sin would more accurately
be portrayed as Original Opportunity (see Original
Sin And Spiritual Osmosis ).
Which provokes the question: If the modern Christian
is faithful to the Original Sin teachings of the
Iranian prophet Mani, while rejecting the Original
Opportunity teachings of the Gospels, can they even
make claim to belief in Jesus (see Spiritual Osmosis
And The Narrow Gate )? And
the facts can be proven by presenting relevant
Gospel teachings that explain the doctrine of
Original Opportunity.
When the
above Gospel facts are understood, they confirm the
reality that the Kingdom of God is within us (Luke
17:20-21) -- at the core of our mind and being --
that each of us is the prodigal son/daughter of the
Most High -- and if we use the scriptures for their
intended purpose as the Key of Knowledge by turning
them within our own mind, that the
"narrow gate"
will open unto us, and we will be able to enter into
the Edenic Kingdom which is our True-Source of Being
(see The Narrow Gate And The Enigma Of The Law ). The
original Ebionite Nazirene disciples and followers
of Jesus were condemned as heretics -- portrayed as
"too Jewish" to
understand the meaning of the Gospel -- i.e., and
they were “…rejected from one religion as apostates, and from
the other as heretics”
(Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire,
v.1, p.416). Thus, the
primary purpose of the Gospels has been condemned as
The Ebionite Heresy
. And while there appears on the surface to be
many similarities between Mithraism and the Gospel
account of Jesus, these similarities are based upon
the allegorical symbols that portray the Universal
Cosmology of Mind that is not at all understood by
the body of faith-based believers. This is a fact:
If you are a modern Christian, then the most basic
and fundamental tenets of belief that you hold as
truth, not only has nothing in common with the
positions of the people who Jesus personally taught
-- but if a believer that Jesus personally taught
came to visit a modern Church, they would be labeled
a heretic. Therefore the question must be posed: Was
the man Jesus an incompetent teacher who was unable
to clarify what is necessary for salvation? Or, was
the original teachings of Jesus changed and
The fact that you have not
researched or investigated the higher spiritual
aspects of life, does not alleviate you from the
need to seeking the answers to life. And that fact
that your Soul lives many lives, means that you are
just putting off to another life what you have the
opportunity to do in this life. But therein lies the
problem as seen in the fact that complacency in this
life, breeds complacency in futures lives -- life,
after life, after life of failure to make any gains
at self-development. Because of your complacency,
what is belief to you, is manifest experience and
first-hand knowledge to the seeker. As a seeker who
has developed my mental and spiritual dimensions of
mind, I am able to see and understand what you are
blind to. Why? Because my Soul sought the answers to
Life that others were complacent to seeking.
Those who possess the spiritual eyes
to see, are able to spiritually perceive the Gospels
prior to being corrupted by the Church. If the
Kingdom is within you, then those who strive to
enter the Inner Kingdom, have access to all Truths
regardless of the corruptions of mankind.
Walk the spiritual path of the mystic over the
course of many lifetimes. Fulfill the adage to Know
Thyself -- and with self-knowledge, Know God.
Achieve the ability to enter and return back to what
the organic (carnal) man portrays as the Spiritual
Kingdom. Write Gospels to assist others seeking
self-knowledge and the Kingdom. Witness secular
emperors, kings and ruthless rulers corrupt the
scriptures in order to control the people. During
that timeframe when the Church was initiating
inquisitions, secretly guide seekers along the
spiritual path. Enter life when man has achieved
religious/spiritual freedom, and restore the
original Gospels at . Rejected by
those who are programmed by both science and
religion. Another precious life of assisting the
few, while the multitude remains a prisoner of this,
the Far Country (a.k.a. Plato's Cave).
The Gospels are not historical -- they are the steps
you must climb in your journey to self-discovery and
the Kingdom of Light and Love as explored at:
Was Jesus
Physically Crucified ?
Treating our brothers and sisters with love, as we
would want ourselves treated, is representative of
Gospel concepts that should be practiced as the bare
minimum of a mindset and lifestyle that fulfills the
Law within your own mind as Jesus taught (see The
Law Of The Gospels
Action To Rectify
Anointing Received
-- Spiritual Vision
Of Mind - Mental Level
Female Buddha
Natural Law
Love Rhetoric
Greater Christian Accountability
Rejection Of
Reply To
Of Mind
Ladder -- Levels Of Advancement
To Reincarnation
About Scriptures
Religion Defined
Alpha Of Creation
Do You Know me?
Spiritual Development
Karma Reply
Vulgar Gospel
All You
Need Is Love
No Excuse
For Your Sin
You can use the Key of Knowledge to acquire the
necessary Self-Knowledge to Know God and all the
mysteries of Life -- see
Using The Key Of
Knowledge To Enter The Kingdom
The Corruption Of The Words That God
Spoke To Mankind
In the words of Sir Francis Bacon:
"read not to contradict nor
to believe, but to weigh and consider". All truth passes through three stages: First, it is
ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident. -- Arthur
Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
"No one can demonstrate the truth of a proposition
in geometry to a person unacquainted with the
principles of mathematics. For similar reasons the
facts of the inner worlds cannot be proved to the
material scientist." -Max Heindel
No one can demonstrate the truth of a proposition in
geometry to a person unacquainted with the
principles of mathematics. For similar reasons the
facts of the inner consciousness cannot be
understood by a person who only looks outwardly. The
ancients used the adage to Know Thyself. But what is
to know? Who is the self that we must learn about?
The Buddha meditated inwardly. Jesus and the Mystics
stated that the Kingdom is within you. But if this
is true, what is stopping us from being aware of its
presence. From a Deist perspective, we must progress
inwardly to connect with our Source of Consciousness
one level at a time. And there are Natural Laws that
will not permit us to advance beyond our level of
spiritual maturity. And it is these Natural Laws
that we must satisfy and overcome.
------------------------------------------------ All You Need
Is Love If the Kingdom is
within you, then what creates the division of
Consciousness that keeps you unaware of your inner
Self, as well as the inner Source of Consciousness
that we portray as God? The answer is a series of
Natural Laws that maintain the levels of inner
Consciousness. Love can be categorized as what you
are supposed to be doing -- but it is Self-Knowledge
that is necessary to raise up your consciousness to
where you fulfill the adage to Know Thyself -- i.e.,
your True-Self that is a Being of Pure Intellectual
Light and Consciousness (see ) -- and
ultimately deepen your own consciousness that
enables you to connect with the Divine Mind at the
Core of your Consciousness as Jesus taught. In one
of the Gospels which the Church of Rome suppressed
named Pistis Sophia (Faith-Wisdom) Jesus is quoted
as stating to Mary Magdalene: “But if he shall have
sinned once, twice, or thrice, they shall reject
that soul, sending it back again into the world
according to the form of the sins that it may have
committed; the form whereof I will declare unto you
hereafter. But verily, verily I say unto you, that
even the righteous man that hath committed no sin at
all cannot be brought into the Kingdom of Light, for
as much the seal of the mysteries of that kingdom is
not found upon him. Once for all, I say unto you, a
soul cannot be brought into the kingdom, if it be
without the mysteries of the Kingdom of the Light.”
To be united to your Higher Soul-Self, you must
possess the Consciousness that permits this merger
and oneness where all division in your own mind is
overcome. And the same is true with respect to
moving into oneness with the Divine Mind (see The
Cosmology Of The Divine Mind ).
Which basically is what Jesus and the mystics have
portrayed and taught. Acquiring this Self-Knowledge
is a process of mental and spiritual development. As
I stated: Love is what you are supposed to be doing.
This Fact of Life can be found in the suppressed
Gospel of the Nazirenes where it stated: "Walk in
the spirit, and so will you fulfill the law. and be
meet for the kingdom. Let the law be within your own
hearts rather than on tables of memorial; which
things nevertheless you ought to do, and not to
leave the other undone, for the Law which I have
given to you is Holy, just and good, and blessed are
all they who obey and walk therein."
Leave Undone
The Key
word is that Love is what " ought to do,
and not to leave the other undone" as Jesus and
other enlightened mystics attempted to convey to the
people who have the "ears to hear", the
"eyes to see", and the evolved mind to
Like most Atheists, you
reject the facts of the most esteemed scientists who
confirm the reality that the source of what we see
is being projected from a Metaphysical Source-Field
that is outside the frequencies of what man can see
with their physical eyes and senses. And you attempt
to violate the Laws of science and expect sincere
seekers to listen to you when you portray those
highly esteemed scientists as offering no Factual
Evidence for the positions they present. Mystics
state that the blindness that scientists portray in
mankind, is due to an immature and undeveloped mind
that still lacks the necessary depth of
consciousness or see and observe the Metaphysical
Source-Field. So the mystic lays out a path for
developing the mind to enable the person to be able
to see into the Metaphysical Source-Field.
Yet, you also reject the wisdom of the mystic who
confirms the position of the scientist with a
There are people who get off
picking on other people.
Schoolyard bullies pick on other kids for the fun of
it. They have no interest in facts and truth. They
get satisfaction by picking on others. You have no
interest in developing the ability to see into the
Metaphysical Source-Field that is openly
acknowledged by both science and mystics. The fact
of the matter is that you are here for no other
reason than to bully the immature undeveloped
Every person possesses the innate
(undeveloped) ability to see into and even enter the
Metaphysical Source-Field -- if they are willing to
make the effort to walk the path of mental and
spiritual development. These are the facts presented
by an uncountable number of witnesses that you
choose to ignore. Why? As a common schoolyard bully,
you have no interest in the facts and the truth --
you are here to bully and deter the minds of
undeveloped people from walking the path of
self-development. The fact is that the Kingdom that
Jesus taught others about is waiting to receive you
-- but only when you cease to be a bully who derives
satisfaction from deterring others. Which means that
you are in denial of the facts and witness that has
been presented to you by the most esteemed
scientists and mystics, so you can continue to bully
and deter others from proving the Truth that you are
too complacent to embrace. And yes, you can read the
directions into the Metaphysical Source-Kingdom in
article entitled The Restored Gospel Teachings @
if you want to look over the Index of the subject
matter, you can goto
Provided to you by the Soul who lived as the
Brother of Yeshua/Joshua/Jesus at
There is a Natural Law that we constantly and
intimately interact with daily -- i.e., You can
never possess any greater Truth than you are willing
and desirous to live in Word, Thought, Desire and
Deed. And this is the foundation of the Sermon on
the Mount. If you want Truth, then all you have to
do is live in the Light of Truth. It has worked for
my wife and I over the course of countless lives
Many Churches and people have re-created
Jesus in accord with their own beliefs and
thinking. Historically, they have rejected
the people who Jesus personally taught. They
have re-imagined Jesus as god-incarnate.
That is why my Soul re-entered this realm as
the original author of the Gospels, to
restore the original teachings that the
Church and others have rejected -- see Part
One: The Law Of The Gospels
It is free. There is nothing to join,
Nothing to convert to. Which is exactly as
the Lord wanted this restoration of the
teachings to be.
Reply To Women:
Just to let you know: I am not
looking for a relationship. I usually don't
reply to a woman, unless she presents a
spiritually-oriented question or statement.
My Soul re-entered
this realm at this present time to restore
the original Gospel teachings that were
suppressed and corrupted by the Church (see ). I have
therefore authored the following articles
that people friend me and ask questions
Quoting from . Those
followers and disciples who walked and talked with
Jesus daily -- the very people who he personally
taught -- those followers who could ask Jesus any
question -- including the mother brothers and
sisters of Jesus who were themselves Ebionites --
all witnessed to the fact that Jesus was a true holy
man who became the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by
fulfilling the Law of God within his own mind and
being. As Ebionites, they affirmed that he
(Jesus) "...was justified by fulfilling the Law. He
was the Christ (Anointed) of God, since not one of
the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely.
Had any one else fulfilled the commandments of the
Law, he would have been the Christ, for they assert
that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with
all humanity" (see Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer.
vii. 34). The later Church suppressed the core
teaching on how each person must fulfill the Law
within their own mind and being as Jesus taught (see
The Law Of The Gospels ). And
they actually corrupted the very words that God
spoke to mankind in order to recreate Jesus as God
incarnate (see The Corruption Of The Words Of God
). Without the corruption of the words that God
spoke to mankind about God's relationship to Jesus,
the Church never would have been able to adopt the
doctrine of the Trinity. Those people known as
Ebionites, who were taught directly by Jesus,
totally rejected the doctrine of the Trinity -- they
rejected the Manchine doctrine of Original Sin --
and they were therefore condemned as heretics,
hunted down and murdered by the fourth century
Church. In the Epistle of Peter to James it is
stated that if the teachings on the fulfillment of
the Law becomes lost, that " will remain even
for those who really seek the truth, always to
wander in error" -- and my Soul re-entered this
realm to correct this grave loss. As the original
author of the core Gospels composed in the original
language of Hebrew Characters (see
), my Soul was sent back into this world to restore
the important teachings that the Church suppressed
and removed from the Gospels (see The Restored
Original Gospel Teachings ). I
was sent to convey to seekers how to enter into the
Narrow Gate (see Spiritual Osmosis And The Narrow
Gate ). To
prepare for the Inward Journey, it is necessary to
understand the Cosmology of Mind set forth in the
Tree Of Life .
It can be
rightfully stated that the teachings of
Jesus disappeared, and when rightly
understood, the Roman Empire was not
converted to the religion of Jesus --
but rather, the personage and image of
Jesus was converted to Mithraism -- and
it is easy to prove and demonstrate that
even the name Christian is drawn
directly from Mithraicism (see Christ
Before Jesus
). Today we call ourselves by the
Greek word Christian -- but have we ever
questioned where the term originated? If
modern believers were truly sincere in
their desire for a more intimate
relationship with the Lord, they would
immediately want to know the answer to
the question as to why the "early
believers avoided" using the name
Christian? The New Schaff-Herzog
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
confirms that the name "originated
outside of Christian and Jewish
circles". Thus, when rightly
understood, a religious group that was
outside the teachings of the Gospels,
portrayed themselves as Christian, prior
to the advent of Jesus and the Gospel
teachings. And the original
Ebionite Nazirene followers of Jesus
rejected the name Christian, because the
Gospel teachings have virtually nothing
in common with the teachings of those
who called themselves Christian.
The original purpose of the Gospels was
to present to the serious seekers an
allegorical blueprint of their own mind
that would be a catalyst for
inner-development that would open the
inner "narrow gate" that enabled the
prodigal sons/daughters to return to the
Edenic Kingdom of their Heavenly Father.
The modern
Church is in the process of being
Re-Born and Re-stored. Quoting from The
Law Of The Gospels
Who Am I? In
this life my name is Allan Cronshaw. But
in the former life which my Soul lived,
I was known as Jacob/Ya'kov who people
today mistakenly call James, the brother
of Yeshua who they mistakenly call
Jesus, and as the original author of the
core Gospel composed in the language of
Hebrew Characters (see ), my Soul was
sent back into this world to restore the
important teachings that the Church
suppressed and removed from the Gospels
(see The Restored Original Gospel
). Therefore, what I present to you is
the Facts that your leaders ignore,
through eye-witness account of the lives
that my Soul has lived over the past
2000 years. I was sent to convey to
seekers the Original Teachings in this
article which is Part I ( The Law Of The
Gospels ) --
and how to enter into the Narrow Gate
(see Part II @ Spiritual Osmosis And The
Narrow Gate
). To prepare for the Inward Journey, it
is necessary to understand the Cosmology
of Mind set forth in the Tree Of Life . As
the Author of the Original Gospel in
Hebrew Characters, I know what teachings
were suppressed, corrupted and even
removed. If you desire the facts on the
condition of the Gospels, you can demand
an original copy (see Can I Get An
Original Pure Copy Of The Scriptures
). As a guide in TheWay, I have no
followers. No one is asked for any
donations on any of my articles on my
websites or blogs. There is no
conversion to any religion other than
your own. Christians can take these
Original Teachings to their own
Congregations, and restore the Spiritual
Essence of their Path of TheWay. As you
restore the essence of the Gospel
teachings, only then can the End Times
be brought about (see The End Times -
Armageddon/Rapture - The Coming Of The
). The True Church is Spiritual, and not
of this world. Therefore, as a guide, I
don't encourage anyone to join a church.
Everything that I have written, is given
to others free of charge. Neither do I
peddle any books for profit. Yet, the
Holy Spirit is guiding sincere seekers
to my Restoration Writings, which are
being read worldwide, by people of all
faiths and backgrounds. Will you be
left behind?
Everyone has the right to believe
whatever they want, but now that the
facts have been presented to you, you
are responsible for what path in life
you take. You can no longer claim
ignorance? Neither can you ask how were
you to know? With my eyewitness
testimony, you can no longer claim that
the man Jesus and the Gospels are a
myth. And while it is true that
the Church of Rome corrupted the
scriptures and murdered the true
followers of Jesus, you can even demand
an original copy of the Gospels -- (see
Can I Get An Original Pure Copy Of The
). If you demand the original Gospels,
you can confirm that the most important
teachings were suppressed and corrupted
by the Church of Rome. Even the
very words that God spoke to mankind --
see The Corruption Of The Words Of God
. Therefore, it can rightly be
stated: To whom much has been given,
much more will be required. You no
longer have an excuse.
No Excuse For Your SinSo, you are saying that you know more than the
original authors of the Gospels when they wrote that
Jesus became Anointed/Christed for the first time at
his baptism in the Jordan (see The Corruption Of The
Words That God Spoke To Mankind
). You are also saying that you know more than the
people who walked and talked with the man Jesus
daily (see The Facts That Atheists And Christians
Fear And Choose To Ignore
). That you even know more than the parents of the
man Jesus, who were themselves Ebionites (Poor Ones)
-- who witnessed to the fact that the man Jesus was
in “...supernatural union of a man and God... In
their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the
legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the
best and wisest of the human race, selected as the
worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship
of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized
in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons,
the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the
form of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his
actions during the allotted period of his ministry”
(see Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire,
V.4, P.366). Prior to the takeover of the
religion by Constantine and pagan Rome, it is well
documented and explained that the Church openly
taught reincarnation -- i.e., "The disciples
of Jesus were persuaded that a man might have sinned
before he was born, (John, ix. 2,) and the Pharisees
held the transmigration [reincarnation] of virtuous
souls, (Joseph. de Bell. Judaico, l. ii. c. 7;) and
a modern Rabbi is modestly assured, that Hermes,
Pythagoras, Plato, etc., derived their metaphysics
from his illustrious countrymen" (Gibbon;
Decline & Fall). The Hastings-Scribner
Dictionary Of The Bible (New York, 1903. Bk 4, p.
63) "To affirm that Jews in Christ's time did
not believe in pre-existence is simply incorrect".
The historical facts demonstrate that the Emperor
Justinian imprisoned Pope Vigilius. Quoting from the
Britannica: “After the council, Justinian banished
the pope to Egypt, and afterwards to an island,
until he accepted the Council, which he ultimately
did.” After relenting to the will of the emperor,
and finely accepting the decree of the emperor after
seven months of imprisonment, it is reported that
the pope met with an untimely death before he could
even return to the Vatican. Thereafter, any
Christian who suggested that they agreed with the
early church fathers with regard to the teaching on
the transmigration of the soul were put to death.
Any reference in scripture that a person's position
in life which they were born into, was in accordance
with what one accomplished in the their Soul's
previous lives, was edited out.
What will you do when you are confronted by the fact
that you denied and opposed Christ and promoted
Constantine? Thus, Gibbon writes in the Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire: ”Constantine
easily believed that the heretics, who presumed to
dispute his opinions or to oppose his commands, were
guilty of the most absurd and criminal obstinancy...
Not a moment was lost in excluding the ministers and
teachers of the separated congregations from any
share of the rewards and immunities which the
emperor had so liberally bestowed on the orthodox
clergy. But as the sectaries might still exist under
the cloud of royal disgrace, the conquest of the
East was immediately followed by an edict which
announced their total destruction”.
Thus, in the same way that whoever did not embrace
the religion of the emperor met with the sentence of
death, whatever scriptures did not conform to the
approved version, was immediately destroyed (see ). The teaching on
the pre-existent soul that evolves to Wholeness and
Perfection over the course of many lives, was
replaced with the Mithraic doctrine of Original Sin
The Original Sin Of The Church
To whom much has been given, much more will be
expected. In my soul's previous life I walked daily
with the man Jesus. My soul entered this present
life as a witness. Therefore, it can once again be
stated that "If I had not come and spoken to
them, they would have no sin, but now they have no
excuse for their sin" (John 15:22). The facts
have been set before the Christian world, and they
no longer have an excuse for preaching the religion
of Roman Emperors -- i.e., The Religion Of Roman
Christian Accountability
Christians who continue to preach the dogma of pagan
Rome, will be held accountable. Therefore, it can be
To Whom Much is Given, Much Will Be Required (Luke
12:48) -- "From everyone who has been given much,
much will be demanded; and from the one who has been
entrusted with much, much more will be asked". What
this means is that those who call themselves
Christians, will he held more accountable than those
who are not Christians. They will be held more
accountable for their complacency with respect to seeking
Higher Truth. And when proof of corruption has been
presented to them, they will be held accountable for
the error and corruption they embrace and promote.,
than the non-believers. With the corruption of the
Gospels by the Church, seekers were confronted with
great difficulty in their search for Higher
Spiritual Truth. If the Gospel Teachings are the
vehicle that opens the door to the Kingdom -- and
the Kingdom is within us -- then the Church removed
the wheels from the vehicle that transports the
seeker into Life (see The Death Of The Gospels
). To resolve this obstacle that the corruption of
the Church placed in the path of sincere followers
of Jesus, my Soul who in my previous life in the
first Century authored the Core Original Gospel,
re-entered this world to restore the crucial
suppressed teachings that were suppressed by the
emperors who ruled over the Church of Rome. What
this means is that in the below article on the
Restoral of the Original Gospel Teachings, you can
expect the wisdom of the Original Author that in
addition to reestablishing the suppressed teachings,
explains all the inconsistencies and enigmas that
has confused and perplexed the sincere seeker since
these sacred writings were created. Thus, with this
restoration of the Original Gospel teachings, it can
again be said: "If I had not come and spoken to
them, they would have no sin, but now they have no
excuse for their sin" (John 15:22). Christians
and all people can no longer claim they did not know.
You have been presented with the Facts and the Truth
-- along with the restoration of the uncorrupted
Gosple teachings from the Original Author at The Law
Of The Gospels . In this present
life, I am only the messenger. What you do
hereafter, will determine your future. You can no
longer claim that you were ignorant -- or was never
told -- i.e., "If I had not come and spoken to them,
they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse
for their sin" (John 15:22). Christians and all
people can no longer claim they did not know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You Can't Come
To Christ Worshiping The Anti-Christ Of The Church
Learn the original Gospel teachings that were
suppressed and even outlawed by the fourth century
pagan Church of Rome at The Law Of The Gospels
Learn the original Gospel Foundation that the fourth
century Church suppressed at The Pre-Nicene
Foundational Teachings at
Answer To Allegations:
With respect to myself: I have no followers. No one
is asked for any donations on any of my websites or
blogs. There is no conversion to anything. I have no
church. I don't encourage anyone to join a church.
Everything that I have written, is given to others
free of charge. I do not peddle any books. I just
write the truth that I support with facts.
I provide to the modern faith-based Christian a
restoration of the Knowledge or Divine Manna which
the Church suppressed. I fully explain why the man
Jesus taught his original followers about the Royal
Law which they must fulfill within their own Mind
and Being (see The Law Of The Gospels ). I explain how
the "narrow gate"
is entered, and how the faith-based believer is able
to enter the Inner Kingdom while still alive in the
physical body (see The Law of Octaves ). I restore the
commandment of the Gospel that there is only One
Teacher that all belivers must seek out and learn
from (see
The One Teacher
). I prove that prior to the fourth century,
the Church taught the doctrine on the pre-existent
Soul that evolves to perfection over the course of
many lives (see The Pre-Nicene Position Of The
Church On Reincarnation
). I FACTUALLY explain how and why this core
foundational teaching was suppressed and outlawed by
a series of Roman Emperors (see Christianity Today:
The Religion Of Roman Emperors ).
Which proves that modern Church teachings which has
virtually nothing in common with the original
Gospel, is based upon the doctrine of Original Sin
that is founded upon and the teachings of the
Iranian prophet Mani as imported into the Church
from Manichaeism (see
). Further, I explain that without understanding
the Causal Factors of Life, that it is impossible to
understand anything of any spiritual substance (see
The Causal Factors Of Life ). I prove
that the Church even corrupted the very Words that
Christians believe God spoke to mankind (see The
Pre-Nicene Gentile Witness ). And that the
Emperor Constantine did this, in order to create the
Jesus-god who the pagans believed was the latest
incarnation of the Mithraic sun-god (see Christ
Before Jesus
). And I prove the wholesale corruption of the
Gospels in order to suppress the original teachings
of the Gospel (see The Corruption Of The Gospel
). Which means that those who continue to promote
the dogma of pagan Rome, are portrayed in the
Gospels as the "SPAWN OF THE DEVIL" (see The Devil's
Spawn ). In view of
the fact that I drew from the knowledge of the first
century when my Soul lived as the Brother of
Yeshua/Joshua/Jesus -- and the Logos/Word/Son wrote
through me to restore the suppressed teachings (see ) -- that
means that you are lying, and attempting to seduce
sincere seekers with the dogma of pagan Rome.
The purpose of the Restoration of the Gospel is to
enable believers to enter in at the "narrow gate" --
and as the prodigal sons/daughters, and be restored to
the Edenic Kingdom. From a Church perspective, I am
the same type of heretic as the original followers
of Jesus who he taught to fulfill the Law within
their own mind and being -- see The Law Of The
Gospels . I was personally
taught the Gospel by the man, Jesus. I was asked to
re-enter this world to restore the Original Gospel
teachings. If you mind and body had not been
polluted by the doctrines of pagan Rome, you would
yourself be restored to the Edenic Kingdom -- your
mind would be Christed as Jesus taught (see Jesus
Taught To Become The Christ )
-- and you would have returned to your Heavenly
Father as Jesus taught -- i.e., "Go instead to my
brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father
and your Father, to my God and your God'" (John
20:17). But you continue to dwell in this, the
"outer darkness" of mind and being, because your
mind has been infested with the teachings of the
"devils spawn" -- see Christianity - The Devil's
Spawn . My body is the
Consecrated Holy Temple of the Lord. Which enables
me to enter in at the Holy of Holies, and be with
the Lord while I am carrying out this mission that I
was given to fulfill.
------------------------------------------------------------ Yet, the facts prove you wrong. Both the Near Death
Experience (NDE) and the Out of Body Experience
(OOBE) have been confirmed by science as explored in
the following links:
Initiating An Out OFBody Experience with
Steve G. Jones
Are near-death experiences
real? Here’s what science has to say. | Dr. Bruce
He Died For 45 Minutes & Went To Heaven - Near Death
The Astral Projection
Experience with Jade Shaw | Mindvalley Trailer
The Science Of Out OF Body Experiences
Guided Astral Projection
A Conscious Universe - Dr Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion
Missing Evidence | Full Debate | Rupert
Sheldrake, Tara Shears, Massimo Pigliucci, Philip
40+ yrs of Researching NDEs
I Discovered Scientific Proof of the Afterlife | Dr.
Raymond Moody
NDE video Collection
Religion portrays each person's World View of Life.
Hugh Heffner worshipped sex. Others worship money.
Some worship drugs, alcohole, gambling and other
carnal vices. Still others call themselves
Christian, and blindly worship the Jesus-god of
Constantine. Others worship non-metaphysical
faux-science. This world can be portrayed as a
school house for the prodigal sons who are all
equally the expression of the Divine Mind. When you
seriously seek the Truth and Self-Knowledge, and are
desirous of seeking the ultimate Truth and your
Source of Consciousness within you -- only then you
will know the Truth that few are able to comprehend.
I am a worshipper of Truth -- and I am willing to
dedicate my life to seeking it. Yes, I am very
misunderstood by most people.
Worship and
values are a personal expression -- and can be
defined by what moves the mind and attracts and
controls each person's consciousness.
Ladder -- Levels Of Advancement
It is not my fault that you
reject whatever evidence conflicts with you beliefs.
That is of course your right. Quoting from the
Gospel Of The Nazirenes: "God gives you all truth,
as a ladder with many steps, for the salvation and
perfection of the soul, and the truth which seems
today, you will abandon for the higher truth
tomorrow. Press toward perfection." Few seekers can
advance, because they are unable to "abandon their
truth to evolve to a higher truth tomorrow".
Modern-day scientist Nikola Tesla was correct when
he stated that "If you wish to understand the
universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration"
-- and if you seek to journey within to your Source
of Consciousness by advancing the rungs of the
proverbial Jacob's Ladder, then each level of
advancement is the result of mental-expansion and
spiritual-deepening brought about through a change
in the "frequency and vibration" of the person's
mind. In climbing the proverbial Jacob's Ladder,
the mind is developed through the exercise of choice
and freewill. If we make bad choices, we must learn
from the bad choices we have made by experiencing
the result of our exercise of freewill. When we make
good choices, we must be permitted to experience the
accomplishments we have made that advance us. Each
life the Soul lives can be looked upon as a grade
level that presents to us a level of consciousness
that we must achieve. If we knew the answers to
life, then we would be cheating -- and no
advancement could be attained. If we fail to
accomplish the level we entered into life to
achieve, then we get to take that level over -- and
over -- and over, until we achieve that level and
are prepared to move onto the next level. It is
therefore not my fault that you are stuck at the
level of your beliefs, and you can't comprehend
man's higher Soul-Reality.
Version II
Thought is metaphysical. We
can't see thought. And we can only evaluate a
person's expressed thoughts by the limitations of
our own level of understanding. Everyday some
people call me an idiot -- others call me greatly
informed -- while others portray me as an
enlightened adept. Which means that people
evaluate me in accord with their own beliefs and
levels of understanding. What if this world is
a Soul-School where we, as the offspring of God,
goes to mentally and spiritually evolve. In
advanced systems of education, students attend
different subject classes -- and what if we enter
this world under different Laws that enable us to
develop different aspects of our mind? Man's
superior intellect and ability to know and
understand and evolve to a condition of
Enlightenment in the Knowledge of all Truths, is
manifest in THE POTENTIAL of his great diversity of
Mind that has the unique ability to perceive all
sides of any given equation -- diverse, complex and
often conflicting perspectives that can in many
instances be portrayed as paradoxical opposites.
Quoting from the Gospel of the Nazirenes: "The One
truth has many sides, and one sees one side only,
another, and some see more than others, according as
it is given to them. Behold this crystal; how the
one light is manifest in twelve faces, yea four
times twelve, and each face reflects one ray of
light, and one regards one face, and another,
another, but it is the one crystal, and the one
light that shines in all." Thus, the One Mind
is divided into twelve separate faces of the crystal
-- and each of the twelve is further divided into
twelve aspects of mind -- with each seeing and
understanding the world from a different
perspective. Which means that like our own
advanced systems of education, each segment of mind
must be evolved separately from the rest.
In the School of Life,
because different people are polarized to different
segments or aspects of mind, this enables like
minded people to support each other -- and opposite
minded people to interact from different aspects of
mind -- and it is through this support and
interaction of opposites, that the Soul-Mind grows,
expands and evolves. Quoting from the Gospel
Of The Nazirenes: "God gives you all truth, as a
ladder with many steps, for the salvation and
perfection of the soul, and the truth which seems
today, you will abandon for the higher truth
tomorrow. Press toward perfection." Few seekers can
advance, because they are unable to "abandon their
truth to evolve to a higher truth tomorrow".
Modern-day scientist Nikola Tesla was correct when
he stated that "If you wish to understand the
universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration"
-- and if you seek to journey within, to your Source
of Consciousness in the Divine Mind that all of us
are an expression of by advancing the rungs of the
proverbial Jacob's Ladder, then each level of
advancement is the result of mental-expansion and
spiritual-deepening brought about through a change
in the "frequency and vibration" of the person's
mind. In climbing the proverbial Jacob's Ladder, the
mind is developed through the exercise of choice and
freewill. At each level of advancement in climbing
the proverbial Jacob's Ladder, the mind is developed
through the exercise of choice and freewill. If we
make bad choices, we must learn from the bad choices
we have made by experiencing the result of our
exercise of freewill. When we make good choices, we
must be permitted to experience the accomplishments
we have made that advance us. Each life the Soul
lives can be looked upon as a grade level that
presents to us a level of consciousness that we must
achieve. If we knew the answers to life, then we
would be cheating -- and no advancement could be
attained. If we fail to accomplish the level we
entered into life to achieve, then we get to take
that level over -- and over -- and over, until we
achieve that level and are prepared to move onto the
next level. It is therefore not my fault that you
are stuck at the level of your beliefs, and you
can't comprehend man's higher Soul-Reality.
Because different people are
polarized to different segments of aspects of mind,
this enables like minded people to support each
other -- and opposite minded people to interact from
different aspects of mind -- and it is through this
support and interaction of opposites, that the
Soul-Mind grows, expands and evolves. Quoting from
the Gospel Of The Nazirenes: "God gives you all
truth, as a ladder with many steps, for the
salvation and perfection of the soul, and the truth
which seems today, you will abandon for the higher
truth tomorrow. Press toward perfection." Few
seekers can advance, because they are unable to
"abandon their truth to evolve to a higher truth
tomorrow". Modern-day scientist Nikola Tesla was
correct when he stated that "If you wish to
understand the universe, think of energy, frequency
and vibration" -- and if you seek to journey within,
to your Source of Consciousness in the Divine Mind
that all of us are an expression of by advancing the
rungs of the proverbial Jacob's Ladder, then each
level of advancement is the result of
mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening brought
about through a change in the "frequency and
vibration" of the person's mind. In climbing the
proverbial Jacob's Ladder, the mind is developed
through the exercise of choice and freewill. At each
level of advancement in climbing the proverbial
Jacob's Ladder, the mind is developed through the
exercise of choice and freewill. If we make bad
choices, we must learn from the bad choices we have
made by experiencing the result of our exercise of
freewill. When we make good choices, we must be
permitted to experience the accomplishments we have
made that advance us. Each life the Soul lives can
be looked upon as a grade level that presents to us
a level of consciousness that we must achieve. If we
knew the answers to life, then we would be cheating
-- and no advancement could be attained. If we fail
to accomplish the level we entered into life to
achieve, then we get to take that level over -- and
over -- and over, until we achieve that level and
are prepared to move onto the next level. It is
therefore not my fault that you are stuck at the
level of your beliefs, and you can't comprehend
man's higher Soul-Reality.
Natural Law
Jesus taught that
the Kingdom is within you. In this
life you are on an inward journey to deeper
levels of consciousness that is brought
about through subsequent stages of birth
(see The Divine Marriage ). This inner
journey into deeper leve;s of Consciousness
can be portrayed as climbing Jacob's Ladder
(see The Law Of Jacob's Ladder And Mental
). Each level is maintained by Natural Laws
that must be fulfilled and overcome, in
order to arise in Consciousness -- just as
you climb the rungs of a ladder by releasing
yourself from the past, in order to grasp
the next level of higher consciousness. At
the core of our being we are all ONE as
explored at The Cosmology Of The Divine Mind
. The ONE is made up of the many which are
held in balance through the Natural Laws. As
we overcome the Natural Laws that separates
and divides, we arise to a higher level of
We develop because
of the Law that causes and insures that
every action must return to its source. Much
of the core Gospel teachings portray this
reality. As you do to others, the same will
return back to you. And this is in part
maintained by what Pythagoras, Plato, Jesus
and other enlightened people understood this
through their comprehension of what is
portrayed as The Law of Octaves -- see Index
There is an overview of the workings of the
Laws at the subheading The Checksum Of The
The Enigma Or
CheckSum Of The Law: Only a very few people
throughout the history of mankind could
comprehend what is known as the Law of
Octaves. Few people are even aware of its
existence. Great minds such as Pythagoras,
Plato, Jesus, Giordano Bruno -- and to a
lesser degree G.I.Gurdjieff, all pointed to
man's ignorance of the Law of Octaves as
shackling him to lives of abject ignorance.
Why? In our modern technological
environment, the Law of Octaves can be
thought of as a checksum that is an embedded
block of code that is used to check the
integrity of a data string or transmission
that is necessary to evaluate the wholeness
of the message. If the data string is
incomplete, the embedded checksum code
enables the data string to be rejected.
In the case of the
Natural Laws of God and Creation which are
designed to evolve the Mind and Spirit of
each individual Soul, there is the
equivalent of a checksum embedded in the
Natural Laws that evaluates the Impressions,
Thoughts, Words and Deeds of each person for
Wholeness that is necessary to spawn and
bring about growth and development in the
mind of the person. In the same way that
junk food is not beneficial for the
nourishment of the body, neither can
imbalanced junk-thoughts, or erroneous
beliefs and actions bring about the
development and growth of the consciousness
of the person. What has been traditionally
called the Law of Three -- the Law of Seven
-- both of which portray separate
action-intervals within the Law of Octaves,
act as a type of checksum implanted into the
Laws of Creation that functions as the
Osmosis Testing system for what the Gospels
portray as the "narrow gate" of the
mind and the Consciousness of Creation. In
the same way that our cells are surrounded
by a membrane that selectively allows only
what the cell needs to enter, what is
portrayed as the "narrow gate" can
be portrayed as a mental/spiritual-membrane
that only permits Whole Impressions and
Thoughts that can bring about the process of
mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening
about to enter therein. Jesus tauhgt that
our Consciousness and the Consciousness of
Creation is all the product of the Natural
Laws as stated in the words:
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
Yet not one of them will fall to the ground
apart from the will of your Father. And even
the very hairs of your head are all
numbered" (Matt 10:29-30). Which
means that every aspect of each person's
life is monitored by the (Natural) Laws of
God and Creation. And when
the Gospel
account of Jesus stated: "But I say unto
you, That every idle word that men shall
speak, they shall give account thereof in
the day of judgment" (Matt 12:36) -- idle
thoughts and words cannot evolve the mind
into the necessary Wholeness -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need of the
physician, but they that are sick: I came
not to call the righteous, but sinners to
repentance" (Mark 2:17). Those people
who Jesus portrays as speaking an idle word,
are of a mindset where they speak many and
even countless idle words. Thereby
inhibiting their mental and spiritual growth
and development. The mind is developed and
transformed -- evolved to the necessary
level of wholeness so the mind of the person
can achieve Wholeness -- as each Impression
and Thought is manifest in Wholeness as
expressed in the commandment: "…take
captive every thought to make it obedient to
Christ" (2 Cor 10:5).
The term Cell
Membrane is defined as "a gatekeeper,
guardian, or border guard" that
protects the organism. Allegorically, the
checksum embedded in the Natural Laws is
portrayed in the words in the Genesis
account: "...therefore the LORD God sent
him out from the garden of Eden, to
cultivate the ground from which he was
taken. So He drove the man out; and at the
east of the garden of Eden He stationed the
cherubim and the flaming sword which turned
every direction to guard the way to the tree
of life." The cherubim are an
allegorical representative of the Laws that
perpetually test us for the necessary
Wholeness that the Soul must achieve to be
nourished by the Life-Giving Fruit of the
Tree of Life. These Laws are not intended to
inhibit us -- but to test us and insure our
ultimate success in order to see if we are
Whole and Complete. When rightly understood,
what is portrayed as the Law of Octaves is
the protective barrier of the "narrow
gate" that acts as a gatekeeper that
insures developmental Wholeness of the Mind
of man beyond that level of what can be
portrayed as Organic Consciousness. And what
this means is that embedded in the Natural
Laws of God and Creation is a checksum
osmosis-membrane that insures Wholeness and
Balance in the development of the mind
beyond organic (natural) levels of
In the Gospels the
requirement is set forth in the words: "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the
gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go in by
it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult
is the way which leads to life, and there
are few who find it" (Matt 7:13-14). In
order to enter in at the "narrow strait
gate", one must prevail over and
fulfill the Laws that test us.
Love --
The Law is a great deal more than the rhetoric of
love. The Law evolves each person to perfection --
immersing each person in the trials and tribulations
of life -- with lots of love in the trials they
endure in the process of evolving to maturity.
If you prove reincarnation, then you have also
proven the existence of Spirit as where Soul's
reside between lives -- and you also them prove
NDE's and OOBE's. So, let me use science to prove
the Truth.
Proof Of
Reincarnation There Is No Salvation Based Upon Lies When a four year old child asks their parents to
retrieve her money she hid away in her previous
life. And 15 investigators test and prove her
past-life memory recall to be true. This is
proof and scientific confirmation of reincarnation
(see The Facts That Atheists And Christians Fear And
Choose To Ignore
). When it is proven that the Original Gospels
taught the pre-existent Soul that evolves to
Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many
lifetimes (see Pre-Nicene Church Taught
) -- which teaching was suppressed by a series of
Roman Emperors (see The Religion Of Roman Emperors ) --
then the teachings of salvation being peddled by the
Church is a lie and a bogus fraud perpetrated to
promote the riches of the collection plate. And
because of all the sorrow of all the Christians
being defrauded in the afterlife, my Soul which
lived in the first century, has incarnated to
restore the Gospel Truth -- see
The Law Of The Gospels . Does
the Church promote the Love of Jesus? You
cannot Love and represent Jesus, while
simultaniously promoting a lie that entraps the
souls of innocent Christians. Jesus himself
warned that those who promote Lies will suffer the
greter judgment of the Laws (of Karma) -- i.e., "And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and
prepared not himself, neither did according to his
will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that
knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes,
shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto
whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much
required: and to whom men have committed much, of
him they will ask the more" (Luke 12:47-48).
With the corruption of the Gospel, the modern
Christian simply has no means to understand why and
how the lukewarm
believer will be beaten with the stripes of greater judgment,
than the unbeliever. So what is the fate of those
who "...did commit things worthy of stripes"
-- but they shall clearly receive far less stripes
of judgment than Christians who knew the masters
will, but did not properly prepare themselves? This
is in opposition to everything that modern
Christians believe, preach and promote to other
people. Christians can't understand that Judgement
is in the opportunties that each person inherits and
earns in their souls future incarnations.
Further, the person who rejects the Church may be
intuitively listening to the voice of God speaking
to them about the sin of Christians who ignore the
facts, and continue to preach the dogma of the pagan
Emperor Constantine (see
Original Sin
Rejects Gospel Teachings
Why would God even permit mankind to dwell in
ignorance? As the prodigal sons, each of us
grows and evolves through the choices we make, and
living out these chosen experiences. As
demonstrated in this article, both atheists and
Christians choose to remain ignorant ( see
). While each person possesses the ability to
tap into their inner Source of Consciousness, they
perpetually choose to listen to and adhere to those
who seek to control them and keep them ignorant.
Giordano Bruno, who was burnt at the stake for
attempting to teach people the original Gospel
teachings, confirmed this fact when he stated: "The Divine Light is always in man, presenting
itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but
man rejects it." Giordano Bruno told the
people the Truth of the Gospel when he stated:
"The soul is not the body and
it may be in one body or in another, and pass from
body to body".
And to convey this fact to those being lied to and
deceived, is why my own Soul incarnated into
this life in order to restore the Original Gospel
Teachings which the Church of the fourth century
corrupted (see The Law Of The Gospels ).
What this means is that if everyone put the Original
Gospel teachings to work in their lives, there would
be no more war and conflict. If man ceased to
fight with each other, we would live in eternal
peace. The pre-Nicene Church taught the pre-existent Soul
that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over the
course or many lifetimes, prior to being corrupted
by pagan Rome and the Emperor Constantine in the
fourth century (see
Church Taught Reincarnation
). And when properly interpreted, there are
many Gospel verses that still teach reincarnation
(see Biblical Verses That Teach Reincarnation
). And many choose to ignore the fact that
science has proven reincarnation (see Science
Proves Reincarnation
). Based upon the knowledge of my Soul's life
in the first century (see Brother Of Jesus ), I incarnated at
this time to restore the original Gospel teachings
which the Church of Constantine suppressed and
corrupted -- see The Law Of The Gospels .
-------------------------------------------------- The Reincarnation OF Shanti Devi
What Are The Facts? Shanti
Devi was born in India on 11th December 1926. She
was just four years old when she started to claim
that the home she was in wasn’t her real home. She
also said that her parents weren’t real as well!
Soon, she understood that she could remember her
past life. This case got a very thorough
investigation, and hundreds of researchers and
scholars took part in it during the mid-1930s. This
story changed the way science looked at
reincarnation. The claims and stories shared by
Shanti Devi about her past life dangled an
intriguing possibility: could people remember their
past lives? These 15 people took Shanti Devi with
them to Mathura. At the Mathura station, Shanti Devi
was presented to a stranger and asked if she could
recognize the person. She immediately recognized him
as the elder brother of Kedar Nath who was her
husband in her past life. When they reached her
past-life home in Mathura, she didn’t take a second
to recognize her father-in-law within the crowd. In
recognition that she had never met him in this
present life, people were stunned to see her name
her father-in-law in her previous live. She also
said that in her past life, she buried some money in
a specific location in her Mathura house. Shanti
Devi guided people to that spot, where she stated
that the money was hidden under a flower-pot. People
searched, but ultimately found no money. Yet Shanti
Devi insisted that she did keep money there in her
past life. Kedar Nath, her past-life husband,
confessed that he took that money after her death.
And with all of these facts, her claims were
considered to be proved. Dr. Ian Stevenson, the
leading authority of the reincarnation
investigation, said that Shanti Devi made around
twenty-four statements of her memories that were an
exact match to that of the verified facts. After
interviewing all of the participants, the report in
1936 stated that she was indeed the reincarnation of
Lugdi Bai!
When a four year old child talks about their souls
previous life, and a scientist and group of
investigators question the child about what they
recall from that previous life which they claim to
have lived. And in response to the claim, the
scientist writes down 25 points which the child
claims to remember about that life. Including the
names of people the child has never met in their
present life. The names and geographical
location of places in that distant community which
the child has never been to in their present life.
And 15 investigators take the child back to where
the child claimed they lived without ever having
been there, to test the account of the child. And
all 25 points that the child made to the
investigators are proven to be true. That is proof
of both reincarnation and past life recall.
Science has proven reincarnation -- see
Neuro Surgeon Dies; Gets
Shown Truth about Re-incarnation and Quantum World
Out Of The Mouth Of Babes:
"Multiple researchers have thoroughly investigated
cases of children who report past-life memories. In
many cases, the details given by a child have been
verified to correspond (sometimes with startling
accuracy) to a deceased person."
Reincarnation Proof: The James Linegar Case
Girl Believes She Was a Pioneer in Her Past
Life - The Ghost Inside My Child
Amazing Story of World Famous Pollock Twin
Sisters - Re Birth and remembering the past
Scientific Proof Of Reincarnation
Dr. Ian Stevenson
Dr. Ian Stevenson,
MD, who died in 2007, served as Chairman of
the Department of Psychiatry at the
University of Virginia, School of Medicine.
He was also honored as the Carlson Professor
of Psychiatry at that institution. Starting
in 1961, for forty years, Dr. Stevenson
investigated children who spontaneously
remember past lives that could be factually
validated. He chose to only study children
as he reasoned that children were unlikely
to fabricate past life memories. Jim Tucker,
MD has taken over for Dr. Stevenson at the
University of Virginia. As of 2018,
Dr. Tucker has related to me that Stevenson
and his colleagues compiled “over 2500”
childhood past life memory cases. In 1567 of
these cases, the past life personality was
identified through research. In another 150
cases, the past life personality has been
“tentatively” identified. As such, in
my opinion, the number of validated
childhood past life memory cases is best
represented by the number 1567.
Book: Twenty Cases
Suggective Of Reincarnation
Book: Children Who Remember
Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation
Evaluating the Evidence for Reincarnation
And there is proof that the Gospel is
founded upon the pre-existent soul that evolves to
Wholeness and Perfection over the course of many
lives at The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On
And the bottom line is that I have restored
the suppressed Gospel teachings based upon the
recall of my own Souls previous lives. And if you
embrace these restored teachings as explored at The
Law Of The Gospels , you too
will be able to recall your own soul's previous
Delores Cannon
Author, Joan Grant, who was born with the ability to
perceive her Soul's previous lives -- without
revealing her source to her readers -- wrote novels
based upon her knowledge of ancient Egypt. In time
the archaeologists made discoveries that had been
explored in the novels that Joan Grant had written.
And in time these same archaeologists ask her what
her source was. And thus, she revealed to the
archaeologists her source which was drawn from her
previous lives in ancient Egypt. After that she
began to openly author books on previous lives.
Quoting Joan Grant's website: "It was only
on publication of her autobiography in 1956, that
Joan publicly revealed that ‘during the last twenty
years, seven books of mine have been published as
historical novels which to me are biographies of
previous lives I have known. In her later
years Joan and her husband Dr Denys Kelsey practiced
past life regression therapy, and co-wrote Many
Lifetimes about their experiences and ideas"
(see ). Like
Joan Grant, my Soul was there when the Gospel
teachings were written and were pure from defilement
-- and my Soul entered this life to restore the
original pure Gospel teachings -- see
The Law Of The
. The Holy Spirit directs sincere seekers to
my writings.
Joan Grant
The Alpha Of Creation
It's not that Jesus
was lying. It's that few people understand
the original Gospel teachings pertaining to
fulfilling the Law -- i.e., The Law Of The
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Cosmology Of Mind -- God Is The Source Of
Consciousness And Being
In the Alpha of Creation, Each Soul was as Sparks of
the Divine Mind. The Souls lacked any understanding
of self and reality, because experiential knowledge
in the Alpha/Beginning did not exist. For the sake
of unity, I will quote from The Universal Jewish
Encyclopedia which I find acceptable, under the
heading of Souls, Transmigration of: “The
doctrine of transmigration of souls, which was
especially accepted by the Karaites… is defended by
Isaac Abravanel and Manasseh ben Israel. It appears
often in Cabala; it is found in organized form in
the Zohar, it is further developed in the teachings
of Isaac Luria (1534-1572), and in Hasidism it
becomes a universal belief. According to these
teachings, all human souls have a common origin in
the spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of
which form the individual souls... The sin of Adam
brought higher and lower souls into confusion; as a
result, every soul has to pass through a series of
incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is
determined by the body and may vary from incarnation
to incarnation”.
In the Zohar, the foundational doctrine of Jewish
Mysticism, it is written that: “All souls are
subject to the trials of transmigration; and men do
not know the designs of the Most High with regard to
them… The souls must re-enter the absolute substance
whence they have emerged. But to accomplish this end
they must develop all the perfections, the germ of
which is planted in them; and if they have not
fulfilled this condition during one life, they must
commence another, a third, and so forth, until they
have acquired the condition which fits them for
reunion with God”. Thus, in the parabolic
teachings of the Gospels, each prodigal son must
return to the Father.
Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within each of us
-- i.e., “‘For in him we live and move and have
our being.' As some of your own poets have said, ‘We
are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28 - see Dwelling
In The Mind Of God
). Each Spark of the Divine Mind portrayed by the
Mystic, is at the Core of our Consciousness as a
twelve-dimensional Being of Light -- see
. Our Soul evolves the Light, by incarnating into
this three-dimensional realm where opposite
polarities of Mind have been separated and divided,
can interact with each other in this divided form --
i.e., male/female and higher-spiritual and
lower-earthly. Higher Consciousness requires a
paradoxically diverse mind that perceives and
understands from different and often opposite
perspectives. In the same way that each Soul must
return to the Divine Mind of the Father, each
soul-generated personality who lives in the physical
form, who incarnates into physical man or woman,
must return to their source in the Soul. And each
human personality must return to its source in the
Soul. "The soul...", writes the mystic St.
Teresa, is as “a castle made of a single
diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in
Heaven there are many mansions” (Interior
Castle by St. Teresa of Avila).
God is All-Knowing -- and the Super Diverse
Intelligence of God is brought about and maintained
by the Soul-Factor, whereby each Soul is as a Single
Neuron in the Mind of God. Each individual Soul was
created and exists in the pattern of the Whole,
whereby each human incarnation exists as a single
neuron in the mind of the Soul -- transcending Time
as a dimension of Soul-Mind -- see Saying 84 - The
Foundation Of The Soul And The Threefold Self .
Which means that as the incarnated personalities of
man evolve -- first in physical life, and then in
the after life -- each incarnated personality
continues to dwell in the Soul Mind-Matrix, and can
be accessed by man by developing our inward-looking
attributes of mind.
The Soul of Jesus was the first to achieve the
necessary Wholeness and Perfection to be totally
reunited to the Divine Mind. In order to achieve
this high level of mental and spiritual development,
the Soul of Jesus lived many previous lives. Thus,
the man Jesus was and is the original prodigal son
who fulfilled the Natural Laws of Creation which
Enlightened Deists portrayed as the Laws of Nature
and Nature's God, and consciously returned to the
Divine Mind of the Father. The original Gospel
teachings were designed to enable the Souls of
sincere seekers to also become Whole, Complete and
achieve the same Perfection -- i.e., "They that are
whole have no need of the physician, but they that
are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but
sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17). The problem is
that the Gentiles did not understand the Spiritual
Law that the Gospels teach, and they threw the
teachings away -- bringing suffering upon the vast
majority of those who follow these teachings. The
original teachings have been restored at The Law Of
The Gospels .
Why have I written this? It is important for a
person who is a sincere seeker, to understand what
can be portrayed as the Cosmology of Mind -- which
is why the Gospels present an allegorical blueprint
of mind that could be used by sincere seekers. What
is the person's relationship to their higher
Soul-Self that the Church Father Origen portrays as
being eternal -- i.e., "The soul has neither
beginning nor end... Every soul... comes into this
world strengthened by the victories or weakened by
the defeats of its previous life. Its place in this
world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor is
determined by its previous merits or demerits...."
In like manner, it is important to understand the
relationship of a person's Soul to the Divine Mind.
As modern science advances and begins to seek
answers in the metaphysical, understanding the
Cosmology of Mind (without the allegory of the
scriptures) is ultra-important. From a scientific
perspective: When you begin to recognize that
Consciousness and all deeper levels of Mind is
Metaphysical -- it is important to understand the
deeper levels of Consciousness beyond the surface
thinking of organic man.
Author: Wisdom from Jacob who they call James, the
Brother of Yeshua who they call Jesus, The Restored Gospel --
Gospel Teachings --
Brother Of Jesus --
am today known and incarnated as Allan Cronshaw --
Author Of Original Gospel composed in Hebrew
How Are you helping?
Through the development of mind -- the leading of a
spiritual holistic lifestyle -- through the raising
of consciousness -- through the acquisition of
knowledge -- through the exploration of their souls
previous lives -- by bringing those who develop the
ability to enter the Realm of Souls and come into
the Presence of their Soul-Self. To name a few -----------------------------------------------------------------------
You will have to make the effort to find out.
As the mind matures, the recall of our Soul's
previous lives comes to us a leaves on a healthy
tree. Your beliefs have blocked and derailed your
development. And your harassment of others has
constructed a wall between you and finding the Truth
and the higher realities of life.
So, you are what can be portrayed as the
walking dead. You can't make any greater progress in
this life. Your beliefs have made it impossible for
you to learn. And your ideology is one where you are
awaiting physical death and release from your
self-imposed mental chains.
I provided you with scientific investigations
and studies. The claims were verified in an
investigation. You can either investigate your own
souls previous lives, or you can ignore the subject.
But, if you have indeed lived many lives, then
everything you think you know is false. Life has a
purpose and a reason. You have a Soul that is your
True-Self that you must being to connect with to
possess higher self-knowledge. Since all of mankind
has a destiny, you must possess a degree of
soul-knowledge to understand that destiny. A Fact of
Life is, that you can spend countless meaningless
lives where you achieve virtually nothing, without
the necessary soul-knowledge to understand the
purpose of the life you are presently living. You
will live in a flat-lined mental condition where you
live to feed your basic carnal appetites -- ignorant
of why your soul entered into that life -- ignorant
of the purpose of life. If that is your choice to
remain in a state of self-ignorance, that is your
I am here to assist people to
develop and acquire the ability to receive
self-knowledge. When you reply to me in your
profoundly ignorant manner, I make people think. Do
they want to live just for the purpose of feeding
their carnal appetites? Or do they want to walk the
path of acquiring self-knowledge and rise above
man's animal consciousness. And in answering you and
your choice of ignorance, I assist them to seek the
higher knowledge. The above statement by an
accredited scientist that: "And with all of these
facts, her claims were considered to be proved. Dr.
Ian Stevenson, the leading authority of the
reincarnation investigation, said that Shanti Devi
made around twenty-four statements of her memories
that were an exact match to that of the verified
facts. After interviewing all of the participants,
the report in 1936 stated that she was indeed the
reincarnation of Lugdi Bai!", causes people to
recognize the fact that they are capable of
investigating their own souls previous lives. And
many of them would like to know their more distant
past. And if they are indeed creating their next
life by their present actions, then they would like
to be in control of their future. they don't want to
squander away opportunities in the present, and be
be born in some third-world country under the
control of some despotic atheist dictator in the
future. So, your rejection of self-knowledge and
ignorance, motivates others to investigate how they
can bring about a higher spiritual understanding. --------------------------------------------------------------
The question is why does
Christians continue to post and promote the dogma of
the Church of Constantine? Rejecting the original
teachings of Jesus? The teachings of Jesus
disappeared in the first century. And when
rightly understood, the Roman Empire was not
converted to the religion of Jesus -- but rather,
the personage and image of Jesus was converted to
quasi form of Mithraism that re-imagined the man
Jesus as god-incarnate. Further it is a
demonstraitable fact that those Christians who
promote the Jesus-god of Constantine, will receive
the greater judgement in the future life they will
be born into. You want biblical proof? OK.
In the Revelation it is warned:
"I know your
works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could
wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are
lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you
out of My mouth" (Rev 3:15-16). What works are
being made reference to? Someone who is cold to the
Gospel, is an unbeliever -- while someone who is
hot, is on fire as a true Disciple of TheWay. But
someone who is lukewarm, is very clearly a member of
the Church who is complacent, promoting a false
doctrine, or fails to bring about the works of the
spirit that is required to walk in TheWay. Thus,
Jesus warned: "And that servant, which knew his
lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did
according to his will, shall be beaten with many
stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things
worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes.
For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be
much required: and to whom men have committed much,
of him they will ask the more" (Luke 12:47-48).
The modern Christian simply has no means to
understand why and how the lukewarm believer will be
beaten with the stripes of greater judgment, than
the unbeliever. So what is the fate of those who "...did commit things worthy of stripes" -- but
they shall clearly receive far less stripes of
judgment than Christians who knew the masters will,
but did not properly prepare themselves? This is in
opposition to everything that modern Christians
believe, preach and promote to other people.
Further, the person who rejects the Church may be
intuitively listening to the voice of God speaking
to them about the sin of Christians who ignore the
facts, and continue to preach the dogma of the pagan
Emperor Constantine.
It is virtually impossible
for the modern Christian to answer any of the above
questions above, because they are missing many of
the most important teachings that were removed by
the later Church of Constantine from the Gospels.
Yet, in the above scriptural citings, the alleged
(Christian) believer was dealt with more harshly
than the unbeliever. Fortunately, we are living in a
time of spiritual restoration and rebirth. Why?
Because the suppressed Gospel teachings have been
restored at The Law Of The Gospels . And we now know
that the Law of Grace can only be invoked when the
person brings about spiritual change in their lives
-- and a Christian who should know better, is
clearly dealt with more severely than the person who
is not in a position to know better. In view of the
fact that it is easily proven that the Gospels were
corrupted by the Church of Constantine (see The
Corruption Of The Gospel Texts
) -- and the doctrine of Original Sin is a fraud
(see Original Sin Rejects Gospel Teachings
) -- those who call themselves Christians will
receive the greater judgment.
When Jesus
said to the chief priests and the elders that the
“…tax collectors and the harlots go into the
kingdom of God before you” (Matt 21:31), such a
statement simply has no place within the present day
understanding of Christian doctrine. If the chief
priests rejected Jesus, how could they arrive in the
Kingdom at a duration of time, after the committed
believers? Which provokes the questions: Did Jesus
misspeak? Was he wrong? Or, are modern Christians
lacking an important aspect of the Original Gospel
teachings? Because the modern believer is without a
means to explain Jesus' words, most Bible
commentaries simply ignore the implications of this
passage of scripture. One widely used commentary
attempts to correct the text by changing the words
to “instead of” -- which would then make the meaning
doctrinally correct and read: “The tax collectors
and the harlots go into the kingdom of God instead
of you”. But this is not what Jesus stated. And this
reality is further confirmed in the case of sinners
and those who have been judged by the Law are
portrayed as having been cast into a type of prison,
Jesus stated: "Assuredly, I say to you, you will
by no means get out of there till you have paid the
last penny" (Matt 5:26).
In the
original Gospel teachings there is a vast difference
between discernment and judgment of our brothers and
sisters. And this is seen in the commandment: “Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the
same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and
with the measure you use, it will be measured to
you" (Matt 7:1-2). Thus, the Christian who
judges and condemns, will receive the greater
stripes in their own judgment. And in accord with
the teachings which the fourth century Church
suppressed, those who judge will be born into the
conditions they judged and condemned (see Pre-Nicene
Church Taught Reincarnation ).
And this is how the “…tax collectors and the
harlots go into the kingdom of God” before those
Christians who did not properly prepare themselves
by picking up their own cross and travailing in
The Modern Church teaches and
supports the man-made dogma of Mithraism -- the
universal religion of the Roman Empire over the
course of the first three centuries which was
replaced by the corrupted version of the Roman
Emperors who ruled over the Church after the fourth
century (see The Religion Of Roman Emperors . Thus,
the modern faith-based believer who continues to
promote the doctrines of Roman Emperors, thereby
rejecting the Original Gospel teachings (see The Law
Of The Gospels ), will receive
the greater judgment.
The Cross is a symbol of
Transformation and Consecration:
"If anyone would come after
me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily
and follow me" (Luke 9:23). Further
stating: "And
he who does not take his cross and follow after Me
is not worthy of Me" (Matt 10:38).
And the
Gospel of Mark quotes Jesus as stating:
Jesus called the crowd to Him along with His
disciples, and He told them, If anyone wants to come
after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross
and follow Me" (Mark 8:34).
Jesus did
not say that you must believe that he was
crucified. And this is further clarified where
Jesus states that you must carry your own cross:
whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me
cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:27).
"But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do
the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46)
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall
enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the
will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in
that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in
Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done
many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare
to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who
practice lawlessness!'" (Matt 7:21-23
What the article and links demonstrate is that
you have the ability to make the journey into
Spirit. Science has portrayed the source of all the
images we see as being metaphysical. That you can't
see the metaphysical source of the physical images
you see, and remain blind to the Metaphysical that
modern science has verified, is due to your own lack
of development which is in your power and ability to
change -- thereby enabling you to see what you are
presently blind to. Both science and the mystics are
conveying how you can prove the Truth by entering
into what science portrays as the Metaphysical
(Unseen) Source-Field that is generating the image
you see. Neither the scientist or the mystic can
make the inner journey into the Essence of your own
Consciousness for you. Therefore, if you reject the
knowledge presented to you, it is your choice not to
make the journey to your Spiritual Source -- it is
therefore your choice to remain blind and ignorant
of what others see and have verified. In your reply
it appears that you have chosen not to make the
journey. One way or the other, our number of trips
around the sun is limited -- and when your life
cycle is completed, you will be confronted by the
Facts you rejected, and the Truth you chose not to
seek out. It is all up to you -- it is your choice.
Therefore, don't try to use the excuse that you did
not know that you could prove the Truth, because no
one told you, or you had other more important things
to do.
You KNow Me
Should you believe what I write? No, not at all.
The Truth is within you, and you only have to open
your own inner "narrow gate" to discover your
True-Self that is a Being of Light. I am not a
teacher. Why? Because you don't need to be
taught. I am here as a guide to assist true seekers
who are having difficulty tapping into their own
Inner Self and the Divine Mind at the Core of their
Consciousness. Therefore, you can either consider
what I have written and gain insight, or you can
reject what I have written. But one way or the
other, when you have completed this physical aspect
of your life, you will review and judge yourself and
all that you have accomplished. And you will take
these accomplishments and failures with you into
your Soul's future lives.
If I pose the
question: Do you know me? While you don't at
presently remamber, you may in fact know me? You
can't really answer this question, unless you can
recall your Soul's previous lives and why your Soul
entered into this life. You could very well be one
of those Souls who requested that I provide insight
to you, while you are still dwelling in the physical
body. Unless you can remember why your Soul entered
this life -- and what other souls you asked to
assist you -- you really can't answer the question
whether you know me? BUT, one way or the
other, you are presently creating your future lives.
AND, you will get to evaluate your accomplishments
and failures when this physical cycle is finished,
and you have been released from the body-vessel. In
the words of the Church Father Origen in his famed
work De Principiis where he explains: "The soul has
neither beginning nor end... Every soul... comes
into this world strengthened by the victories or
weakened by the defeats of its previous life. Its
place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor
or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or
demerits. Its work in this world determines its
place in the world which is to follow this..."
Depending upon your own level of attainment over the
course of your Soul's previous lives, what I have to
say you may consider a lot of junk -- or great
wisdom that can assist you. Which is it? Junk or
Wisdom? One way or the other, your ability to
discern the Wisdom from the Junk will be part of
your future after-death evaluations of your own
Nikola Tesla made
note of a great truth when he stated: “If
you wish to understand the Universe think of
energy, frequency and vibration.“ Pythagoras
stated a similar truth when he portrayed the
frequency of music as a means and catalyst
for the person to connect to their Divine
Nature. Quoting the Monroe Institute (see ):
over 50 years the Monroe Institute has been
welcoming consciousness explorers from all
over the world. Our nondogmatic experiential
approach allows you to pursue your own
personal exploration of human consciousness.
Monroe programs include the use of Monroe
Sound Science along with exercises to target
specific states of consciousness."
All the Enlightened
teachers and visionaries understand the
relationshp of diet and lifestyle to the
person's ability to embrace spiritual
transformation -- especially for the mind to
develop the ability to see the past lives
their Soul has lived. The diet of the
disciples of Jesus can be explored at
Holographic Mind
Going one step
further, You have never developed your
higher spiritual centers, and you reject
those who have. You admit you don't
see what others see -- being undeveloped and
blind, you can't see and understand what
others see and understand -- and in your
blind emptiness, you believe that you are
Karma Reply -- Against
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever
a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7). Which
means that as you do unto others, the same will be
returned back to you -- and by confronting self, you
will fulfill the words:
“Judge not, that you be not judged.
For in the same way you judge others, you
will be judged, and with the measure you use, it
will be measured to you" (Matt 7:1-2)
“Do not judge, or you too
will be judged. For in the same way
you judge others, you will be judged, and with the
measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Matt
7:1-2 NIV).
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not,
and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will
be forgiven" (Luke 6:37)
as you wish that others would do to you, do so to
them" (Luke 6:31). “So whatever you wish that others would do to you,
do also to them, for this is the Law and the
Prophets." (Matt 7:12).
"In everything, then, do to others as
you would have them do to you. For this is the
essence of the Law and the prophets"
(Matt 7:12).
Of the Nazirenes:
"And if you desire something as strongly
as you desire life, and it turns you from the truth,
cast it out from you, for it is better to enter life
possessing truth, than losing it, to be cast into
outer darkness. And if that which costs others pain
or sorrow seems desirable to you, cast it out of
your heart; in that way you will attain peace. It is
better to endure sorrow, than to inflict it, on
those who are weaker. Be you therefore perfect, even
as your Parent who is in heaven is perfect"
"Settle matters quickly with your
adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you
are still together on the way, or your adversary may
hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand
you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into
prison. Verily I
say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out
thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing"
(Matt 5:25-26)
"Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man
who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked
Him, saying, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his
parents, that he was born blind?'"
(John 9:1-2)
"Behold, thou art made whole: sin no
more, lest a worse thing come unto thee"
(John 5:14).
"You, must be perfect, as
your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt 5:48). What
this means is that if you love your brothers and
sisters, then you will receive love and goodness in
return -- and you will be able to spiritually
advance. In the words of the pre-Nicene Church
Father Origen: "The soul has neither beginning nor
end... Every soul... comes into this world
strengthened by the victories or weakened by the
defeats of its previous life. Its place in this
world as a vessel appointed to honor or dishonor is
determined by its previous merits or demerits. Its
work in this world determines its place in the world
which is to follow this..."
The pre-Nicene Church Father Origen writes in
De Principiis with
respect to each person's station in life
"...that the cause of each one's actions is a
pre-existing one; and then every one, according to
his deserts, is made by God either a vessel unto
honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel
[person] has furnished to its Creator out of itself
the causes and occasions of its being formed by Him
to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto
dishonor" (On
the First Principles - First Principles Thinking is
a means to challenge assumptions and solve
complex problems by breaking them down into their
most basic elements and reassembling ).
Cambridge Dictionary: FIRST PRINCIPLES
definition: 1. the basic and most important reasons
for doing or believing something:
Parrot In the same way that a fetus can't prove what life
will be like after birth, neither can carnal man
prove his higher spiritual reality without achieving
the higher reality. Since the next stage of birth is
a Birth of the Mind, you must mentally prepare
yourself to achieve the next stage of birth. And
from a mental-fetus perspective, there is no way to
prove life after the next stage of birth without
achieving that subsequent stage of birth. Since few
carnal men can achieve the subsequent stages of
birth, the Soul is able to work on their advancement
over the course of many lives. Further, the more
advanced souls who have achieved the subsequent
stages of birth, can incarnate back into this realm
to guide and assist other serious seekers. And the
purpose and objective is to provide guidance to
those who come here to seek the higher knowledge --
so that their souls will achieve the purpose of this
life. I am accustomed to parrots, because
I have two of them. And I know that I can only
assist them to a certain point, before they mentally
flat-line. Which is basically why I have not yet
permanently thrown you off this group. So to you,
let me assure you that The Proof Is in the Pudding
-- which is defined as: "the value, quality, or
truth of something must be judged based on direct
experience with it—or on its results." You
are asking about the reality after achieving the
subsequent stages of birth -- which cannot be known
or understood, without the experience of achieving
the subsequent stages of birth. Which is the answer
to your statement: Prove It. And as stated in the
attached meme, I am not the only source of this
higher spiritual knowledge that you are free to
consult. Explanation: In my replies
to you, I explained how life in this realm works so
that you can seek the deeper knowledge yourself. So
long as you judge my portrayal of the Natural Laws
as BS, you will be blocked from any advancement. I am the Source of all that I write. As an
advanced spiritual soul who can draw from countless
past lives for the wisdom I write -- including lives
where my soul dwelt in the highest levels of
Consciousness -- I don't need to copy from anyone.
In fact, from a higher spiritual perspective, our
conversations are proof that I can strive to explain
what a person such as you will reject every aspect
of this explanation. All of us are born
ignorant. There was an early part of my life where
-- having returned from Vietnam -- I was an atheist
because I rejected the fool-god of the Old
Testament. But as I continued to age, I grew in
wisdom. I realized that my atheism was a process of
getting rid of the garbage from organized religion.
But as I grew and evolved, my higher spiritual
abilities I achieved from my Soul's previous lives
of great spiritual accomplishment, began to come to
me. And once this happened, I began to make rapid
advancement. Therefore, seeing that you are in a
similar position when I was an atheist -- and you
have yet to even begin to develop -- I strive to
provide you answers to your dilemma that keeps you
in spiritual darkness. Since I have died
countless times -- and been the victim of every
variety of abuse in this world spanning countless
lives -- living my whole life in a prison of
ignorance, is probably the only thing I fear. So, I
try to be decent with you, since I don't want to be
shackled by organic human ignorance in a future
life. Which means that I want to be able to
recognize when someone provides me an opportunity to
advance in a future life when I am once again born
in ignorance.
Reply About
The purpose of the scriptures are to open an
inner connection between the personality you are
in this world, with your inner Core and Source
of Consciousnss.
To bring this opening of the mind about, the scriptures are an allegorical blueprint of
your own mind -- providing the reader with
embedded catalysts used to bring about the process
of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening. But
the primary rule for using the scriptures, is
not to project them outwardly -- they are not
historical narratives -- but rather, narrative
events of your own mind that must be brought
about within your own consciousness to escape
the limitations of organic carnal thinking.
The ancients measured human intellect through
their degree of Self-Knowledge. Quoting the
Delphic Oracle states: "Heed these words, you
who wish to probe the depths of Nature: If you
do not find within your Self that which you
seek, neither will you find it outside. If you
ignore the wonders of your own House, how do you
expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden
the Treasure of Treasures. Know Thyself and you
will know the Universe and the Gods."Our
true-self dwells in a twelve dimensional realm
where all realities are theoretically known. But
theoretic knowledge is not the same as abstract
knowledge developed through actual experiences.
So, the Soul-Self not being able to directly
enter this three-dimensional
realm, projects an image of the Soul to initiate the development of
experiential knowledge -- which through the
interaction of opposite polarities of Mind, grows the Light
of the Soul (see ). Which provokes the
question: How can you bring about
twelve-dimensional thinking in a
three-dimensional carnal mind. Certainly not
through linear-minded book programming of the
mind. There is only one way -- i.e., create
myths that represent the expanded thinking that
enables the higher development of the
three-dimensional limited thinking. Portray gods
as higher states of consciousness. Open the mind
to think bigger and higher than this world. And
as the person begins to embrace the allegorical
catalysts, their thinking and mind begins to
open to their own higher twelve-dimensional
Soul-Reality. And this limited intellectual of
three-dimensional organic man, is why Jesus said
to his followers who had abandoned the limited
thinking of this world: "And with many such
parables He spoke the word to them as they were
able to hear it. But without a parable He did
not speak to them. And when they were alone, He
explained all things to His disciples" (Mark
4:33-34). And this is why Paul said to the
Christians who he had taught the elementary
Gospel narrative: "And I, brethren, could not
speak to you as to spiritual people but as to
carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with
milk and not with solid food; for until now you
were not able to receive it, and even now you
are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1
Cor 3:1-3).
The authors of the
scriptures knew exactly what they were doing
when they used mythology to initiate the process
of mental-expansion to begin to grasp the higher
twelve-dimensional reality of their Inner
True-Self -- i.e., "Jesus said ...But if you
will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty" (Gospel Of
Thomas). Why does three-dimensional thinkers and
people who are portrayed as scholars dwell in
abject intellectual poverty? Because their
attachment to linear rational three-dimensional
thinking has inhibited their own mental
development. And what is portrayed as mythology
and god-like consciousness, is actually higher
realities of mind that spiritual men are capable
of manifesting when we achieve the paradigm to
Know Thyself -- our True-Self that is not of the
limited consciousness of this world.
You can either program the mind through reading
and memorizing the theoretical words of others
who were themselves plagued by linear thinking,
or you can develop the mind to think and
contemplate through abstract intuitive knowledge
drawn from within. But you can't do both. The
word EDUCATE: is derived from the Latin,“educare,”
and it means “to draw out that which lies
within.” If you learn to connect and draw
upon the Source of Inner Consciousness, you will
learn all Truths from the Source of Truth and
the scriptures
employ an historical facade in order to
make them relevant to the people. What
is the meaning of the name
Yeshua/Joshua/Jesus? By using the name
in an allegorical account as a paradigm
of what the person can become, mental
and spiritual advancement it embraced.
The Romans re-created the Gospels as
historical accounts -- but what would
you expect of people who worship the
sun, the moon, the emperor, and every
idol they create. These are people who
are locked into three-dimensional
thinking and mindset -- people who do
not understand the potential of man --
i.e., Quoting from
"Jesus answered them, Is it not written
in your law, 'I said, You are gods '?"
(John 10:34 NKJ). If Jesus confirmed the
Law which declared that we are gods,
then what is our true nature? When the
first century Christian Justin Martyr
quoted the 82nd chapter of Psalms from
his scriptures, the sacred writings that
he used did not read as ours does today.
“God standeth in the congregation of
gods”, Justin wrote, I said, Ye are
gods, and are all children of the Most
High...” (Dialogue of Justin). In
addition to Justin, this verse is also
found translated in this same manner in
the works of Tertullian, Origen and
Cyprian. Thus, we have the witness of
four of the earliest of Christians that
“God standeth in the congregation of
gods”, when the scriptures are speaking
about us. Justin then goes on to explain
that all men were made like God, “free
from suffering and death, provided that
they kept His commandments, and were
deemed deserving of the name of His
sons, and yet they, becoming like Adam
and Eve, work out death for
themselves... thereby it is demonstrated
that all men are deemed worthy of
becoming ‘gods’, and of having power to
become sons of the Highest”.
Even our very own Bibles at one time
more clearly taught this same concept.
In the third century 1 John 3:2 read
somewhat differently than it does in our
present translations. Quoting from
Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that “it
doth not yet appear what we shall be;
but we know that when He shall appear,
we shall be like God, and shall see Him
as He is”. With regard to our becoming
like God, Origen then writes regarding
Matthew 5:48 that “...the virtue of man
and of God is identical. And therefore
we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as
our Father in heaven is perfect”.
In the book
by G.R.S. Mead entitled Fragments of a Faith
Forgotten, this explanation is put
forth that what the scriptures: “…projected onto the screen… [in the
form of a ] picture of the universe was
in reality a picture of their own minds.
Its mythology is a symbolic portrayal,
almost a deliberate one, of the forces
which operate in the structuring and
evolution of the human personality”.
It was for this reason that Carl
Jung called the Christians the worlds
first and foremost psychologists who
understood the very fabric of human
The scriptures are an allegorical blueprint of
your own mind -- providing the person with
mental-catalysts used to bring about the process
of mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening. But
the primary rule for using the scriptures, is
not to project them outwardly -- they are not
historical narratives -- but rather, narrative
events of your own mind that must be brought
about within your own consciousness to escape
the limitations or organic carnal thinking.
The ancients measured human intellect through
their degree of Self-Knowledge. Quoting the
Delphic Oracle states: "Heed these words, you
who wish to probe the depths of Nature: If you
do not find within your Self that which you
seek, neither will you find it outside. If you
ignore the wonders of your own House, how do you
expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden
the Treasure of Treasures. Know Thyself and you
will know the Universe and the Gods."
Our true-self dwells in a twelve dimensional
realm where all realities are theoretically
known. But theoretic knowledge is not the same
as abstract knowledge developed through actual
experiences. So, the Soul-Self enters this
three-dimensional realm to initiate the
development of experiential knowledge -- which
grows the Light of the Soul (see ). Which provokes the
question: How can you bring about
twelve-dimensional thinking in a
three-dimensional carnal mind. Certainly not
through linear-minded book programming of the
mind. There is only one way -- i.e., create
myths that represent the expanded thinking that
enables the higher development of the
three-dimensional limited thinking. Portray gods
as higher states of consciousness. Open the mind
to think bigger and higher than this world. And
as the person begins to embrace the allegorical
catalysts, their thinking and mind begins to
open to their own higher twelve-dimensional
Soul-Reality. And this limited intellectual of
three-dimensional organic man, is why Jesus said
to his followers who had abandoned the limited
thinking of this world: "And with many such
parables He spoke the word to them as they were
able to hear it. But without a parable He did
not speak to them. And when they were alone, He
explained all things to His disciples" (Mark
4:33-34). And this is why Paul said to the
Christians who he had taught the elementary
Gospel narrative: "And I, brethren, could not
speak to you as to spiritual people but as to
carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with
milk and not with solid food; for until now you
were not able to receive it, and even now you
are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1
Cor 3:1-3).
The authors of the
scriptures knew exactly what they were doing
when they used mythology to initiate the process
of mental-expansion to begin to grasp the higher
twelve-dimensional reality of their Inner
True-Self -- i.e., "Jesus said ...But if you
will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty" (Gospel Of
Thomas). Why does three-dimensional thinkers and
people who are portrayed as scholars dwell in
abject intellectual poverty? Because their
attachment to linear rational three-dimensional
thinking has inhibited their own mental
development. And what is portrayed as mythology
and god-like consciousness, is actually higher
realities of mind that spiritual men are capable
of manifesting when we achieve the paradigm to
Know Thyself -- our True-Self that is not of the
limited consciousness of this world.
You can either program the mind through reading
and memorizing the theoretical words of others
who were themselves plagued by linear thinking,
or you can develop the mind to think and
contemplate through abstract intuitive knowledge
drawn from within. But you can't do both. The
word EDUCATE: is derived from the Latin,“educare,”
and it means “to draw out that which lies
within.” If you learn to connect and draw
upon the Source of Inner Consciousness, you will
learn all Truths from the Source of Truth and
the scriptures employ an historical
facade in order to make them relevant to
the people. What is the meaning of the
name Yeshua/Joshua/Jesus? By using the
name in an allegorical account as a
paradigm of what the person can become,
mental and spiritual advancement it
embraced. The Romans re-created the
Gospels as historical accounts -- but
what would you expect of people who
worship the sun, the moon, the emperor,
and every idol they create. These are
people who are locked into
three-dimensional thinking and mindset
-- people who do not understand the
potential of man -- i.e., Quoting from
"Jesus answered them, Is it not written
in your law, 'I said, You are gods '?"
(John 10:34 NKJ). If Jesus confirmed the
Law which declared that we are gods,
then what is our true nature? When the
first century Christian Justin Martyr
quoted the 82nd chapter of Psalms from
his scriptures, the sacred writings that
he used did not read as ours does today.
“God standeth in the congregation of
gods”, Justin wrote, I said, Ye are
gods, and are all children of the Most
High...” (Dialogue of Justin). In
addition to Justin, this verse is also
found translated in this same manner in
the works of Tertullian, Origen and
Cyprian. Thus, we have the witness of
four of the earliest of Christians that
“God standeth in the congregation of
gods”, when the scriptures are speaking
about us. Justin then goes on to explain
that all men were made like God, “free
from suffering and death, provided that
they kept His commandments, and were
deemed deserving of the name of His
sons, and yet they, becoming like Adam
and Eve, work out death for
themselves... thereby it is demonstrated
that all men are deemed worthy of
becoming ‘gods’, and of having power to
become sons of the Highest”.
Even our very own Bibles at one time
more clearly taught this same concept.
In the third century 1 John 3:2 read
somewhat differently than it does in our
present translations. Quoting from
Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that “it
doth not yet appear what we shall be;
but we know that when He shall appear,
we shall be like God, and shall see Him
as He is”. With regard to our becoming
like God, Origen then writes regarding
Matthew 5:48 that “...the virtue of man
and of God is identical. And therefore
we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as
our Father in heaven is perfect”.
Facts to a blind person is different than
facts to a person whose vision has developed. Your
beliefs are the author of your own blindness. The
Law is that a person whose development of mind
inhibits their higher spiritual development, remains
unable to see beyond what Nikola Tesla correctly
portrays as the "frequency and vibration" of their
mind. You are living proof of this scientific
statement. In the same way that a baby can't eat
solid food, your understanding, your vision, and
your perceptive-comprehension, is all controlled by
the "frequency and vibration" of your mind, which is
controlled by your beliefs that act as limitations
upon what you see and understand.
You wanted an answer. I not only provided you
an answer from a scientist -- i.e., "If you wish to
understand the universe, think of energy, frequency
and vibration". but you didn't like the facts and
the truth. Let me add to it: "If you wish to
understand your consciousness with any depth of
comprehension, think of energy, frequency and
vibration". The spiritual seeker comes to understand
that if he desires to see into what the scientist
portrays as the Unseen Source-Field (see The
Scientific Revolution ),
then the person must open his mind to the higher
spiritual frequencies and vibration. In your case,
your adopted beliefs have made this process
impossible, and you remain blind to your own higher
Soul and Spiritual Reality. In the same way that
different people have different abilities, so too is
each person's vision and comprehension based upon
what they see and understand. Spiritually, it is a portrayal of the person's
condition of mind -- i.e., "For this people’s heart
has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they
might see with their eyes, hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would
heal them.’ But blessed are your eyes because they
see, and your ears because they hear" (Matt
13:15-16). Your beliefs inhibit your mind from
functioning at the necessary "frequency and
vibration" that would enable you to see into Spirit
-- and even God. Yet you blame others for your
own blindness.
When an investigator learns how to see and
understand what the scientist portrays as the Unseen
Source-Field, they then embrace the path of the
mystic or spiritual investigator. And in their
enlightened vision, they recognize the fact that it
is impossible to portray man's higher spiritual
reality to those who continue to remain blind like
yourself. The fact is that the testable peer review
can be confirmed, by any investigator who is willing
to do as Nikola Tesla stated, and is willing to open
and change the "frequency and vibration" of their
own mind. The meme is correct -- any person who is
wiling to make the necessary frequency adjustments
by developing those attributes of mind that enable
them to see our Source, understands why people such
as yourself remains blind to your own higher Soul
and Spiritual Reality.
Reply to a Believer:
When you live the consecrated life of the original
disciples, there is a spiritual wall that is erected
between the person and what can be portrayed as evil
or spiritually disenfranchised spirits. Myself and
my family have undergone the transformational
process taught by Jesus to his followers -- see The
Living Consecrated Temple . And I
have only One Teacher which is the True Prophet --
see The One Teacher
Of the corrupted scriptures and doctrines of the
Church that modern believers embrace and follow, the
Church Historian Eusebius writes of the condition of
the biblical texts of the fourth century:
"Therefore they have
laid their hands boldly upon the Divine Scriptures,
alleging that they have corrected them. That I am
not speaking falsely of them in this matter, whoever
wishes may learn. For if any one will collect their
respective copies, and compare them one with
another, he will find that they differ greatly.
Those of Asclepiades, for example, do not agree with
those of Theodotus. And many of these can be
obtained, because their disciples have assiduously
written the corrections, as they call them, that is
the corruptions, of each of them. Again, those of
Hermophilus do not agree with these, and those of
Apollonides are not consistent with themselves. For
you can compare those prepared by them at an earlier
date with those which they corrupted later, and you
will find them widely different. But how daring this
offense is, it is not likely that they themselves
are ignorant. For either they do not believe that
the Divine Scriptures were spoken by the Holy
Spirit, and thus are unbelievers, or else they think
themselves wiser than the Holy Spirit, and in that
case what else are they than demoniacs? For they
cannot deny the commission of the crime, since the
copies have been written by their own hands. For
they did not receive such Scriptures from their
instructors, nor can they produce any copies from
which they were transcribed". With respect to the statement of Eusebius that
"...For either they do
not believe that the Divine Scriptures were spoken
by the Holy Spirit, and thus are unbelievers, or
else they think themselves wiser than the Holy
Spirit, and in that case what else are they than
demoniacs?" In view of the fact that
the modern Christians have been presented with the
facts which they ignore (see ), and have embraced
and ardently follow the corruptions of those who are
portrayed as "unbelievers and demoniacs" -- who
rejected those who the man Jesus personally taught
as heretics because they embraced the importance of
fulfilling the Natural Law within them to climb
Jacob's Ladder of spiritual transformation (see The
Ebionite Heresy
) -- the man-made dogma that is espoused by modern
believers is satanic. And of course the modern
believer who has been seduced by Satan into
worshiping the Anti-Christ, would be programmed to
reject the Truth of the Original Gospel teachings
when they are presented to you. Lastly, by
the admission of the pre-Nicene Church, present day
Christianity has absolutely nothing in common with
the Original Gospel teachings -- see The Pre-Nicene
Position Of The Church On Reincarnation
. You preach pagan fabricated doctrines of Original
Sin and the worship of your brother Jesus as god --
see The Original Sin Of The Church
You promote a spiritual abomination and attempt to
seduce others to join you in your death of the soul.
And now that the facts have been presented through
the Lord's servant who has been sent to warn you of
your impending doom, you have no hope until you
first return to the Truth and TheWay.
My Journey:
When I got back from the Vietnam conflict, I
rejected God and all gods. What I had done was
rejected the man-made dogma of the Church.
Therefore, my atheism freed my mind to see the world
and think from a different perspective -- not from
the thinking of the Church. As an atheist, I began
to encounter facts and other people's experiences
that I had never examined as a Christian. One was
the Near Death Experience -- which caused me to
question: Why does a person have to physically die,
to enter the presence of the Being of Light. With
investigation, I learned how to journey within my
own mind into a higher level of Consciousness where
I learned all the answers to the questions that
baffle man. Including all the lives my Soul had
previously lived. In order to confirm what I found
at the core of my own consciousness and mind, I
developed a process that enbled me to assist others
to begin to see their own previous lives -- and in
addition, enter the presence of their own Eternal
Soul that evolves over the course of many lives.
Therefrore, my success was born out of my
atheism when I rejected the god of the Church. And
since I didn't believe in any other god, I was an
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ God: The answer is in the adage: Know Thyself. Your
own True Self is a Being of Light that is pure
intellect and Light (see ).
God is the Source of this Pure Energy and Light --
within which all of creation exists -- see
Dwelling In The Mind Of God
. Man is in the process of
mentally evolving -- and in his carnal state, he
cannot envision his own True-Self as a Being of
Light. So he envisions God as a being that is
separate from himself that exist in the form of
carnal man. The question is whether you can
understand what I presented in the above.
Soul History:
There did not exist a time in the history of mankind
that you did not exist. As stated by the pre-Nicene
Church Father Origen where he writes in his famed
work De Principiis and explains: "The soul has
neither beginning nor end... Every soul... comes
into this world strengthened by the victories or
weakened by the defeats of its previous life. Its
place in this world as a vessel appointed to honor
or dishonor is determined by its previous merits or
demerits. Its work in this world determines its
place in the world which is to follow this...".
If you learned how to tap into this body of
Soul-Knowledge based upon your own experiences, you
would be able to free yourself from the the
ignorance and corruptions of those who programmed
your thinking. In order to
empower and enable people such as yourself to seek
and find the Truth of all Truths, I have created a
number of writings that if embraced, will assist you
to connect with your eternal Soul-Self that has
existed since the dawn of time itself, and enable
you to begin to tap into and learn directly from the
Mind of God -- see The Law Of The Gospels . And in these
writings, I have fulfilled the mission that my Soul
was born into this world to accomplish in this
present time-frame. What is this accomplishment I
was born to carry out? I have freed the seeker or
inquiring mind from the abject ignorance of this
world. And I did this by first overcoming my own
inherent organic human blindness -- i.e., I restored
my own recall of my Soul's previous lives -- thereby
learning from my Soul's own accomplishments --
eliminating the corruptions of man's historical
past. Having overcome my own spiritual amnesia, I
fully understand the purpose of the life mankind is
presently living -- as well as the knowledge of
entering the next stage that the ignorant people of
this world portray as death. With this essential
spiritual knowledge, I have entered the Inner
Kingdom as the original Gospels taught. Therefore, I
fulfilled the adage to Know Thyself -- and having
this self-knowledge, I also attained the Knowledge
of Creator God. This has enabled me to assist
countless other seekers to recall their own Soul's
previous lives. Therefore, I have provided many of
sincere seekers the means to enter the presence of
their True-Self that is a Being of Light (see ). With this knowledge
about the life they are presently living, I have
unchained them from the shackles of the ignorance of
this world -- assisted them in their escape from
being a prisoner in the proverbial Plato's Cave --
which is often portrayed as the "outer darkness" of
mind and being in the Gospels. And I have
accomplished this without charging people to pay to
read my writings -- without suggesting that these
people join or convert to any church, group or
organization -- by providing them the necessary
Self-Knowledge that enables them to make the inward
journey to their True-Self -- who is their True
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every Soul Is A First-Hand Witness To All Events In
History The answer is in the adage: Know Thyself.
Your own True Self is a Being of Light that is pure
intellect and Light (see ). God is the
Source of this Pure Energy and Light -- within which
all of creation exists -- see Dwelling In The Mind
Of God
. Man is in the process of mentally evolving -- and
in his carnal state, he cannot envision his own
True-Self as a Being of Light. So he envisions God
as a being that is separate from himself that exist
in the form of carnal man. More importantly is the
fact that All of Creation is part of the One Mind --
and when you get to the Hereafter, you will find
that your Soul is a witness to all events that ever
took place since the Dawn of Time itself. Therefore,
every person on a deeper level has witnessed the
Truth of all Truths.
Prove It: If I could prove higher Soul-Reality
without you making the effort, then you would merely
believe it, without actually attaining to your own
Higher Soul-Reality. Which would defeat the very
purpose of living these lives that you and all
people have lived. All learning must be via
experiential learning -- becoming all that you can
be. In the same way that building a house is not
accomplished by looking at pictures, arising to your
full potential is not in admiring the final image of
a Soul-Perfected into a Great Being of Intellectual
and Knowing Light. We can't get a university degree
by going to someone else's graduation. We get the
degree by making the effort and doing the work that
brings about our own advancement. Life is the same
way. You must yourself evolve by climbing the
proverbial Jacob's Ladder one rung at a time (see
The Law Of Jacob's Ladder And Mental Advancement
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Science states that all the physical things in this
world are being projected from an Unseen
Source-Field -- see The Scientific Revolution
. Mystics have developed the attributes of mind that
permit them to see into the Unseen Source-Field.
Jesus taught his original followers how to mentally
enter the Unseen Source-Field. Drawing from the
knowledge of his Soul's previous lives, the author
and visionary Philip K. Dick stated: "Christ
...taught his followers how to enter the kingdom
while still alive, where other mystery religions
only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at the
'other time' in 'the other realm,' not here. He
causes it to come here, and is the living agency to
the Sole Good God (i.e. the Logos)."
Amnesis portrays those
who embraced mysticism and learned to see into the
Unseen Source-Field. In contradistinction, Jesus
taught his followers how to enter into the
Source-Field as explored at The Law Of The Gospels . Science
knows about the Unseen Source-Field, but is clueless
as to what is in the Field -- i.e., When physicist
Walter Thirring stated in his book, Urbausteine der
Materie about the nature and reality of physical
matter that modern physics “...has put our thinking
about the essence of matter in a different context.
It has taken our gaze from the visible - the
particles - to the underlying entity, the field. The
presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the
perfect state of the field at that place; something
accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.
Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the
forces between elementary particles… Order and
symmetry must be sought in the underlying field” --
Walter Thirring proved what the mystic and Jesus
taught. What this means is exactly as stated by
Einstein when he stated: “We may therefore regard
matter as being constituted by the regions of space
in which the field is extremely intense… There is no
place in this new kind of physics both for the field
and matter, for the field is the only reality” I
learned how to tap into and enter the Source-Field,
based upon the Knowledge drawn from my Soul's
previous lives. I have experienced what the
scientist has yet to gain entrance -- i.e., the
Source. And because I understand the Natural Laws
that Jesus taught his followers, I don't need either
science or the scriptures to gain entrance into what
the scientist portrays as the Unseen Source-Field.
In the past, I was hunted down as a heretic like
Giordano Bruno was, for telling people the Truth
when he was burnt at the stake. Yet, you tall me
that I should remain silent because of the
blind-scientist and blind-Christians who will reject
the wisdom of Jesus and the mystics who have walked
the inner spiritual path. Most people are
shackled by their adopted beliefs which block their
mental and spiritual development. Over the last 45
years I have assisted countless people to gain
entrance into the Kingdom. Unlike my critics, I
choose not to be mentally undeveloped and
spiritually dumb and ignorant -- see
Quoting from: Does God Ignore The Plight Of Mankind?
All the realities that mankind is born into, have a
Causal Factor -- Therefore, the question that should
be asked is: What did the Soul do in a
previous life that has subjected that person to their experiences in
the present? Using rape as an example of the
Natural Laws that Jesus taught (see The Law Of The
Gospels ): Every man
who rapes a woman, is born into a future life as a
woman who is themselves raped. Eventually, by being
confronted by self and a person's own actions, that
Soul learns to treat others as they would want
themselves to be treated -- i.e.,
"So in everything, do to others what you would
have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and
the Prophets" (Matt 7:12). Telling
people that they should not rape little girls, does
not stop little girls from being raped -- or even
sex-trafficked and made into sex-slaves. Look at how
many times Bill Clinton took flights on Jeffery
Epstein's Lolita Express where old men had sex with
young girls? Didn't someone of the stature of Bill
Clinton -- a Rhodes Scholar -- know right from
wrong? He should have. And thus, in a future life
the previous actions of the Soul of Bill Clinton will
come back upon him, and he will be raped as a young girl. And
based upon what the Church Father Origen portrays as
"...strengthened by the
victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous
life", eventually the Soul of Bill
Clinton will treat young women as they should be
treated. Which provokes the question: How many authorities have to tell
someone who is of the stature of Bill Clinton, not to rape
or take advantage of young girls? Would it change
Bill Clinton if God somehow physically inhibited
Clinton from abusing young girls? And how should
this be accomplished? Should God make Bill Clinton's
penis fall off? Or should God somehow force those who rape
and engage in sex-trafficking not to engage in this
common practice?
There are those who intuitively know that all of
mankind are their brothers and sisters, and they
should not abuse or violate the rights of other
people. They know this not because a worldly
authority made a law against violating the rights of
other people. They know right from wrong,
because they have evolved to the level of mind and
spirit where they are able to intuitively access the
experiences of all the previous lives their Soul has
lived (see The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On
). Oskar Schindler did not follow the laws of
Germany and Hitler, because he intuitively knew that
they were wong. Advanced Souls are able to
draw upon this body of experiential knowledge that
is drawn from their previous lives, regardless of
the culture in which they are presently living.
When Jesus said: "They that
are whole have no need of the physician, but they
that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but
sinners to repentance" (Mark 2:17) --
this Wholeness is achieved through the experiential
knowledge drawn from the multitude of lives which
their Soul has lived observing the Law of God to
"do unto others, as you
would have them do unto you".
The Law is that: As you do unto
others, the same will be returned back to you. And
this is how the Soul develops and evolves to
Perfection and Wholeness.
The Sermon on the Mount instructs the people
to even pray and forgive your enemies. In
the case of the example of Bill Clinton when
his soul is born as a young girl who is
rapped, what is being experienced is the
karma of Bill Clinton that is responsible
for the Causal-Factor of his soul being
rapped. Which means that in this present
life, the rape of the female-Clinton is the
other half of Clinton's rape of young girls.
So, if the female-Clinton prays and forgives
her attacker, then she has paid back the
last farthing in the Law of Karma -- i.e.,
Quoting from The Purpose Of The Natural Laws
And The Prison
: "Settle matters
quickly with your adversary who is taking
you to court. Do it while you are still
together on the way, or your adversary may
hand you over to the judge, and the judge
may hand you over to the officer, and you
may be thrown into prison" (Matt
5:25). This teaching on the prison that is
rarely mentioned by the modern-day
authorities of the Church is so important,
that it is also found in the Gospel of Luke
(see Luke 12:58-59). But what does this
mean? When you interact with your brothers
and sisters, you are interacting with the
Natural Laws -- wherein your own actions are
returned back to you -- life, after life,
after life. Therefore, Jesus warned that if
you fail to come to terms with the Law
through your interaction with your
adversaries (your brothers and sisters),
that you will be cast into a type of prison
-- i.e., "Verily I
say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come
out thence, till thou hast paid the
uttermost farthing" (Matt 5:26)
-- and you will remain in that prison until
you have come to terms with your adversary,
and "...,hast
paid the uttermost farthing".
Which of course confirms that biblical
teachings that "A
man reaps what he sows ...For with the same
judgment you pronounce, you will be judged;
and with the measure you use, it will be
measured to you ...He who leads into
captivity shall go into captivity".
I was asked about
the Fish: The scriptures are an
allegorical blueprint of your own mind --
employing symbolism to connect the seeker
with their inner Source of Consciousness.
What is the symbol of the fish? What was so
important that the fish was the primary
symbol of TheWay? In the below symbol used
by the Ebionites you see the Menorah with
the Sacred Seven -- you see the Star of
David which represents Wholeness and
Perfection in the image of the Tree of Life
-- and you see the fish which is the path to
accomplish the above through the total
immersion of the person in the Living Word.
Fish are totally immersed in the water --
which is also why the symbol of Jonah is the
three days and nights in the belly of the
Fish (Whale). It is impossible to understand
the spiritual meaning of the Gospels,
without understanding the symbolism. Fishers
of Men were those who are guiding others
into the Consecrated Mindset and Lifestyle
of TheWay
What is the symbol of the
fish? What was so important that the fish
was the primary symbol of TheWay? In the
below symbol used by the Ebionites you see
the Menorah with the Sacred Seven -- you see
the Star of David which represents Wholeness
and Perfection in the image of the Tree of
Life -- and you see the fish which is the
path to accomplish the above through the
total immersion of the person in the Living
Fish are totally immersed in the water --
which is also why the symbol of Jonah is the
three days and nights in the belly of the
Fish (Whale). It is impossible to understand
the spiritual meaning of the Gospels,
without understanding the symbolism.
Fishers of Men were those who are guiding
others into the Consecrated Mindset and
Lifestyle of TheWay
End of Reply To Believer
Once again, that is your opinion -- based upon your
life-experiences -- and since you openly admit that
you have never entered Spirit and the Kingdom -- and
you possess no knowledge of the past lives your soul
has lived -- you openly admit that you are totally
ignorant with respect to the subjects of God and
Spirituality. Yet, in your self-admitted condition
of abject spiritual ignorance, you claim that you
know more than I do -- even though I have
successfully assisted many others to gain entrance
into the Inner Kingdom -- and to recall their own
Soul's previous lives. While in your acknowledged
ignorance, there is virtually nothing you can
possibly say with respect to the reality of God,
Spirit and the Hereafter, yet you continue to
proclaim that your dark ignorant reality is the only
reality of all of mankind -- regardless of what they
see, hear and know. And you expect me -- who has
drawn from my Soul's knowledge of countless past
lives -- and has been drawn from my entrance into
the Kingdom that you claim does not exit -- to agree
that your abject ignorance is correct. And you
ignore the Universal Voice of the Mystic
Journey.jpg )
So while you admit that religion is wrong -- and I
demonstrate that the dogma of pagan Rome has
virtually nothing in common with the original Gospel
teachings as restored at
-- you tell me that you know better than I do,
because you were raised in a home that has embraced
the man-made dogma of the Church. Then you attempt
to tell me that the Gospels that my Soul composed in
a former life, has been corrupted by the Church (see ). So, you admit that you
were spiritually disenfranchised by the Church, and
in your disenfranchisement, you have been rendered
spiritually deaf, dumb and blind, you somehow know
the Truth due to your admitted abject ignorance. You
make absolutely no rational sense.
Finding God: In view of the fact that God is at the
very Core and Essence of your Consciousness -- and
you must find the God within, in order to perceive
and understand God -- it is therefore impossible to
prove the Core of your Consciousness in the outer
shadow-world. Should we cut your mind open with a
spiritual knife? Expose the Essence of your Inner
Self? You dwell in the Mind of God -- and each
person must return to their Source -- see
Dwelling In The Mind Of
Myself and others have been
Journeyed Within to the Core of our Consciousness --
and have dwelt and been taught directly by God.
Actions To Rectify
The witness at the
below links is based upon First Hand
Knowledge of my Soul's previous live -- see
Of Jesus
The Original Gospel
Teachings was based upon the evolution of of
the Soul in the process of accomplishing all
that our brother Jesus accomplished -- see
Jesus Taught To Become The Christ
Jesus accomplished
all that he did over the course of many
Soul-Lives he lived -- which was an integral
Gospel teaching until removed by a series of
Emperors -- see Pre-Nicene Church Taught
The disciples of
Jesus asked about the man blind from birth
because of a previous life, becasue they
knes thtir own past lives --
Cause Of Organic Human Blindness
Because I rejected
the dogma of Constantine, and lived a
spiritually holistic lifestyle as taught in
the Gospels, I can recall my Souls previous
lives -- including in the firrst century --
see Brother Of Jesus
The facts have been
presented. It is time for all faith-base
believes to seek the Truth while they have
the opportunity. You can no longer
defend yourself by stating that You did not
know. Those who promote the doctrines
of Constantine after being presented with
the Truth and TheWay, are themselves guilty
of the evils of pagan Rome.
Rejection Of Facts
You can ignore
the evidence all you want because it fails to
support your ideology. BUT, when your life in this
sub-realm is over, you will have to analyze your
accomplishments and failures. In the above post you
have been provided important information that you
have the ability to build upon and elevate your
understanding with respect to the realities of the
life that you have been living in this realm at
present, and in your preparation for your future
lives when you incarnate again. Thus, in your future
analysis, this post will haunt you. Why? Had you
spent a reasonable amount of time open mindidly
investigating the facts presented to you, you would
have been able to mark up many more successes. This
would have prepared you for a greater number of
successes in your future incarnations. Let me make a
predictive observation: You will dread the day you
ignored the facts presented in this post. Not
because some phony Christians god will punish you.
But because your failure to investigate and learn,
insures continued failures in your future
incarnations. And you will have no one to blame but
Reply to Atheists
If you begin to develop the upper inward-looking
attributes of mind, you will enter a more
enlightened level of consciousness that becomes
aware of God and your own higher Soul-Reality. It's
called: Accessing Higher Levels Of Consciousness --
which is the objective of walking the Spiritual
You already have admitted that you are
ignorant of man's higher reality. Yet, you continue
to talk about what you admittedly know nothing
----------------------------------------------- Heinz: All I can tell you is what I have myself
experienced when I brought about the Anointing and
Transformation of Mind that enabled me to enter
through the "narrow gate". Which is how I am able to
convey to you the Truth of the Gospels -- rather
than the corrupted Church dogma. Also, because of
these spiritual experiences, I am able to convey to
people such as yourself the deeper reality as
expressed by modern cutting-edge science -- see The
Scientific Revolution
the objective is for someone such as
yourself to seek the necessary self-knowledge that
enables you to experience the Reality of your own
Higher-Self. All someone such as myself can do, is
convey to you how to initiate the process of
mental-expansion and spiritual-deepening that would
provide you these same experiences. I can't do it
for you or in your place. Which means that you have
to make the effort. Science has already proven the
reincarnation of the Soul as seen at Science Proves
Reincarnation And I
have already proven that the foundation of the
Gospel teachings which was corrupted by the Church,
is fabricated upon the teachings of the pre-existent
Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Perfection over
the course of may lives -- see Pre-Nicene Church
Taught Reincarnation
And each person can use age-regression techniques to
see their own Soul's previous lives -- and can be
accommodated by such professional groups as Delores
bottom line is the Future is in your hands to learn
and acquire self-knowledge in this more enlightened
world. ---------------------------------- If my answer is insufficient because I can't wave a
wand and make you see and experience what I do, then
I will ban you from the group again ----------------------------- Why wouldn't
an atheist be be treated with respect. In my own
experience, atheism is often a transition point
between a programmed blind believer, and a sincere
seeker. Christianity is the predicted pagan religion
of Roman Emperors that rejected the Gospel
teachings. Many sincere seekers go through the
atheist phase, before evolving into a spiritual
path. Especially when they begin to understand that
one's own "frequency and vibration" of mind is the
determining factor in each person's ability to see
and understand man's spiritual nature -- and
ultimately see God -- see You See God In Accord With
The Frequency and Vibration Of Your Own Mind
Atheism can be a neutralizing factor that
opens the mind to man's higher spiritual nature. As
the person begins to grow by embracing the spirit,
their frequency and vibration of mind changes, and
greater vision and understanding comes to them. And
while they affirm that the god of the Church is
counterfeit, their mind begins to open to their
soul's higher spiritual nature and the God within
which all of creation exists -- as the modern
scientist has affirmed at Dwelling In The Mind Of
Ultimately they begin to embrace the
restored Gospel teachings, and learn how to re-enter
the Kingdom within them -- see The Law Of The
In order to heal your blindness to your own
higher spiritual reality, you are going to
have to transform the "frequency and
vibration" of your mind.
Let's put it from another perspective. Most
doctors state that the diseases that kill
people while they are young, is what can be
called Lifestyle diseases. Your diet. Your
eating of dead flesh. Etc. So, what you are
saying to me is to change the "frequency and
vibration" of your mind, so you don't die
from a Lifestyle disease, without you
changing your Lifestyle. It doesn't work
like that. If you are not willing to make
changes in your life, then you will remain
carnal and blind to your own higher
Spiritual Nature -- including blind to God.
The original followers of Jesus lived a The
Spiritual Holistic Lifestyle -- see
Your soul will continue to search for the Truth,
until you find the Truth. Your ability to tap into
and learn from the Inner Source of Truth, is largely
controlled by your thinking and mindset that
controls your higher development. The
scriptures are not historical
narratives. The scriptures are an allegorical
blueprint of your own mind that employs catalysts
the assist in your development. Whether you embrace
or reject them, does not really matter. One way or
the other, you will eventually find your own path of
higher development. ---------------------------------
The scriptures are a allegorical psychological
blueprint of your own mind that was composed for
those on the Inward spiritual path to the Core of
their Consciousness. If you don't want to use them
for their intended purpose, then throw them away and
find another inward path. The objective of life is
to find and connect with your True-Self -- and your
Source of Mind and Being. The scriptures -- when
properly used -- have been a successful catalyst for
many sincere seekers. If you fail to connect to your
Source of Consciousness (Soul/God), then we will all
remind you when you complete this present
life-cycle. No informed person interprets the
scriptur4es literally or historically. We understand
that a psychological blueprint must be turned within
your own mind -- and not interpreted outwardly.
Countless men and woman have used the scriptures for
their intended purpose as a text-book for inwardly
connecting with their Source of Consciousness in the
manner that the Gospel teaches -- see
The Law Of The
Jesus was asked when the Kingdom will come upon the
earth, he stated that it will never come in the
manner that men look for it, because it is at the
Core of your own Consciousness (Luke 17:20-21). And
it is for this reason that the Christian teachings
on the Kingdom invoke certain requirements that must
be accomplished by the person who desires to see the
Kingdom which the Gospel of Thomas states is before
you -- i.e.,
"It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be
a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.'
Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon
the earth, and men do not see it."
Therefore, because atheists have rejected fulfilling
the requirements necessary to see the Kingdom -- and
choose to remain blind to what lies before them --
even though science has proven this Fact of Life to
be true -- atheists must begin to recognize that it
is their own mindset and lifestyle that has
alienated them from both God, and the Kingdom.
Myself an others who have walked the path of
the Spiritual Mystic and developed our
inward-looking attributes of mind can and
have seen the Kingdom -- as well as God.
While atheists have nor prepared themselves
to see what lies before them -- as science
has confirmed -- so the atheists blame
Christians for their own failure to develop
their mind and spirit.
Atheists are the victims of their own
blindness and lack of vision, because of
their inherent blindness to man's higher
spiritual reality. We can prove this by
understanding the emerging body of modern
science: When physicist Walter Thirring
stated in his book, Urbausteine der Materie
about the nature and reality of physical
matter that modern physics
“...has put our thinking about the essence
of matter in a different context. It has
taken our gaze from the visible - the
particles - to the underlying entity, the
field. The presence of matter is merely a
disturbance of the perfect state of the
field at that place; something accidental,
one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.
Accordingly, there are no simple laws
describing the forces between elementary
particles… Order and symmetry must be sought
in the underlying field.”
What he was stating is that what man sees as
concrete matter, is being projected from an
Unseen-Metaphysical Source-Field. Atheists
take the position that the scientist is
wrong, and the (Unseen-Metaphysical)
"underlying field"
does not exist. Einstein confirmed the
foregoing in his statement with respect to
the concrete forms that we do see:
“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong.
What we have called matter is energy, whose
vibration has been so lowered as to be
perceptible to the senses. There is no
matter, there is only Light and Sound.”
And in
total agreement with Walther Thirring,
wrote in his autobiography:
“All my attempts to
adapt the theoretical foundation of physics
to this [new type of] knowledge failed
completely. It was as if the ground had been
pulled out from under one, with no firm
foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which
one could have built”. What this
means is exactly as stated by Einstein when
he said: “We may
therefore regard matter as being constituted
by the regions of space in which the field
is extremely intense… There is no place in
this new kind of physics both for the field
and matter, for the field is the only
reality” . What Einstein is
stating is that what we see is with our
physical eyes, is shadow-images that are
being projected from an invisible (to our
physical senses) Metaphysical Reality that
is beyond organic man's ability to see the
actual source -- i.e.,
"...There is no place in this new kind of
physics both for the field and matter, for
the field is the only reality”
Thus, the statement by astronomer James
“Today there is a wide measure of agreement…
that the stream of knowledge is heading
towards a non-mechanical reality; the
universe begins to look more like a great
thought than like a great machine”;
and the statement by astronomer Arthur
“The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff.”
In like manner physicist and Nobel prize
winner John Archibald Wheeler stated that
"every item in the physical world has at
bottom immaterial source and
explanation ...that all things physical are
information-theoretic in origin and that
this is a participatory universe".
What this means is that what you see
physically, is a metaphysical projection
that conveys an (allegorical) explanation
pertaining to the
"...immaterial [UNSEEN] source"
that is projecting the physical image of
what we see with our physical senses. Max
Planck who is considered the founder of
quantum theory stated:
"As a man who has devoted his whole life to
the most clear headed science, to the study
of matter, I can tell you as a result of my
research about atoms this much: There is no
matter as such. All matter originates and
exists only by virtue of a force which
brings the particle of an atom to vibration
and holds this most minute solar system of
the atom together. We must assume behind
this force the existence of a conscious and
intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of
all matter."
Most people portray that
"conscious and intelligent mind",
as God. More recently, cyberneticist David
Foster described
“an intelligent universe”
whose apparent concreteness is generated by
cosmic data from an unknowable, organized
source. The holographic reality says that:
“…our brains mathematically construct hard
reality by interpreting frequencies from a
dimension transcending time and space. The
brain is a hologram, interpreting a
holographic universe.”
And this largely inconceivable reality is
confirmed by Einstein in the quotation to
the right where is speaks of our physical
presence as the manifestation of frequencies
-- i.e.,
"We are slowed down sound and light waves, a
walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the
cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred
biochemical garments and our bodies are the
instruments through which our souls play
their music".
The problem is that most people have
remained complacent, and they never
developed the ability to see beyond the
lower frequencies associated with organic
(carnal) perception. The fact is that
whoever makes the effort, can develop the
ability to see and understand what myself
and others who have walked the spiritual
path of the mystic can see and understand.
It is the birth-right of every person to
access these higher frequencies of mind and
acquire the essential perceptive-knowledge
to understand man's higher Soul-Reality, so
long as they make the effort to develop the
higher attributes of mind. The fact that you
look for proof of what your undeveloped
mindset has blinded you to, is your own
admittance to your failure to develop the
areas of mind necessary to see and
understand your own higher Soul-reality. So
you blame others for your lack of
mental-development that has inhibited your
perception of man's true reality.
For a more indepth explanation see
Scientific Revolution
Of Mind
Why are you asking a mystic the questions
you should be asking of a scientist? Dr. Joe
Dispenza is a scientist who has mapped the
frequencies of the Metaphysical -- as
explored in the below meme. If you develop
the ability to meditate, and support this
with a change in diet and lifestyle, you
will experience what both the mystic and Dr.
Dispenza is presenting. And if you embrace
the original Gospel teachings to bring about
change, you will be able to enter the
Metaphysical Field that Dr. Dispenza is
portraying. As stated by visionary and
author Philip K. Dick with respect to the
teachings of the Gospel: "Christ ...taught
his followers how to enter the kingdom while
still alive, where other mystery religions
only bring about amnesis: knowledge of it at
the 'other time' in 'the other realm,' not
here. He causes it to come here, and is the
living agency to the Sole Good God (i.e. the
Logos)." Dr. Dispenza as a scientist, is
confirming the existence of what the mystics
have long acknowledged. As you
begin to develop the higher attributes of
mind in meditation, you don't put some sort
of meter on your mind to determine the
frequency. You develop the ability to move
deeper in your consciousness. It is
scientists such as Dr. Dispenza who uses
instruments to measure metaphysical
frequencies. Or, you can get the scientific
info from the Monroe Institute -- Quoting
the Monroe Institute (see ):
"For over 50 years the Monroe Institute has
been welcoming consciousness explorers from
all over the world. Our nondogmatic
experiential approach allows you to pursue
your own personal exploration of human
consciousness. Monroe programs include the
use of Monroe Sound Science along with
exercises to target specific states of
consciousness." If you are looking for
technical specs, contact the foregoing.
Why are you even in a Mysticism group?
Contrary to both Mysticism and modern
cutting-edge science, you attempt to
maintain that only what you see outwardly is
real. Yet, Modern science has proven this to
be wrong (see The Scientific Revolution )
-- and the path of religion that evolves
into Mysticism, it to see and understand
man's higher Soul and Spiritual Reality that
organic man in his undeveloped condition is
blind to. Based upon my experiences spanning
countless lifetimes, there is nothing beyond
my ability to perceptively-understand. And
perhaps I am wrong, but I thought that
Christian Mysticism is the foundation of
developing these higher attributes of mind
that permit a person to see and understand
man's higher soul-reality. An important
insight into the very essence of the genuine
and original teachings of TheWay is
contained in an article in the Encyclopedia
Britannica under the heading, The History of
Christian Mysticism, where it reads:
“Although the essence of mysticism is the
sense of contact with the transcendent,
mysticism in the history of Christianity
should not be understood merely in terms of
special ecstatic experiences but as part of
a religious process lived out within the
context of the Christian community. From
this perspective mysticism played a vital
part in the early church. Early Christianity
was a religion of the spirit that expressed
itself in the heightening and enlargement of
human consciousness”. What is expressed in
these words is of the utmost importance, in
that the original teachings of Jesus was not
the belief in a prophet -- but rather, the
means to make all Christians prophets and
mystics as demonstrated in the words:
"...From this perspective mysticism played a
vital part in the early church. Early
Christianity was a religion of the spirit
that expressed itself in the heightening and
enlargement of human consciousness”.
Illusion: If God is an
illusion, then God is an illusion to those
who have been blinded by their beliefs --
which have derailed their development.
Nikola Tesla said it best when he stated:
“If you wish to understand the Universe
think of energy, frequency and vibration.“
This is true of the outer world, as well as
the inner world of your own consciousness.
As a person's mind begins to develop and
evolve beyond organic (carnal)
consciousness, they begin to become
conscious of their own higher Soul-Reality
-- and what is personified and the Kingdom
of God within them. And this is why it has
become an established principle that each
person can only see what their mind is
prepared to see and understand (see The Eyes
Only See At The Level Of Comprehension ).
The problem with those who remain
spiritually blind, is that their development
beyond organic (carnal) consciousness, has
been derailed by their own beliefs, mindset
and lifestyle. What myself and others who
have made the effort to see and understand,
others remain blind to. Why? Because they
have chosen to dwell in a cocoon of denial
of even the advancements of modern science
(see The Scientific Revolution
). And then they attempt to blame their own
intellectual ignorance on others who have
made the effort to develop themselves. The
Gospel teachings would define these people
as the "walking dead" -- and they are proof
of the biblical statement that "the dead
know nothing". Religion is the path that the
person must travel, to enter the Kingdom
within them and enter the Presence of God.
That complacent people have failed to
connect with their Inner Source because of
their own complacency, is not the fault of
those who have made the effort. Those who
are blind to God and their own higher
Soul-Reality, should really stop blaming
others for their own self-imposed blindness.
I am fascinated that
people such as yourself lacks the intellect to ask
the question: What do you have to do, in order to
perceive the frequencies beyond organic carnal
perception, and see what cutting-edge science
defines as the Unseen Source-Field? And the fact
that you oppose and even harass those who possess
the necessary higher development that permits them
to begin to sense those higher frequencies, is truly
amazing. Perhaps the foundational frequencies of
your thinking has more in common with the concrete
rocks, than you are willing to acknowledge. You
might consider reading more on modern science at The
Scientific Revolution
------------------------------------------ False Claims:
Unless my claims are true. And,
with effort, they can be proven to be true. Which
they can. I am most likely older than you are -- is
is a fact of birth. I am more spiritually mature
than you are -- it is the product of my
accomplishments over the course of many lives. In
the words of Sir Francis Bacon: "Read not to
contradict nor to believe, but to weigh and
What I am saying is
that you have the capacity to prove all Truths. But
you must make the effort. I know, what I know,
because I have developed my abilities over the
course of many lives. Like age, the fact is that one
day you will also develop the same abilities that I
have accomplished. It is your destiny. And
therefore, whatever I write, is the Facts of Life
that you will evolve into. It is neither fairy
tales, nor is it insults. And it is the destiny of
all of mankind.
----------------------------------------- No Afterlife:
Is that a fact? Or is that your opinion
drawn from your experiences in this life? I
have already proven in my own life that
there is not only an afterlife, but also a
before life. And this sacred knowledge was
suppressed by the Church of Rome -- see The
Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On
If you make the effort, you can prove the
truth by developing those attributes of mind
that enable you to recall the previous lives
your Soul has lived. That you are presently
afflicted by Spiritual Amnesia, does not
negate the Facts of Life -- i.e., Spiritual
You will one day recall all the lives your
Soul has lived.
------------------- You don't seem to understand that Science has proven
that the source of what we see, is projected from an
unseen (metaphysical) reality -- which reality the
mystics portray as spirit. Science has proven that
what organic man sees as concrete matter, appears as
concrete to our physical senses, because of their
frequency and vibration. And anything outside of
those frequencies, we fail to see -- and we are
blind to. In the words of Einstein: “Concerning
matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called
matter is energy, whose vibration has been so
lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is
no matter.” Which Nobel Prize winner in Physics
Niels Bohr supported when he stated: “Everything we
call real is made of things that cannot be regarded
as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly
shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.” Or, in
the words of Nikola Tesla: “If you want to find the
secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
frequency and vibration.” When Einstein stated:
"What we have called matter is energy, whose
vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible
to the senses." Which means that we have ignored the
energy outside of the spectrum of frequencies which
our brain is cognizant of and is able to see -- even
when the frequencies outside of our ability to see
is the source of the frequencies that we do see. When I write that modern cutting-edge science
has confirmed the perceptive-vision and wisdom of
the mystic, because the mystic develops those
attributes of mind that enable him to see and
understand those frequencies outside the limited
spectrum of man's organic vision and perception.
Mystics can therefore be portrayed as an
investigator who like the Navy Seals, has no borders
or boundaries that inhibit their search -- and in
their development of their higher attributes of
mind, the mystic comes to understand why the
scientist has concluded that "...the universe begins
to look more like a great thought than like a great
machine”; and the statement: “The stuff of the
universe is mind-stuff”; and especially the
statement that “…our brains mathematically construct
hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a
dimension transcending time and space. The brain is
a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”
If the brain interprets certain frequencies as
concrete matter, instead of a frequency and
vibration that presents the illusion of concrete
matter, what we therefore see would be equal to the
illusive shadow-images of Plato's Cave. Quoting from
the Wikipedia article on the shadow-images of the
analogy of Plato's Cave: "Like the fire that cast
light on the walls of the cave, the human condition
is forever bound to the impressions that are
received through the senses. Even if these
interpretations ...are an absurd misrepresentation
of reality, we cannot somehow break free from the
bonds of our human condition - we cannot free
ourselves from phenomenal state just as the
prisoners (of Plato's Cave) could not free
themselves from their chains. If, however, we were
to miraculously escape our bondage, we would find a
world that we could not understand - the sun is
incomprehensible for someone who has never seen it.
In other words, we would encounter another 'realm,'
a place incomprehensible because, theoretically, it
is the source of a higher reality than the one we
have always known; it is the realm of pure Form,
pure fact."
-------------------------- When the article on the Allegory of (Plato's) Cave
states: "Like the fire that cast light on the walls
of the cave, the human condition is forever bound to
the impressions that are received through the
senses", modern physics has begun a Scientific
Revolution -- proving the inadequate foundation upon
which the very definition of scientific
investigation has been built and is easily proven to
be in error therein, proving the validity of Plato's
Cave (see The Escape From Plato's Cave ). When
physicist Walter Thirring stated in his book,
Urbausteine der Materie about the nature and reality
of physical matter that modern physics “...has put
our thinking about the essence of matter in a
different context. It has taken our gaze from the
visible - the particles - to the underlying entity,
the field. The presence of matter is merely a
disturbance of the perfect state of the field at
that place; something accidental, one could almost
say, a ‘blemish’. Accordingly, there are no simple
laws describing the forces between elementary
particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the
underlying field” -- what he was confirming is the
fact that what organic man sees with his physical
eyes, is a type of shadow-Image that has been
projected into this world of appearances from an
UNSEEN SOURCE-FIELD Einstein experienced shock
when he first came into contact with the new
emerging reality of atomic physics, and wrote in his
autobiography: “All my attempts to adapt the
theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type
of] knowledge failed completely. It was as if the
ground had been pulled out from under one, with no
firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one
could have built”. In much the same fashion, the
European physicist Niels Bohr stated that “…The
great extension of our experience in recent years
has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple
mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has
shaken the foundation on which the customary
interpretation of observation was based.” What this
means is exactly as stated by Einstein when he
stated: “We may therefore regard matter as being
constituted by the regions of space in which the
field is extremely intense… There is no place in
this new kind of physics both for the field and
matter, for the field is the only reality” . What
Einstein is stating is that what we see is with our
physical eyes, is shadow-images that are being
projected from an invisible (to our physical senses)
Metaphysical Reality that is beyond organic man's
ability to see the actual source -- i.e., "...There
is no place in this new kind of physics both for the
field and matter, for the field is the only reality”
A mystic is an investigator who has
learned to adjust the frequencies of his mind, so
that he could develop those attributes of mind that
permit him to perceive and understand those
frequencies of thought that lie outside and beyond
the ability of the senses of organic man to detect
and see. The fact that different people see the
world differently, is because of the levels of
development that each person has achieved --
development that causes the atheist to remain blind
to whatever frequencies lie outside man's most
carnal of mindset and thinking.
Higher Purpose OF Atheism: I am of the position that
atheists have a divine role in the life that they
are presently living. Let me explain: When I got
back from the Vietnam conflict, I rejected God and
all gods. What I had done was rejected the man-made
dogma of the Church. Therefore, my atheism freed my
mind to see the world and think from a different
perspective -- not from the thinking of the Church.
As an atheist, I began to encounter facts and other
people's experiences that I had never examined as a
Christian. One was the Near Death Experience --
which caused me to question: Why does a person have
to physically die, to enter the presence of the
Being of Light. With investigation, I learned how to
journey within my own mind into a higher level of
Consciousness where I learned all the answers to the
questions that baffle man. Including all the lives
my Soul had previously lived. All of which was born
out of my atheism when I rejected the god of the
Church. And since I didn't believe in any other god,
I was an atheist. Like myself, I have a son-in-law
who was an atheist. After he encountered my
writings, he investigated -- and this freed him from
his atheism. The scriptures are an allegorical
blueprint of your own mind. The literal text is
written for immature believers. As they begin to
evolve their thinking, they begin to see with
greater depth, and they therefore break the mental
chains that enslave them to the corrupted dogma of
the Church. Atheism is the same way -- i.e., they
reject the gods portrayed in the literal text -- and
in their opposition, they assist believers to evolve
their thinking out of the immaturity of blind
believers. Like my son-in-law, atheist are able to
assist and guide others out of their immaturity, if
they too begin to develop their own higher
attributes of mind. From the perspective of the
Church, I can easily be portrayed as an atheist,
because I don't at all believe in their god. Quoting
from: Is The Scriptures Just Myth?
In the PBS series, The Bible's Buried Secrets,
archaeologist William Dever of the University of
Arizona stated: "It challenges the Bible's stories
if you want to read them literally, and that will
disturb many people." In further examining the
problem it was asserted: "The farther you go in the
biblical text, the more difficult it is to find
historical material in it," says David Ilan of the
Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem. "The patriarchs
go back to Genesis. Genesis is, for the most part, a
compilation of myths, creation stories, things like
that. And to find a historical core there is very
difficult." For instance, archaeologists have found
evidence that a small group of Canaanite slaves
escaped from Egypt — not the mass migration
described in Exodus. The pre-Nicene Church Father
Origen wrote with respect to the scriptures: “What
man of sense will agree with the statement that the
first, second and third days in which the evening is
named and the morning, were without sun, moon and
stars, and the first day without a heaven. What man
is found such an idiot as to suppose that God
planted trees in paradise in Eden, like a
husbandman, and planted therein the tree of life,
perceptible to the eyes and senses, which gave life
to the eater thereof; and another tree which gave to
the eater thereof a knowledge of good and evil? I
believe that every man must hold these things for
images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed”
(Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).
Origen portrays those who see and believe only the
written text of the scriptures as "idiots", because
the scriptures were written in such a way that the
more intelligent reader will immediately reject the
folly of the written word, and seek out the Inner
Spiritual meaning. Therefore, from the perspective
of the authors of the scriptures who used the myths
of the nomadic and heathen tribe of
animal-sacrificing Jews to weave an allegorical
portrayal of essential universal truths that were
concealed beneath the literal text, only an "idiot"
would surrender their gift of reason and common
sense, and believe in the god of the Old Testament
who has been insightfully portrayed as resembling
the Wizard of OZ -- i.e., a magical nut case behind
the curtain who liked physical circumcision,
genocide of non-Jews including killing every woman &
child -- a god who made man, then repented he even
made man, and killed everyone on earth but Noah and
his immediate family -- a god who kills a man for
trying to steady the ARK, a voodoo god who loves
animal sacrifice and blood sprinkling. Is the
scriptures nothing more than "...a compilation of
myths, creation stories, things like that"? What
both the believers and the critics have yet to
understand and acknowledge, is the fact that the
biblical authors who were Mystics, purposely wrote
the scriptures with unhistorical assertions and
events that could not have actually taken place, and
then inserted and intertwined these accounts into
the literal text that according to Origen, only an
idiot would believe actually transpired, in order to
inhibit intelligent people from reading them
literally or historically -- thereby forcing the
intelligent seeker to look beyond what Paul
portrayed as the "letter that killeth [and] Jewish
folktales" (see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus 1:14), and seek the
inner esoteric spiritual meaning.
So you claim to be able to read my mind -- and
trace the events of my life? When I got back from
the Vietnam conflict, I rejected God and all gods.
What I had done was rejected the man-made dogma of
the Church. Therefore, my atheism freed my mind to
see the world and think from a different perspective
-- not from the thinking of the Church. As an
atheist, I began to encounter facts and other
people's experiences that I had never examined as a
Christian. One was the Near Death Experience --
which caused me to question: Why does a person have
to physically die, to enter the presence of the
Being of Light. With investigation, I learned how to
journey within my own mind into a higher or deeper
levels of Consciousness where I learned all the
answers to the questions that baffle man. Including
all the lives my Soul had previously lived. Over the
last 45 years I then further proved my position,
when I learned how to assist others to enter the
presence of their own Soul or Higher Self -- and
enable them to learn from their own previous lives.
I also tapped into my life in the first century and
learned why I rejected the Church -- i.e., modern
Christian beliefs have virtually nothing in common
with the Original Gospel teachings of the man Jesus
that I used to bring about my own success toward
entering the Kingdom within as he taught. In fact,
it can be proven that the pre-Nicene Church taught
the teaching on the pre-existent Soul that evolves
to perfection over the course of many lives -- see
The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On
. And I put this knowledge to work to help others
restore their knowledge of their own previous lives,
and connect with their True-Self. I assisted others
explore their previous deaths -- what they did
between lives -- and why their don't generally
remember their previous lives when then are reborn
in this world.
Twenty five
percent of Christians believe in reincarnation, but
they don't know how to recall their previous lives
which they lived. Quoting from -- "According to data released by the Pew Forum on
Religion and Public Life (2009 survey), not only do
a quarter of Americans believe in reincarnation, but
24 percent of American Christians expressed a belief
in reincarnation. This represents a significant
deviation from the traditional Judaeo-Christian
narrative with which most Americans in the
baby-boomer generation grew up "
My Soul re-entered this life at this time to
assist people from all walks in life to be able to
recall, and learn from, the lives their Soul has
previously lived. And I have been extremely
successful with the countless people I have
When called a fool: That you don't understand
your own higher Soul-Reality, does not at all make
me a fool. The scriptures were composed by mystics
who pursued the inward journey into deeper level of
Consciousness -- seek man's connection to the Source
which many portray as God. And because people of a
carnal mind could neither understand their own
higher soul-reality, and sought to silence the
mystics who did, they were unable to write
directions literally in the manner that I can today.
In the words of St. Augustine: “What the apostle
says pertains to this problem: 'For the letter
killeth, but the spirit quickeneth', that is, when
that which is said figuratively is taken as though
it were literal, it is understood carnally. Nor can
anything more appropriately be called the death of
the soul than that condition in which the thing
which distinguishes us from beasts, which is the
understanding, is subjected to the flesh in the
pursuit of the letter. He who follows the letter
takes figurative expressions as though they were
literal and does not refer the things signified to
anything else” (De Doctrina Christiana). Thus,
in your ignorance, you are already dead -- and very
little distinguishes your lack of intellect as being
on the level of beasts.
------------------------------------------------------ I am not a Theist. I would be classified as a Deist
who understands the Natural Laws that control Mind
and Consciousness -- and I have embraced my
knowledge of the Natural Laws to bring about my own
and others Enlightenment through the opening of
man's inner connection to our Source. Therefore, if
you want to reject the knowledge of the Laws of
Nature and Nature's God, that is your choice. But in
rejecting the knowledge of the Laws, all your
objections to Theists, is your own ignorance. Both
the atheist and the theist is representative of
mental and spiritual immaturity -- and both exist at
the same level, because of their ignorance of the
Natural Laws. We are all born ignorant -- and all
mental and spiritual development is a choice each of
us makes to advance and evolve out of our
birth-ignorance. Advancement requires the
interaction of Opposites -- which means that
atheists and theists exist to interact and assist
each other to evolve out of their birth-ignorance.
You need theists as much as theists need atheists.
It is the knowledge of the Natural Laws that will
evolve the duality of atheist and theist out of
their birth condition of ignorance. The objective is
not to blindly believe -- but to embrace, evolve and
become your own Essence and Source of Mind and
Prove the Truth:
When you can journey into the Kingdom, and observe
this world from a higher level of consciousness --
and you learn all the answers to life that men
remain ignorant of -- the is not in your head. God
does not want you to prove the Truth -- God wants
you to become an expression of Truth -- which can
only be accomplished by making the effort.
I was told in Spirit not to be attached to any
church or formal group. The purpose my Soul entered
into this life is to restore the original Gospel
teaching that were suppressed and outlawed by the
Church of Rome. I do have a group of seekers who I
have interacted with over the past 20 years. With
respect to this group: No one is asked for any
donations on any of my websites or blogs. There is
no conversion to anything. I have no church. I don't
encourage anyone to join a church. Everything that I
have written, is given to others free of charge. I
do not peddle any books. I just write the truth that
I support with facts. Enlightened Deists maintain
that to tap into Higher Truth you must understand
the Laws of Nature and Natures God -- which I convey
to others and explain in great depth how the Laws
work and function (see The Law Of Jacob's Ladder And
Mental Advancement ).
Once a person learns about the Natural Laws, and
they advance up the rungs of the proverbial Jacob's
Ladder -- they no longer need a teacher, a church,
or any authority of this world. For the last 45
years I have assisted the ego or earthly self of
people to connect with their True or Soul-Self (see ). And after they succeeded,
their True-Self became their teacher. Thus, I have
worked to set people free from the teachers,
preachers and false shepherds of this world.
My bio is at
I have no followers.
No one is asked for any donations on any of my
websites or blogs. There is no conversion to
anything. I have no church. I don't encourage anyone
to join a church. Everything that I have written, is
given to others free of charge. I do not peddle any
books. I just write the truth that I support with
facts. I just write the truth that God has
taught me with the facts. God has been paying my
bills -- and directing sincere seekers to my
websites. I am therefore an usher who assists
sincere seekers to enter the Spiritual Temple within
them -- and nothing more. Do you fault me for telling people the truth?
Do you fault me for assisting seekers to tap into
the truth? So they can be taught directly by God? Deists maintain that to tap into Higher
Truth you must understand the Laws of Nature and
Natures God -- which I convey to others and explain
in great depth how the Laws work and function (see
The Law Of Jacob's Ladder And Mental Advancement ).
Once a person learns about the Natural Laws, and
they advance up the rungs of the proverbial Jacob's
Ladder -- they no longer need a teacher, a church,
or any authority of this world. For
the last 45 years I have assisted the ego or earthly
self of people to connect with their True or
Soul-Self (see ). And after they succeeded,
their True-Self became their teacher. Thus, I have
worked to set people free from the teachers,
preachers and false shepherds of this world. And you
portray me as trying to create a cult, simply
because you apparently do not agree with what I
write? God sent me back into this world to
guide seekers into the Kingdom -- and God has been
paying the bills. I stand at the
"narrow gate",
and direct seekers how to enter into the Kingdom.
See The Law Of The Gospels
That you can't confirm the above, is because
of your own mindset and lifestyle.
People friend me in order to receive my spiritual
posts (see my bio at ).
My Soul incarnated into this life at this time in
order to restore the Orignal Gospel teachings (see ).
People seek me out as a spiriutal guide.
Therefore, unless I can
help you with a spiritual question, I neither have
the time, nor am I interested in any casual
exchange or relationships. People who follow
me in order to receive my spiritual posts, sometimes
do contact me to ask for clarification or spiritual
guidance. I have a FaceBook group at
Spiritual Christianity
where you will find posts that answer virtually any
spiritual question. I also have a Blog at -- an
Index for the Blog at -- an Index
for the web articles I have authored at -- and
many of the quotations I use throughout my articles
at .
For serious spiritual questions that are not covered
in the foregoing groups, I can be contacted at .
I don't have time for casual
conversations -- I still have a great deal of work
to accomplish -- I don't accept friends to engage in
a casual exchange -- but only to be of assistance to
those seeking higher spiritual Truth? If you
friended me for some other reason than the seeking
of higher spiritual truth and the Kingdom, then
please unfriend me.
Which gospel? The gospel of pagan Rome? Or the
Gospel of Jesus that the Church condemns as heresy
(see The Law Of The Gospels )? If you are a
Christian who continues to embrace the gospel of
pagan Rome, your life will be a spiritual failure.
As a person's mind begins to develop and
evolve beyond organic (carnal) consciousness, they
begin to become conscious of their own higher
Soul-Reality -- and what is personified and the
Kingdom of God within you. And this is why it has
become an established principle that each person can
only see what their mind is prepared to see and
understand (see The Eyes Only See At The Level Of
). Your problem is that your development beyond
organic (carnal) consciousness, has been derailed by
your own beliefs, mindset and lifestyle. What myself
and others who have made the effort see and
understand, you remain blind to. Further, you have
chosen to dwell in a cocoon of denial of even the
advancements of modern science (see The Scientific
). And then you attempt to blame your intellectual
ignorance on others who have made the effort to
develop themselves. The Gospel teachings would
define you as the "walking dead" -- and you are
proof that "the dead know nothing". Religion is the
path that the person must travel, to enter the
Kingdom within them and enter the Presence of God.
That you have failed to connect with your Inner
Source because of your own complacency, is your own
fault. You should really stop blaming others for
your own self-imposed blindness.
Cult Leader: The allegation that I am the leader of
a cult -- or building a cult -- is of course your
blind opinion -- an opinion devoid of self and
God-Knowledge. Over the course of many lives, my
Soul has achieved a very high level of Spiritual
Perfection. From this perspective, leadership in
this world is worth nothing on the Grand Scale of
man's higher Soul-Reality. Back before my Soul
incarnated into this life, I was chosen for a
mission. The Lord said to me: I have a mission
that only a spiritually advanced Soul can
accomplish. And of course, I said that I could
accomplish the mission that the Lord needed me to
complete. To be a leader in this world is worthless.
To accomplish a high-level spiritual mission, is
everything. But since you are totally ignorant of
your True-Self -- ignorant of the purpose of this
life -- and ignorant of God -- it would be
impossible for you to even begin to comprehend
someone such as myself. I am here to convey to
seekers how to connect with the Truth and the
Kingdom within them -- at the very Core of their
Consciousness -- so they can escape the leaders and
teachers of this world. And that is why I have no
followers -- no congregation -- or any place in this
shadow-world. I am here to free the prisoners of
Plato's Cave. I am here to awaken the prodigal son,
so he can return to the Edenic Kingdom. I already
have everything I could ever want. And since I am
not of this world, there is nothing here that I
would want. You are so ignorant of self, that you
don't even know that you are a prisoner to the god
of this world.
There is no man named Anointed (Messiah/Christ). The
Anointing is a Power of Enlightenment that is equally within all of mankind. The only
begotten son is the Logos that exists equally within
each of us (see At-Onement With The Logos/Son Of
God ).
Jesus was a man -- just like all of mankind -- who
fulfilled the Law within his own mind and being, and
entered into Union with the indwelling Logos (see
Coverture-Marriage - Was Jesus God? ).
This is exactly what the man Jesus taught his
followers who walked and talked with him daily (see
The Law Of The Gospels ).
My Soul lived as the Brother of Jesus -- I authored
the primary Gospel composed in Hebrew Characters --
and my Soul re-entered this world at this time as an
eye-witness, to restore the suppressed Gospel
teachings (see ).
I am here to guide those seekers who want to learn
about the teachings that the Church suppressed and
edited out of the Gospels (see The Corruption Of The
Gospel Texts ).
Warning for the Watcher:
"At the end of seven days
the word of the LORD came to me: Son of man, I have
made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear
the word I speak and give them warning from me. When
I say to a wicked man, You will surely die, and you
do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from
his evil ways in order to save his life, that wicked
man will die for his sin, and I will hold you
accountable for his blood. But if you do warn the
wicked man and he does not turn from his wickedness
or from his evil ways, he will die for his sin; but
you will have saved yourself. Again, when a
righteous man turns from his righteousness and does
evil, and I put a stumbling block before him, he
will die. Since you did not warn him, he will die
for his sin. The righteous things he did will not be
remembered, and I will hold you accountable for his
blood. But if you do warn the righteous man not to
sin and he does not sin, he will surely live because
he took warning, and you will have saved yourself"
(Ezek 3:16-21 NIV).
Metaphysical Bible Dictionary
YouTube Channel
TheGift is a three part mini-series presenting what
the New Testament authors portrayed as the
Incomprehensible Mysteries of the Soul and Creation
-- ultra-important teachings that were suppressed by
the Church. The Restored Gospel teachings can
be found at . While
to their own detriment modern Christians ignore the
warning of Paul that because organic
"natural" man is
of an "animal-soul"
level of consciousness, and that he is incapable of
comprehending the spiritual meaning of the Gospel
(see Organic Man
Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature @ ).
Further ignoring the warning of Paul that what they
believe is a series of allegorical Gospel accounts
(see An Inconvenient Truth @ ) that can only
be perceived and understood by the few who possess
the "eyes to see"
-- and the transformed mind that permits the
seeker/disciple to understand what is
incomprehensible to organic
"natural" man.
Meme GodWithin
What I have written is not assumptions. It is a fact
that if you had developed your inward higher
attributes of mind, that you would see and
understand with an enlightened and knowing
consciousness. As portrayed in the image below, it
is all in the assentation of mind in order to
embrace Full-Blown Mystical Experience that connects
you with your Source -- i.e., God. It is not a
matter of belief -- but rather, of development. It
is therefore a given Fact of Life. It's like
the undeveloped person's mind achieving Spiritual
Mental Puberty. The process of Spiritual
Maturity is a guaranteed Fact of Life. I
don't have to personally know you -- it is all in
your words and SELF-KNOWLEDGE that you express.
Everyone who makes the effort, is guaranteed to
ascend up the proverbial Jacob's Ladder of spiritual
Tree Of Life
Tree Of Life
Wholeness of Mind & Being
The End Times - Armageddon/Rapture - The Coming Of The
Kingdom Proper Scripture Interpretation
Achieving Wholeness Of Self
The Process Of Birth Within The Tree Of Life
Women Polarized Positive At The Breasts
The Application Of The Law Of Octaves And The
The Twisting of Law at the Third Interval:
The Octaves And The Narrow Gate:
The Octave Test Through The Narrow Gate
The Law Of Opposites
The Law Of Action And Reaction -- All Actions
Initiate An Opposite Re-Action
The Divine Mind The Trinity - Divine Pattern - Linear vs
Intuitive Development Of The Mind
Linear Vs Intuitive Development Of Mind
The Cause Of Gender-Violence
The Ignorant Anti-Perception Of Women
Women Who Promote Feminine Gender Abuse
Mystics Perception - Women Created On A Higher
Plane Than Men The Twelve Within The Twelve
Oneness Within The Third-Force Morphic Field
Lack Of Development Beyond The Organic
The Restoral Of Adam And Eve
Evolving The Mind Beyond Organic Human Levels
The Holographic Mind
The Nazirene Vow And The Holographic Mind
The Holographic Animal Consciousness
The Evolving Soul
The Source Of Soul-Light
The Source Of Soul-Light Pt.2 - The Vertical Slice
Of Creation
Soul-Breath And The Common Ground Of The Fourth
The Formation Of Our Lower Earthly Animal
Thought Animated Symbols
The Light Of Spiritually Advanced Souls
The Matrix Of Soul-Mind
Ten Sphere Tree Of Life
And The Feminist Cultural War On Women
"In the middle of its street, and on either side
of the river, was the tree of life, which bore
twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every
month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing
of the nations" (Rev 22:2)
"Blessed are those who wash
their robes, so that they may have the right to the
tree of life and that they may enter the city by the
gates" (Rev 22:14).
"Then he showed me a river of the water of life,
clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and
of the Lamb, in the middle of its street. On either
side of the river was the tree of life,
bearing twelve kinds of fruit,
yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of
the tree were for the healing of the nations"
(Rev 22:1-2). "Blessed
are those who do His commandments, that they may
have the right to the tree of life, and may enter
through the gates into the city. But outside are
dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and
murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and
practices a lie"
(Rev 22:14-15 NKJ). If the
text of the Revelation represented the end of the
world, as is commonly believed by the majority of
Christians today, then we must pose the question:
Why are those who remain outside the city portrayed
"dogs and sorcerers
and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters,
and whoever loves and practices a lie"?
Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal
tribulation described as the
"pangs of
birth", as he
endeavors to overcome his own lower carnal nature
through the crucifixion of what is symbolized by the
flesh, in order that he can possess the Knowledge of
the fruit of the Tree of Life, transcend the natural
barriers of this world, and
through the gates into the city".
"My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6),
reference was not made pertaining to knowledge that
a person learns and is taught by others -- but
rather, the self-knowledge that one must understand
to make the inner Journey in TheWay where the
believer can be nourished by the fruit of the Tree
of Life. In fact, this Spiritual Nourishment that
cannot be received in the outer world -- is the
meaning of the words:
"Blessed are those who wash
their robes, so that they may have the right to the
tree of life and that they may enter the city by the
gates" (Rev 22:14). So, by
"washing and purifying our
physical self and detaching ourselves from the
thinking and lifestyle of this world", we
begin to be nourished by the fruit of the Tree of
Life. "To him who
overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna"
(Rev 2:8-17), this
manna" is the the Sacred Knowledge
or the Divine Manna that can only be imparted to the
seeker directly from the Indwelling Logos and True
Prophet (see
The One Teacher) -- who is the ONLY TEACHER that
Jesus commanded to seek out and learn from.
The Gospel Of Thomas
The Gospel Of Thomas The Gospel Enigma That Modern Christians Can't
Second Epistle Of Clement
The Unwanted Truth That Makes Men Free
The Restored Foundation
Saying 84 - The Foundation Of The Soul And The
Threefold Self
The Gospels Embody The Principles Of Anamnesis
The Gospel Of Thomas Verse Twenty-Two
"Jesus said ...But
if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
poverty and it is you who are that poverty". The disciples asked:
"Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
said to them,
When you make the two one, and
when you make the inside like the outside and the
outside like the inside, and the above like the
below, and when you make the male and the female one
and the same, so that the male not be male nor the
female, female;
...then will you enter the kingdom."
(5) Jesus said,
"Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is
hidden from you will become plain to you
The Gospel Of Philip The Gospel Of Philip
"Fear not the flesh nor love it. If you fear it, it
will gain mastery over you. If you love it, it will
swallow and paralyze you."
"A Gentile does not
die, for he has never lived in order that he may
die. He who has believed in the truth has found
life, and this one is in danger of dying, for he is
"Those who say that the
Lord first died and then arose, are confused. For
first he arose and (then)
he died. If someone first acquires the resurrection,
he will not die; (as)
God lives, that one was [not]
going to [die]."
who say that first they shall die and (then) they
shall arise are confused. If they do not first
receive the resurrection (while) they live, they
will not receive anything (when) they die"
“When Eve was still with
Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated
from him, death came into being. If he enters again
and attains his former self, death will be no more”.
"Light and darkness, life
and death, right and left, are brothers of one
another. They are inseparable. Because of this,
neither are the good good, nor the evil evil, nor is
life life, nor death death.
Therefore each
individual shall be resolved into his origin from
(the) beginning. Yet those exalted
above the world are immortal (andą)
are in eternity."
and Darkness, life and death, right and left, are
brothers of one another. They are inseparable.
Because of this neither are the good good, nor evil
evil, nor is life life, nor death death. For this
reason each one will dissolve into its earliest
origin. But those who are exalted above the world
are indissoluble, eternal.
"There are two trees
growing in Paradise. One bears animals, the other
bears men. Adam ate from the tree which bore
animals. He became an animal and he brought forth
animals. For this reason the children of Adam
worship animals. The tree whose fruit Adam ate is
the Tree of Knowledge. That is why sins increased.
If he ate the fruit of the other tree, that is to
say, the Tree of Life, the one which bears men, then
the gods would worship man. For in the beginning God
created man. But now men create God. That is the way
it is in the world – men make gods and worship their
creation. It would be fitting for the gods to
worship men!"
"Names given to the worldly are very deceptive, for
they divert our thoughts from what is correct to
what is incorrect. Thus one who hears the word "God"
does not perceive what is correct, but perceives
what is incorrect. So also with "the Father" and
"the Son" and "the Holy Spirit" and "life" and
"light" and "resurrection" and "the Church
(Ekklesia)" and all the rest - people do not
perceive what is correct but they perceive what is
incorrect, unless they have come to know what is
correct. The names which are heard are in the world
[...] deceive. If they were in the Aeon (eternal
realm), they would at no time be used as names in
the world. Nor were they set among worldly things.
They have an end in the Aeon."
You must receive and become your true self -- i.e.,
the Being of Light, while you are still alive in the
physical body -- as demonstrated in the words from
the Gospel Of Philip:
"If anyone becomes a child of the bridal chamber, he
will receive the light. If anyone does not receive
it while he is here, he will not be able to receive
it in the other place. He who will receive that
light will not be seen, nor can he be detained. And
none shall be able to torment a person like this,
even while he dwells in the world. And again when he
leaves the world, he has already received the truth
in the images. The world has become the Aeon
(eternal realm), for the Aeon is fullness for him.
This is the way it is: it is revealed to him alone,
not hidden in the darkness and the night but hidden
in a perfect day and a holy light."
The Second Epistle to the
Corinthians -- Chap. XII.--We Are Constantly To
Look For The Kingdom Of God.
Let us expect,
therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in
love and righteousness, since we know not the
day of the appearing of God. For the Lord
Himself, being asked by one
when His kingdom would come, replied, "When two
shall be one, that which is without as that
which is within, and the male with the female,
neither male nor female." Now, two are one when
we speak the truth one to another, and there is
unfeignedly one soul in two bodies. And "that which is
without as" that which is within
meaneth this: He calls the soul "that which is within,"
and the body "that which is without." As, then,
thy body is visible to sight, so also let thy
soul be manifest by good works. And "the male,
with the female, neither male nor female, this
saith, that brother
seeing sister may have no thought concerning her
as female, and that she may have no thought
concerning him as male. "If ye do these things,
saith He, "the kingdom of my Father shall come.“
The Three Lies
Books With The Power To Deceive
The Folly Of The NDE Critic
Books With The Power To Deceive
The Reality Of The Virgin Birth
Joseph - The Generative Power Of The Kingdom
The Cosmic Ovum And Sperm
Key Of Knowledge
Key of
The Inner Kingdom
Application Of The Key Of Knowledge
The Two Ways - New vs Old Covenants
The True Prophet
Christians Blocked From Being Taught By Indwelling
Turn About And Become As a Child
The Fatal
Error Of The Church
Language Of The Soul
Inconsistencies Intentionally Written Into The
The Rejection Of All Human Opinion:
Is The Gospels Copied From Other Religious Sources
That the Ebionite
disciples of Jesus were enlightened to the spiritual
meaning of the Torah, and did not observe it
outwardly in ritual and tradition in the manner of
the Jews, is the reason why Epiphanius wrote that
"do not accept Moses'
Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they
reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me,
and will blaspheme most of the legislation"
(Panarion 30.18.7-9). For them to be
accused of "blaspheming
most of the legislation", means that
they did not at all observe the Torah in accordance
with the letter of the written word -- but rather,
they understood the allegorical symbolism that was
applicable to unlocking the inner door to the
Know Thyself
Know Thyself
Advanced Vs Fossilized Cave-Man Science
The Universe Is A Great Mind
The Conflict Of The Ignorant
The Mental-Shackles Of Faux-Science And
Science Vs Scientism
Mental Barrier
The True Facts And Realities Of Life
The Findings Of The Physicist
Science Acknowledges Blindness Of Organic Man
Plato - The Physicist
The Supernatural Self
Abstract Thought
Wholeness And The Cosmology Of Mind
The Laws Of Nature And
Nature's God
Scientism And The Folly
Of The NDE And OOBE Critic
Wholeness And The Great Question Of Mind
The Folly Of The Theory of Evolution
The Reality Of Mind
We Are All Connected Within The Mind OF God
Bell's Theorem Proves We Are All Connected
The Science Delusion
The Religious Delusion
The Human Condition
Time And The Enigma Of Self
The Holographic Animal Consciousness
The Source Of Soul-Light
Present And Future Exist At The Same Time
Lilith Lilith - The Denomic Reality Of Modern Feminism
The Modern Seduction Of Adam The Consequence Of (Gender) Ignorance
The Holographic Reality Of Gender
Never Have Sex With Someone You Don't Want To
Become -
Sexual Immorality Help-Meet What You Didn't Know About Casual Sex - Cutting AKA
Cords - A Letter To Crystal
Did Jesus Love The Woman At The Well
Relations: "The husband should give to his
wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to
her husband. For the wife does not have authority
over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise
the husband does not have authority over his own
body, but the wife does." As "one flesh," the
husband and wife share this right and privilege; the
New Testament does not portray intimacy as something
held in reserve by each spouse to be shared on
condition. "Stop depriving one another, except by
agreement for a time that you may devote yourselves
to prayer, and come together again lest Satan tempt
you because of your lack of self-control." (1 Cor
Informed Mothers Abstract
Effect Of Male Circumcision On Women
Effect Of Male Circumcision
Science Proves Religion
Africa South African Ebionites
Past Lives of Tshiliso and Tsiu
Paine Redux
Revealed Vs Natural Religion
The Foundation of Deism
American Exceptionalism
Natural Law - The Deists And American
Spiritual Religion
Thomas Paine: The Age Of Reason: "the word of God
cannot exist in any written or human language"
Trump & The Restoration of Self-Government
Was Trump dangled out there as bait for a one-sided
judiciary to exclusively prosecute? Ignoring Clinton
and all the rest of the corrupt politicians? And
what of Joe Biden and the massive corruption that
has been documented? -- see
An Enlightened Deist would explain that in
his past lives, Trump prevailed over many Laws that
he does not himself presently understand, and these
Laws have provided Trump's success in this present
life. So what does that do. People are persecuted
all the time without change being invoked. But both
change and judgment does come when an advanced soul
who has prevailed over the Laws is persecuted. An
Enlightened Deist who understands the Laws of Nature
and Nature's God would know this fact of life in
this realm. Thus, expect change and judgment.
NATURAL LAW IS DIVINE LAW "Natural Law is that law
or set of laws decreed in “the beginning” by the
Divine Mind as the working basis of all creation and
without which no manifestation can occur and exist.
It is universal in scope and manner of operation,
simple and direct. Natural Law is always
constructive even when it seems indisputably
destructive. It is the expression or manifestation
of Cosmic energy and order that humanity is able to
discern. There is no such thing as supernatural law.
There is nothing more divine than nature, nothing
super beyond the natural. The greatest of miracles
are not the result of some supernatural law, but of
natural law." Rosicrucian Manuscript
"Reconcile quickly with your adversary, while you
are still on the way to court. Otherwise, he may
hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand
you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into
prison. Truly I tell you, you
will not get out until you have paid the last penny"
(Matt 5:25-26) "Make every effort to reconcile with your adversary
while you are on your way to the magistrate.
Otherwise, he may drag you off to the judge, and the
judge may hand you over to the officer, and the
officer may throw you into prison.
I tell you, you will not get out
until you have paid the very last penny.” (Luke
Edward Herbert ("the father of English
Deism") stated that “truth” can be discovered
through innate human “faculties.”
Deism - The Universal Spiritual Path
The Death Of Deism
The Rebirth Of Spiritual Deism
Revealed Vs Natural Religion
Deism And The Secret Doctrine Of The Church
The Clockmaker Universe
The Deism Of Jesus
Revealed Deism
It's called the
Laws of Nature and Nature's God.
Reason --
chance, accident, luck
of the draw, fate, or any other unknown factor that
that we use to blame others for our plight in this
world. Reason -- Vibrational Frequency:
The basic concept of
vibrational frequency – as a spiritual
phenomenon – is that our body is made of
molecules, which are vibrating constantly,
and creating electromagnetic energy waves.
"The speed or rate at which something
vibrates is referred to as its frequency,"
A persons Reasoning Ability is in accord
with the vibrational frequency of their body
and mind.
The Laws From A
Deist Perspective Understanding The Intelligent Universe - The Clock
Maker vs Jalopy Universe
Fulfilling And Overcoming
The Natural Law
Giordano Bruno: "The soul
is not the body and it may be in one body or in
another, and pass from body to body"
"The divine perfection
of the individual soul is the aim of all
"Within every man there
is a soul-flame, kindled at the sun of thought,
which lends us wings whereby we may approach the sun
of knowledge."
"This principle in man moves and governs the body,
is superior to the body, and cannot be constrained
by it."
"Every act performed
brings its appropriate reward or punishment in
another life. In proportion as the soul has
conducted itself in a body, it determines for itself
its transition into another body."
"The Divine Light is
always in man, presenting itself to the senses and
to the comprehension, but man rejects it"
Wikipedia: "Bruno suggests
that we can now recognize the universal law which
controls the perpetual becoming of all things in an
infinite universe."
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish
to think with the masses or majority, merely because
the majority is the majority. Truth does not change
because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of
the people.” ~ Giordano Bruno
The Foundation Of The Age Of Enlightenment
American Crisis - Common Sense Blog
American Crisis - Common Sense Blog Index
Atricles That Prove The Truth
Achieving Wholeness, Completion And
The Corruption Of The Words That God
Spoke To Mankind
The Censorship Of Facebook And The Denial Of First
Amendment Rights
The Spiritual Meaning Of The Scriptures -
Only An Idiot Can Believe The Literal Text Of The
Old Testament --
The Folly Of Bishop Fulton Sheen
The Final Word -- The Time Is Now -- The Spiritual
Reawakening Has Come -- The Second Coming Of Christ
Is Here And Now
Brother Of Jesus --
Restored Gospel Teachings
Proof Of Removal Of Critical Gospel Teachings
Was Jesus God Incarnate?
Baptism -- The Required Wedding Garment That
Christians Reject and Lack
Jesus Was A Man Who Fulfiled The Law And Became
At-One With The Divine Mind/Word/Logos/Son Of God
Jesus Fulfilled And
Taught The Natural Fulfillment Of The Laws Of God:
The Teacher Within That Is The Being Of Light
Heaven Or Not - The Great Lie Of The Church
Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves - Spiritual
Shanti Devi: The Facts That
Atheists And Christians Fear And Choose To Ignore
Science -- My Big Toe
Entering Through Narrow Gate: Using The Key
Of Knowledge To Enter The Kingdom
The Segmented Mind: The Source Of
Confusion Among Mankind
The Pre-Nicene Position Of The Church On
Resident Atheist:
Is Heaven A Myth
The Atheists Who Shackle Science To Ignorance
The Correctors Of Constantine
The One Teacher
You Must Seek And Learn From
Achieving The Subsequent Stages Of Birth - Receiving
Our Metaphysical Reality
Woman As The Spiritual Catalyst To Escape Plato's
Frequency And Vibration
Of Mind
Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves -
Spiritual Cathedral
Frequency And Vibration Link
The Second Coming Has Already Transpired
The Second Coming Of Christ Is Here And
Celebrating And Preaching The Gospel Of Constantine
While Rejecting Christ
The Emergence Of Modern Mithraic-Christianity
Developing The Eyes To See And Ears To Hear The
Truth And Light Of Spirit
Master Who Sinned, This Man Or His Parents That He
Was Born Gay?
With respect to the
nature of the man Jesus, the following links
will present Facts that the Church
universally ignores and rejects at
They Are Looking In The Wrong Place For their Savior
And The Kingdom
All people have
a God-Given Right to know how -- by Divine Design --
they can seek and know the Truth of all Truths -- as
presented at: They Are Looking In The Wrong Place
For their Savior And The Kingdom
You are a
Spiritual Being who is using a physical body to
evolve over the course of how ever many lives you
choose to make the journey. All people have a
God-Given Right to know how -- by Divine Design --
they can seek and know the Truth of all Truths -- as
presented at They Are Looking In The Wrong Place For
their Savior And The Kingdom
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dwelling In The
Mind Of God
The Necessity And Reality Of Faith
Prove It! Are you Blind to God and Spirit?
The Eyewitness
Account - The Suppression Of The Teachings Of Jesus
The Lie Of
The Restoration And Rebirth Of the
Original Gospel Teachings
The Self-Imposed Blindness Of Science
God Is Consciousness
Arrested Mental
Paul - Apostle
Or Apostate?
Statements about Paul by Prominent Theologians and
Bible Scholars
Why Does Scripture Utilize Mystical
Symbols and Allegory?
The Alchemical Transformation Of The Spiritual
You Can't Come
To Christ Worshiping The Anti-Christ Of The Church
Billy Graham: How Can I Be Sure I'll Go To Heaven --
Meditation Development Of Mind EOC Institute
The Esoteric
Reality of the Races
The Heritage Of
When Man Meets
Believers Fulfill the Works and Miracles of Jesus
"Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me
will also do the works that I am doing. He will do
even greater things than these" (John
14:12). Belief is not subjective and theoretical --
but must be objective and factual by fulfilling the
Gospel requirements as set forth in the words:
"If anyone would come after
me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily
and follow me" (Luke 9:23). Further
stating: "And he who does
not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy
of Me" (Matt 10:38) -- see The Cross You
Must Bear To Your Own Crucifixion
The Real Trinity
Top Ten Historical References to Jesus Outside of
the Bible
The Enigma Of
The Scriptures -- The Inconvenient Truth of the
Believers Fulfill the Works and Miracles of Jesus
Omnism And The Role Of Women In Marriage
The Warning To The Watcher
Socialist Dependency vs Constitutional Gospel
Beyond beliefs: does religious faith lead to a
happier, healthier life?
Elon Musk fires Twitter lawyer James Baker over
‘suppression’ of documents on Hunter Biden story
Frequency Elevation With Food You Eat
Quoting from:
Does God Ignore The Plight Of Mankind?
All the realities that mankind is born into, have a
Causal Factor -- Therefore, the question that should
be asked is: What did the Soul do in a previous
life that subjects it to the experiences in the
present? Using rape
as an example of the Natural Laws that Jesus taught
(see The Law Of The Gospels ): Every man
who rapes a woman, is born into a future life as a
woman who is themselves raped. Eventually, by being
confronted by self and a person's own actions, that
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